xpost 1 week post check up
hi all... so i had my one week check up yesterday.... i was so excited to get the drain and staples out... yet noone told me they would leave one staple in each line.... lol.. whats up with that eh?? so i have to go back next week... now for the big news.... drum roll pleaseeeeee...... on feb 14 at preop i was 296 in clothes, on surgery day i was 281 nekkid, and yesterday at doc i was 278 with clothes, so i figure it was 273 nekkid as thats how i will be weighing each week...... sooooo.. thats 20 pounds in one month and 8 pounds since surgery..... at first i was bummed but then the nurse told me most people gain weight due to the fluids given and not to look at the scale... but to see 278 clothes or not??????? HOLY CARUMBA BATMAN!!!!! and like most here i was thinking i was gonna be the one person that it would not work for!!!!!!
AND to top it off... i got to sleep in a real bed for the first time..... a REAL bed... first time since surgery... and guess what?? i slept 13 hours..... scared the beegeebers outta my boyfriend as my phone was off..... sorry DBF....
anyway.... all good reports.... and lots of excitement....
have a great day!!!

thank you so much!!!! You will do just wonderfully.... i truly went in with the attitude that this may be the most excruciatingly painful thing i have ever done that will be the most wonderful thing for my life.... and in thinking that... it was no where near as bad as i had imagined it would be.... honeslty.... the worst part of this surgery was the heparin shots i had after surgery....i bawled and bawled even before the nurse got near me... the staff was soooo awesome!!! they accepted my fear of needles and were very compassionate...... You are going to be sooooooooo glad that you did this.... as long as you know that there are going to be days you feel like poop.. and will question your sanity in doing this.... but the farther away from it i get.... the happier i am..
Definitely keep in touch!!!!!!!!

I had hialtal hernia and lap band on Monday. Weighed 224 in hospital just before surgery. Well, I got home Tues and had gained 8 lbs. Now that sucks!!!!! I hope by next Tuesday, when I have 1 wk post op check that will be off, but I'm scared to even look at the scale now. Hope you continue to do well. Dotti
hi there if you weighed the day you came home then yeah you have all that iv fluid water weight in you.. i did not weigh on my home scale and have not yet as i am still not at my own house.... just remember.. to weigh once a week or you will become a slave to the scale and you dont want that..
you will be great!!!!!!!!!!