Need a few tips on what to stock in the fridge for return afer surgery
I know I just went through this dietary training and all but its time to stock the shelves with "good food" and I'm not real sure what to get since I don't know how I'll react to things? Anyone got any good suggestions on good healthy foods that might not set off anything bad after surgery?? What are some of the group's fav's??

Hi there.. I just went and cleaned out my fridge and re-stocked with homecoming foods.... (my date 4/06/2004) so I got protein shakes which i ended up with atkins as they have less crbs and more protein , nonfat dry milk,cream of wheat(plain),cream soups (i bought healthy request by campbells), sugar free popsicles,SF intstant pudding,SF jello,skim milk, SF /FF yogur****er (in samll bottles) ,crystal lite,whey protein,i also made sure i have cinnamon, vanilla/lemon/orange extracts for flavor... i also bought liquid tylenol just in case and my vitamins from resource... I think I am all set.... I hope this helped.... Best of Luck and warm wishes to you... let me know how fabulous it goes!!!!!
There are two websites that I have found very helpful for food and vitamin choices: and
Both of these sites sell protien samples too! And at least one of them sells a flavorless protein that you can pretty much add to anything. (I plan on adding it to broth's and such).
As far as setting off something bad. The thing I keep hearing in my support group is that everyone reacts differently, and often times, tastes change after surgery. However, Isopur (a clear protien beverage) seems to be a favorite.
Good Luck,