Tuesday is almost here!!!
I am so excited I can barely stand it! I started this journey on 1/30/09 which was the day of my consult. On that visit the surgical coordinator asked me when did I want to have the surgery and I told her whenever her next date was available. She told me it was March 10th. I thought that was perfect since I am off on Tuesday's anyway. I thought it would give me just enough time to make all of my appointments that I needed to make which it did. Since I had everything completed in February it seemed like it was taking forever for March to get here. Now I will only have to go to sleep 2 more nights and then it will be the morning of surgery!. I know it is only 2 nights but I'm so anxious and excited that I wish today was Monday and not Sunday. I have waited all of this time I guess I will have to find something else to kill the time...Good luck to all of you that are having surgery this month...
I've been thinking of you all day. Each time a thought comes across my mind of you, I smile because my sister is venturing into one of the biggest life altering quest of her life. You sounded so decisive on the phone as you described how you came to this major decision and for that I'm proud of you. I'm excited yet a bit nervous too. You have my support all the way and I'm excited to see how skinny you get. I love you and I'll be praying for you. Smooches-Your Big Sis