Hang in there girl. I am actually going in on 4/12 to have an angioplasty procedure in order to have clearance. I hear that if this is something that is needed, that is very common. 99% of larger folks need this. My prayers are with you. Not so much for the procedure, like I said it is very common, but for your peace of mind. Praise God and I will pray for your peace of mind.
Power to the Sister.
By the way, my name is Marsha Greenwood and I am hear in Tucson, AZ. I will surely keep you in my prayers.
Ronda, I know how frustrating this is. All of my pre-ops were scheduled so close to my surgery and on top of that, my cardiologist wants to run two separate tests on two separates days!
We've gotten this far...and my journey is teaching me that everything happens for a reason.
I wish you luck and peace,
Hello Ronda,
I had the same problem, only it was my family dr. that found it. I ended up having my arortic valve replaced Sep. 23, 2003, and now 6 months later I've been appove for my wls. So don't worry, it will be all right. It's just for your own welfare. My prayers are with you. Keep me posted.
I hear you loudly and clearly! My surgery is scheduled for 4/15. On 3/31, I went for my pre-op admission tests. My EKG came back with abnormal with T-wave and myocardial changes. Have to take stress test tomorrow. What's interesting is that I had an abnormal reading back in 1999 -- found out it was borderline. In June, 2004, had an EKG that was normal. Now, I've got an abnormal, just days prior to surgery. Sometimes, that's just the way it goes.
The way I feel is that even if I don't get the surgery now, going through this process has been beneficial for me. From all the required testing, five new medical problems were uncovered. If I had not opted for the surgery, these conditions would have worsened and been more difficult to treat once they manifested themselves.
I know the angst and frustration of wanting to have the surgery and get it done. I made my first call to get an appointment in December, 2002. My date is 4/15/04. That's a long wait. However, if I have to wait a little longer because of this heart thing, it will only make my chances for a speedy recovery greater.
I will pray for you -- first for understandinig how beneficial it is to know about this condition now and get help for it -- second that your condition is not a problem and that you can have your surgery as scheduled and -- third, that you have a speedy recovery.