9 months on 01/18, -140 happy dance!
I am down -140. I am now 160 and would like to lost another 10 pounds but have been stuck here for a while. It is so exciting to read about everyone's journey! You do know we all are awesome!
Can you believe we did it???? I have to think sometimes, Did I really do this. Was I really that big? It seems it has been much longer than 9 months! I am so excited for everyone! Good Luck!

Congrads to you!! I'm 9 months post-op and down 108lbs from 332 to 224 I never thought I'd be this small again! It really scares me when I see pictures of me befoe how big I really was.I have another 50lbs to lose and am trying for my birthday 4-18 to be at goal or close to it.I had my incision open at 5 weeks and scared me! but all is well and glad I had the surgery.Now I am head of our support groupThe Happy Losers Bariatric Support Group from Bi-County Hospital in Warren, Mich so If anyone is in the area the 3rd wedsday of the month come on down!! 6:30-8:00 pm.