I'm ok, but I start thinking weird things...
My surgery is 4-21 and I go in for pre-op on 4-12. Well, I've had 3 or 4 other minor surgeries, one being a lap gallbladder removal. I did pretty well on all of these and so of course, I am thinking I will be the PERFECT patient for this one and will be walking 5 miles on a tread mill in a week.
Yeah, right. Now, I am not afraid of this surgery, but things occasionally run through my mind to create that little twinge of apprehension. Can I tell you all this? I don't wanna creep anyone out here, so if you are pre-op and don't want some worries, stop now..
OK. I'm a discovery health junkie. I have seen the show where people do the anesthesia thing and remember and feel everything. I HAVE NEVER had this problem, but it's coming into my mind. I know this is just the little chubby satans telling me it's ok to stay fat, but I don't want this. Have any of you had these wild, mildly obsessive worries before hand? Please tell me that I'm not the only one and that it's just silly nerves. I know everything will be ok, but this one thing comes up about once a day to get me nervous. Dang it.
Liz, I too am "daydreaming" all kinds of weird stuff....anestheasia issues....I too am hooked on the what if I can feel everything, what if something goes wrong...what if...what if...what if...what if....
I have been playing this game for weeks...I am happy to say that I have calmed down a bit over the last week, but the daydreams come to me pretty frequently, I just make my mind work it out for the best....
I am so glad we all get to discuss this stuff....otherwise I would think I am the only one having these thoughts.
Best wishes for a completely "I can't remember a thing" surgery. Grinning....
Well - if you do remember all you went through and work they had to do maybe you will be mor appractive of yuor tool and lose more weight-- I have had a nine surgerys for other things I never remebr the surgery but I did wake up one time sooner then they thought I would and was still on the operating table but they were done and I fell right back asleep- so I did not see or hear much-- what I think is realy weird is someonesaid that there doctor said they could use a epiderial instead and that person would be awake for everything-- me -- knock me out
Wow! So I'm not the only one who thinks I am going to wake up in the middle of my surgery or that the Dr. will start before I am fully asleep. I keep thinking these things but then I just push them out of my head. I just say hey I'll worry about that when the big day arrives but hey it is almost here. 8 days and counting. April 14th!! I just still think that it is a good bit away but really it isn't so I think I am gonna be absolutely terrifed when reality hits me right before my surgery. I just keep praying everything goes well!!
I have been thinking about things too... when I start to freak out I just remind myself to think about all the good this surgery is going to do for me. I go to the before and after pictures and think - some day that will be me!!!!! I am having surgery on the 12th and am staying pretty calm ( calmer then I expected myself to be).
Good Luck!