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Topic: RE: March 1, 2010
In some ways next Monday seems SOOOO far away and yet it's getting here really really fast. Starting to get nervous now.
Topic: RE: March 2
Hello! Another March 2nd surgery date here ! I'm soooo excited!!!! :D I'm starting to get nervous, too, but I think more of the nerves are from preparing for hubby's deployment. :( Anywho ... I don't have to do a pre-op diet, but I'm doing the best I can to eat better so that I'm at least a little more prepared after surgery. Hugs to those of you on the liquid diet!!! Hang in there, the big day will be here before you know it! :)
Topic: Told My Family
Hi Everyone,
I told my inlaws today. Hubby of course has been on board since the beginning.
I got the "Ugh" look from my MIL. My SIL stated last summer, about a friend of hers that had wls, it was cheating. She didn't say a word after I told them.
I guess we'll see how they are over the next week.
Sigh...can't anyone be happy about it except me and my hubby?
Topic: RE: March 2010 Surgery Pals
Thanks for starting the group! I'm looking forward to meeting you all and having new friends to take this journey with. I wish you all the best throughout all of this!
Topic: RE: March 3
I am not to excited yet, still hard for me to believe that its going to happen! I think once I get my pre-op done this week, then I will start getting excited. Best of luck to you on your surgery!
Topic: RE: March 3
Congratulations on your date! You're only two days after me!! Are you super excited?
Topic: RE: March 2
Wow...double post.
I cant even imagine having a protein shake for breakfast and lunch. Then have drug rep's bring in food two times a week. I would have to leave too!
We are almost there!
Topic: RE: March 2
I have lost 2 pounds since starting the 2 week pre op diet. Not sure since I started the program how much total I have lost. That I will find out the 25th. I am sure it's not a whole lot.
I wonder what the night before surgery is...some sort of bowel prep I would think. Guess we will find out together.
I wonder what the night before surgery is...some sort of bowel prep I would think. Guess we will find out together.