calling all April 13th surgery dates

C. W.
on 3/29/04 8:48 am - Carbondale, IL
Just wanting to know who is having surgery that same day as me ...and be able to keep in tough with those who share that date..and have support from every one. Thanks and congrats on your dates Cw
on 3/30/04 12:29 am - Harmony, MN
Hi~ I share the same date with you....only 2 weeks away. I would love to keep in touch also. Good luck I'll be thinking of you... feel free to email me! Katie
on 3/30/04 5:50 am - DECATUR, IL
HI Everybody! I have April 13 as my date also. I'm glad I got company. Everyone wants to know if it's a Friday on April 13. I would do it no matter what day it is. I feel a little scared but wanting and needing to lose the extra on me. Hope everything goes smooth for evertbody.
on 3/30/04 6:05 am - Harmony, MN
HEHE! the first thing my mom asked me when i told her i had a date set for April 13th was....that's not a Friday is it?! I'm quite nervous also, mostly about being put to sleep with Anes. I have found that I have alot of family, friend support...and OH support and boy does that feel good! good luck to you too Keep in touch let us know how it turns out for you! Katie
C. W.
on 3/30/04 7:21 am - Carbondale, IL
katie, After i got my date,,yesterday , once i got off the phone...I tought that I was glad it was not on a Friday as well...ha ha not that i have superstions (spelling) .... Family support is always great,...and other support as well... Its going to be a tough battle at first and as long as there are people you can talk to and to help take care of you than I think all will be fine....beside Im looking forward to being on the other side.... Congrats on you date keep in tough Conita
C. W.
on 3/30/04 7:26 am - Carbondale, IL
Susan, I see you are from IL... My hubby has family there..... feeling scard is normal i hear.....I am full of all kinds of emotions...and what if's...but all in all im so glad and ready,,,,im no longer comfortable in this big girl thin healthy body is ready to come out... look out world Conita
Eileen G.
on 3/30/04 11:44 pm - Sun Valley, NV
Good Morning I have my preop class tonight,my preop appt with my dr tommorrow and my pre admit testing on friday...busy busy my surgery is @ 2pm on the 13th...I am SO ready...I will keep you both in my thoughts and oh by the way Welcome to the club
C. W.
on 3/30/04 7:16 am - Carbondale, IL
Yes only 2 weeks i would love to keep in tough. We can all be weight lose buddies Conita
Eileen G.
on 3/30/04 9:51 am - Sun Valley, NV
hi another april 13th here ....hmmm maybe we should start a small but exclusive club....let's try to keep in touch...only two weeks away Eileen
on 3/30/04 10:42 am - Harmony, MN
ooooh....a club... I will be thinking of all of you on the big close but, yet so far away! Katie
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