Monday is the BIG DAY!!!
Well Monday is the changing day in my life and i hope to never look back at the person i once was and only look back as a reminder of the person i never want to be again. Even though she is a tough, funny, and loving person. She is her own worst enemy. After months of classes and re-evaluating my lifestyle, i have come to terms with myself. I am making this transition for myself and will work hard to become the person on the outside, that i am on the inside. I am ready to break out of this oversized suit and back into the curvy one i traded it for some years ago. I wish those who are apprehensive about surgery to do your homework, and mentally prepare for this change. It will be a long hard road, but at the finish line you will have conquered a feat that not even a gold medal could do you justice. Think positive. if you need help and guidance, it is not too far away. If you can give guidance, that just makes you even more stronger. Learn to love yourself and others should soon follow!
Nicely Said....I hope to see you soon on the losers bench....Good luck and keep us posted and here's to having a speedy and uneventful recovery...
~~ Lucy