Weigh****chers anyone???
I need some help! I lost close to 100 pounds but still not near goal. Gained 20 back and now started going to Weigh****chers. Can some one please help me! I lost 3.8 lbs the first week and .8 the second and now on my third week .6. This does not help me much. I have stayed on track and even started walking. I am afraid with our special cir****tances with gastric bypass I need to so something different then the normal. Does any one out there go and what do you do???
Hi! Congratualtions on your success thus far - it only gets tougher so bring it under control now! You did a smart thing by joining WW! That said, I have been a member of weigh****chers for the past seven months. Prior to surgery I weighed in at about 317, I lost 120 pounds which brought me to 197. I did not lose from that point forward, simply maintained within a +/- 5 pound range. I decided to follow their plan with an added emphasis on protein consumption. I lost another 22 pounds, and have kept it off for five or six months. What I do know is that I fight a constant battle - I CAN gain weight just as easy as someone who has not had WLS. At this point I'm not convinced my body's much different than a 'normal' person's. Nonetheless, I do follow the Flex program (Core's not my speed because I don't have a problem with feeling satisfied the WLS takes care of that). I also walk 1-2 miles three or four times a week (this does the trick for me, but I have an otherwise sedentary lifestyle so that's probably why). There have been times I have gone 3-4 weeks without weight losss in the Weigh****cher program, and then there are times where I lose .5 or gain .8.
What you have to remember is at this point in your life it is about completing a lifestyle change - I know the reason I am fighting those last 30 pounds is the Non-Diet Soda, Snack Size M & M packs, & Regular Sour Cream. Best of luck to you in the WW program.