This one's for everyone.....

We are all having surgery at some point and time this month..

Anywho....I just wanted to wish everyone the best of luck, and great success with their surgeries.((I hope they're all uneventful!!)) As I'm sure I won't get to hit everyone up on an individual basis to wish my best to them.

>>>---::->This is OUR month...the start of our NEW lives...and great happiness && healthiness for the REST of our lives!!<-::---<<<

Anyone can feel free to PM me if they want a buddy to compare aches and pains with :0)
Dr.GW/156-- My GW/150-140ish **29 yrs old && 5'8"**

I got the formula ready, and all the measuring spoons and cups ready. . The Room is ready for the new baby with clean sheets and bandages ,, I have the clothes all picked out. I have the rides all set and all the Pre-op medicines are in the cabinet... Yup I am ready.
And in a few months I will be able to put on the handme down clothes I got from friends and family.. I can not weight (

I'm on my 7th day of liquids...and I'm super proud of myself for sticking to it. I did one of the days with protein shakes, and all the rest I used the Carnation instant breakfast thingies ((the sugar free ones, obviously)) It seemed to have kept me more satisfied/fuller longer. Tomorrow is my day of clear liquids.......
I went today to stock up on things for my first week post surgery today with hubby. It kind of dawned on me, as we walked all through Wal*Mart....yes all the stuff I used to munch on looked good, but my cart had sugar free goodies and broth in it. hehe. Surprisingly enough, I know I'll enjoy the healthy things again in a few I'm happy.
Best of luck to you!!
Dr.GW/156-- My GW/150-140ish **29 yrs old && 5'8"**

You're luck to only have to do 3 days!!! I'd have to say this 8 days of liquids was one of the harder things I've had to do...but totally worth it in the end. I think I'm more worried about my Lovenox shot hurting tonight when hubby gives it to me! hehe. I'm sure I'll have that "freak out" moment tomorrow morning when I'm getting on the table...but this is normal I'd imagine.
Thank you soo very much for the luck you're sending my way...They should be taking my cath. out, as well as the morphine pump and the i.v i believe on the 17th, so I will be alert enough to think of you :0) I'm hoping you have a painless and uneventful surgery, and a speedy and comfortable recovery!!
It's great to know that there's people who are on my date, or around it so we can share stories.
Best of luck to you! We're doin this, and we're SOO going to rock it!!~
Dr.GW/156-- My GW/150-140ish **29 yrs old && 5'8"**

I want to wish EVERYONE having ANY kind of WLS this month nothing but the best of luck in their surgeries, and also in their WLS journeys.