6 Full Days Left
Well, 6 full days left till surgery. I am starting to get very anxious. My fibromyalgia has kicked in with a flare up. Not a bad one, just the annoying kind. And this darn spirometer is driving me crazy!!!!
I am so afraid I won't be able to breath at the right level when I see Dr. Yasrebi on Friday, that I just can't always get it to a good level.
I know this is all normal, but just wanted to say it to some one else. I haven't said too much to my husband, he is so excited for me and I don't want to bring him down. So anyway, thanks for listening!!!

I'm about a week behind you, and I go from being really excited to really nervouse. I'm sure those nerves will really start to kick as surgery gets closer. I hear that its very normal-- to go through such a lifechanging surgery and NOT be nervous I would think is abnormal!
Hang in there! Less than a week to the losing side. Congratulations!