just waiting,waiting.waiting.........
well april 19th will be here, not to soon. it's just like when you were a kid as christmas got closer the slower time seemed to move. it's only little more than a week, but lord it seems longer than that. just like to know how many others have felt this way. not scared, just extremely impatient to get it done with.
I feel the same way. I went to my pre-op with the doc today! Everything was upbeat. But I have been on the journey since Aug. of 2002 and was approved in 3/04 am scheduled for 04/14. The reason it has taken me so long I started with on Dr. in another city and then found on closer to home. Had to do some different things for the new Dr. But things are now on track and I am so anxious to start my new life. I hope your surgery so well and you will have a smooth and painless as possible recovery.
Take Heart,
It is on it's way to you SOON! Take your time and make your home more liveable for you post-op (you won't feel like bending over and cleaning the floor for a good couple of days!). Treat yourself extra nice right now in all the ways you can that don't involve food. Perhaps a massage, perhaps going to the movies, whatever makes you feel better. Take time to meditate or Pray or if you aren't religious/spiritual just take some time to be by yourself and think about things.
Not to be morbid, but ensure your will and medical directives are in order, not because you'll need them, but because when you're in the hospital you will find comfort in the fact that everything is taken care of.
At some point, a wise therapist told me about a week ago, you have to just let go of the process and trust that the Universe (or god, or whatever you believe) is going to make sure that everything goes just as its supposed to. Have faith that it will.
I'll think about you.
Best of luck to you on your Journey,
Lap RNY 4/1/04
400/340/Goal of 260