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Thank you! I am so worried that I didn't loose enough weight (my doctor just said don't gain), or my liver has not shrunk enough. I have the 'what if' 'what if' conversations with myself. I am excited and worried all rolled up in one.
Well good luck to you on your special day!
For those of us scheduled to undergo the WLS on 3-12-2009, I'm giving a holla out to all of us who have to do the "prep"...
So, have you stocked up the Bathroom with reading material, etc...
Hi everyone. Just wanted to let you know what was going on.
My surgery went well and I came home Tuesday after the surgery on Monday.
Tuesday night I developed a very high fever 105.0 and I was having a hard time breathing and my abdomen was distended. George called the surgeon and he had me go back to the hospital. they thought that I may have developed a leak. I went in and they did a CT scan and found that I did not have a leak, but I did have a collapsed lung. The Surgeon said I probably picked up a virus before the surgery and that it budded after I got weak.
So I was in the hospital until Saturday afternoon. I had to be on Oxygen and have breathing treatments, I was also given morphine every 2 hours as the pain was very intense. I don't remember a lot about it because of the morphine I am sure, but George never left my side. I have such an awesome husband.
I am doing pretty good now. I still have some pain on the left side of my Abdomen and it can be pretty intense at times. That is the biggest incision and it is pretty bruised up. I am having trouble getting all the fluid and protein requirements in too. I am working on it. But I just feel stuffed after a few sips. Not sure how much weight I have lost at this point. I may weigh tomorrow. We will see.You can tell in my face that I have lost some weight though. I am up and about doing a lot of walking.
I got to start on soft food today. For breakfast, I had about 1/3 of a scrambled egg and for lunch I had 1 ounce of egg salad. It was so good. Never thought I would be excited about eating an egg.
on 3/10/09 8:20 am
Wish me luck and best wishes to all of you on your surgery.
Did you get all of your dr. visits done today? I finished everything is a go, a little unsure of all the emotions right now, however my dr. reassured me that to do this is really simple surgery, its lap scopic spelled wrong but you know what I mean.