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Hollering at ya for 3/9 . I do not start until sunday drinking clear liquids and citrate magnieze (green stuff). Yes have the jitters and excited all at once. Other wise hanging tuff. We have lots more that share our new birthday
. What about you what shaking in CA
Good Luck to you...........
All of the above for me
I too have started my liquid diet my surgery is March 9th.....I am having a horrible time, my doctor didnt actually say liquid diet, well he did but then she said basically if I can figure out another way to do 1000 calories or less a day, then I can do that so I am trying but I work full time and have a 2 year old it doesnt leave alot of time for calorie counting....I am a little depressed I know I can do a better job of this ......not sure why I am struggling so.
Also, getting nervous and having "second thoughts". This is so drastic!!! I am sure I am going thru with it, but just saying....... I know everyone probably has them and everyone on here seems to be thrilled with their choice and results, so forge ahead!! Do you have a Dr. at home to follow up with?
We are from MN and here in AZ for the winter months, so I don't have a Dr. Going on Monday for an appt. and see if she will follow me with any problems.
Do you have kids at home? I am 57 yrs old, so no kiddies to contend/care for, that is one good thing.