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stacy L.
on 8/17/10 4:18 pm - atascadero, CA
Topic: RE: Post Surgery Weight Gain
I too am 5 1/2 years out.  I have been concerned about weight gain.  I dropped 20 lbs last spring and I have gained some back in the last 2 months and really havent changed anything.  I dont know where to turn or what to do..  I too would not reccomend  the surgery.  When I was heavier, I was not as ill as I have been. I got worse with my period so I had to get a uteral ablation, then had severe back surgery on my 567 disk lombar with donor bone.  And then was on pain killers for a bit and then I also have a numb legg from surgery on my back.  I have ostio parosis and take vit d in max strength.  Now I am still fitting in size 11 jeans but my body image is badddd.  Need encouragement here ....thanks
(deactivated member)
on 2/12/09 2:05 am - Plano, TX
Topic: RE: Alcohol consumption

I realize that this post is quite old, but I read it and had to pipe in.  There are many articles out there about alcohol consumption and WLS.  Doctors are warning people to limit alcohol intake because we don't metabolize it like a normal person.  5 oz of wine put you over the legal limit.

Now I'm going to speak from experience and I hope you listen.  Don't just limit your alcohol intake.  DON'T DRINK AT ALL!!!  One of the things that can happen is "addiction transfer."  This is where you used to be addicted to food, but now you've replaced it with the next best comfort, which is alcohol.  I've been married for 27 years.  I have four grown children.  My husband is the most wonderful man that ever lived and I was looking forward to spending the rest of our lives as empty-nesters.  Last Saturday he told me to leave after a major drunk binge the night before.  He'd had it and was done with me.  I am living alone now and my husband is hurt and wants a divorce.  After watching me get drunk ever weekend for the past two years, he finally said enough.  I am praying that we can work it out and he doesn't divorce me.  But right now he only wants to be friends.  I am 46 years old and never had a drinking problem before.  I don't crave it, but once I start, I can't stop and I get black-out drunk.  It has cost me my beautiful home and my family.  My kids won't speak to me, and my husband is gone!  It's not worth it!

Please say a prayer for me and don't EVER drink again!

on 10/22/08 3:18 am - Seabrook, NH
Topic: RE: Post Surgery Weight Gain

I also have the same issues as you, I am out 5 1/2 years now. My surgery was in April 2003, quite some time ago and lots of medical problems ago! In the beginning I felt great thought that the WLS was a God send! Well now being this far out and all of the medical problems I have had, I would never have had this surgery if I had known what would happen to my body! It seems like I was not as informed as I could have been as far as what your body experiences when it cannot absorb the vitamins and nutrients it needs. I am 5+ years post op and I have to take vitamin D3 2000 IU a day besides all of the others, Biotin, Iron, Calcium chews 3x, multi-vitamin 2x, and many others. I have had hernia repair surgery for 7 hernias that occured post op 3 years! I have been out of work now for 3 years on disability due to Degenertive Disc Disease, the break down of my spine, lumbar disc all herniated. My cervical disc all herniated or stenosis, problems with my hips Bursitis & my knees Rhuematoid Arthritis. All of the problems I believe are due to the fact that the body cannot absorb the calcium and vitamin D it needs to sustain the health of the bone density, I am also showing signs of Osteoporosis. I am 48 years old and I have been on Social Security disabiltiy since Feb. 2006. I have been told that eventually I will end up in a wheelchair and that the problems with my cervical disc stenosising will eventually lead to me being paralyzed from the neck down, I am currently on a pain patch which I wear daily and also Oxycodone 30 mg. 4x a day. This is no way to live and I feel like all of the pre op meetings I attended and all of the research I did prior to having this surgery failed to inform me what would happen as the body could not absorb the nutrients that it needed. I wish I could go back 6 years and totally forget doing this surgery and just accepting myself as a large person because I have gained back 80% of the weight I lost and though I eat one small meal a day, I cannot lose the weight because I am not fueling my body. I would be happy just to drin****d coffee all day and not eat at all. I have stomach problems, sleep problems, I have been through a basically WLS has destroyed my life. If there is anyone else out there with a similar story I would like to hear from you and God Bless you all if you are experiencing what I am right now. Big Hugs, Sherry

on 7/23/08 4:53 am - ARCATA, CA
Topic: Post Surgery Weight Gain
I have been post surgery going on 5 years and within this last year I have literally gained back most of the weight I previously lost...However, in my defense within the last 1.5 years I experienced a miscarriage, then pregnancy, and some work related PTS issues . I could go on with some issues, but needless to say. I can't stand the weight and believe my stomach pouch has expanded more than it should have been. I've tried the exercise, the diets, the protein diet, etc....Do surgeons go back and reconstruct the pouch to be smaller? Help...anyone
on 5/31/08 5:15 am - FL
Topic: RE: Alcohol consumption
I know this is coming in a 'little' late, however. I RARELY drank before the op... about a year out, cull pain, I realized I was drinking like a sailor. I can drink a 750L of white zin and be a TAD drunk, so I dont know about everyone else, but my stomach like the strangest things: Popcorn, orange juice, wine, beer, snow-pea pods. Frankly it hates the normal foods, I get sick almost every time and I am 5 years out. Back to the drinks: Most everyone else I know who has this done, DRINKS or pops WAY to many pills! We would told pre-op not to drink, eat sweets, or binge eat.... who knew they were writting my daily dinner menu for me? LOL Weight is still good... pre- ( top 411) post min 118lbs, current ( for last year or so) 140 Good luck to you!
on 4/1/08 4:47 am - FL
Topic: StomaphyX
I am think about the procedure, but I do not know of anyone who has had this done. How well does it work?, Any problems after stomaphX? thank you connie
on 1/16/08 4:03 am
Topic: will insurance pay for stomaphyx procedure
i had a scope done this morning and my doctor has confirm that i need the stomaphyx procedure, that my stoma is strench and i have a hiatal hernia. will insurance pay for this procedure.
on 4/12/07 5:40 am
Topic: RE: Alcohol consumption
Hi, We were told in our pre-op meetings (2002) that since our new stomachs would cause malabsorption, we would process not only food but alcohol differently than "normal" persons. The alcohol goes directly into our bloodstream. And, one drink for us is equal to two for "normals." So, a "few" drinks would probably mean "many" drinks for us. So, just be careful, as I'm sure you now will be. I'm four years out (April 6, 2007), and do have two glasses of wine on occasion...but that's it. God Bless. Karen
Bama Beach Girl
on 3/13/07 1:37 am - some where, AL
Topic: RE: Alcohol consumption
I know your pain... email me privately. gail
Jolene B.
on 11/4/06 7:23 am - IA
Topic: Oldie...checking in, looking for:
Hi, please forgive me for being sooo blonde! I haven't visited the site for a long time, but got my letter today telling about some I decided to pop in. I had a BPD/DS back in April of 2003. There used to be a message board for the DS folks, is there still? I can't seem to find any besides this one. Appreciate any help.
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