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Topic: RE: Hair loss is getting quite evident; eye glasses
Patti, I also am having significant hair loss. It is comming out by the hand fulls. I have cloged up the sink AND the vacume cleaner. I knew there was a risk to loosing hair and I didnt think I would be so sensitive to it happening. I think at 3 or 4 months out it is awful timing. Just when your starting to see a good change in your body and feeling good about yourself. But not out far enought to be even close to goal you begin to lose your hair. I am once again very self concience about my thinning hair. I walked 5k with some support group friends of mine for the womens center in Cleveland this past Sunday and one friend wanted to give me a wet towel for my neck and I thought she was checking out the hair that had fallen out and was on my shirt. Some times I want to cry
but I keep telling myself that it will all come out and that this happens to alot of people.

Topic: RE: surgery 4/21..big time plateau
Hi Eric,
I think that the exercise is mainly to keep your body's metabolism moving plus the added bonus of firming up. Exercise by itself is not effective and neither is our surgery as effective if we don't move that thing God gave us. Walking is not my cup of tea because joints are still hurting but I do love swimming and toning exercises. I don't think I could do the aerobics yet even though they do burn more calories. Like most of our diets we think that because we don't see the results that it is not working..Not true..Exercise is not a magic tool that we use when ever we want to..we must use it to gain more flexibity, strength, and versitility. On my own body, I see a more defined look than before and the texture of the skin is more glowing. Find something that you like to do and stick with that..Never cut yourself short, you might not like to do it one day but the next could be different....80 POUNDS IS GREAT WEIGHT LOSS...I have lost 85 and attribute that to moving my thang and tons of water...
Topic: surgery 4/21..big time plateau
I started @ 357 and am hovering at the 80 lb. mark, and seem to have hit a stand still. I just started walking 2 miles every morning, and am exhausted but feel well after doing it.
How long can i expect this plateau to last? I am eating primarily proteins and doing the water, vitamins, and following the pouch rules...just getting discouraged.
I see that plateaus are a concern of a lot of people for obvious reasons, and I really am hoping to hear that walking and the exercise will kick-start the loss again. Anyone with success with exercise care to chime in with how long it took for results? One of the biggest reasons pre-op that exercise didn't work for me is that I gave up on it too quickly when I didn't notice resuts....and I am not going to succumb to such a pitfall again...any advice or thoughts would be appreciated....
Eric in Pittsburgh
Topic: RE: Hair loss is getting quite evident; eye glasses
Patti-I had my open RNY on April 16th (I'm down 77 pounds!) and at the rate that my hair is falling out, my DH and I will REALLY start looking alike-HE'S ALMOST BALD!! Now granted, I WAS blessed with a lot of hair-but still!! Like you, if I swim or wash my hair it's more evident and after I blow-dry my entire countertop is covered with hair. I AM FREAKING OUT.....but in reality, there is not too much to do about it. I've upped the protein and water and it hasn't helped yet. I tried to gag down those "hair, skin and nails" vitamins-but they make me wanna hork!! So, at my hairdresser's suggestion, I'm going to cut my hair in a longer-short haircut so that when it starts to grow back I won't look funny with these short hairs sticking out through what's left of my shoulder-legnth hair. I tell ya-I still wouldn't go back to being 77 pounds larger to get my hair back!! Worse comes to worse I'll wear hats...wigs....scarves!!!!! Oh, and have fun picking out new glasses to go with the new you! Beth
Topic: Hair loss is getting quite evident; eye glasses
My hair is now also on the losing side. I realized that hair loss is a normal occurance around the 3 month stage but I may just lose it all or that is the way it seems. I dread washing or getting my hair wet because it seems that this when the shedding is the worse. If anyone has ideas about where I could get or make protein based foods that taste good please let me know. I eat protein first but evidently I am not getting sufficient amounts to reduce the inevitable loss of ones locks. I am down 85 pounds since my surgery day of April 15th, 2003 tax day and I had the weirdest expericence with my glasses. I have finally come to realize that I am shrinking in size but I did not realize that my head was apart of the equation. My glasses are about an inch too big on the sides and I kept on thinking that they just missized me last year. The glasses are for reading and I just got them back out since school is upon me again. Now it seems I will make another appointment with my eye doc to get another pair. OH well this is such a small price to pay for feeling better. Talk again , Patti
Topic: Great Losses in Weight and Hair!
Hello Everyone! My surgery was on April 3rd, 2003 and I am now down 100lbs. I started at 375 and I am at 275 now, I am feeling wonderful! I did find out recently that I may have an ulceration at the limb, I had no physical pain. You can read my page to hear more about this, if you are interested. Anyway, I started to lose hair at month 3 and I am still losing. Has anyone noticed this and when should this stop or slow down? Also, anyone have any ideas for a few good recipes? I have no appetite and to be quite honest food is a little repulsive to me right now and calories have become an obsession (anyone else notice this?), but as we all know we have to eat. Any ideas or suggestions would be welcome! Good luck to all of you and God bless!

Topic: RE: Can't Remember???
Hi Lee;
Maybe this is what you want. I use it all the time. Just copy and paste. Have fun!!
Barbara Scott
Topic: Can't Remember???
Hi a while ago some nice lady responded to one of my postings and told me of a website that tells you basically how your doing with your loss after gastic bypass surgery and I can't remeber the site??? Does anyone know what I'm talking about. I think that nice lady had red hair, but I can't remember her name. The website is amazing and it will tell you how much you should have lost at this time; how much at the high end and at the low end. Anyway I hope someone now what the heck I'm talking about??? Lee, Ottawa, Canada
Topic: RE: Am I losing slower than normal?
Hi Barbara,
loss is dependent too on where you started! I began at 226, now 168 in 18 weeks, yes, my loss has slowed down, see my profile. you are dooing just fine, average your loss by the number of weeks out and you know you are right on track. be well, do the protein shakes and yes, has also made me keep better track of the foods and i eatand the hidden carbs and fat we forget are there. keep it up,
Robin in Va
Topic: RE: Am I losing slower than normal?
I am losing at a similar rate, 63 lbs in 4 months, and it seems really fast to me, compared to past weight loss efforts!!! I am pleased that so far, my skin is keeping up. I am walking only, and eating carefully. There are still many things I cannot eat -- bread, pasta, whole meats, salad. It seems like the protein shakes really make a difference. I was told to try for 2 each day. I rarely get more than 1 but when I want to stimulate the loss, that's what does it.