Who All is Having Surgery This Month???
COOL BEANS another surgery sister! We getta party on St. Pats Day and Jump on the Loser's bench the day after.
I'm sure I'll be "partying" by having a lovely bowel prep! Can't wait to get my surgical packet, which they FORGOT to send me. Hope I haven't been doing any major no-no's while I've been waiting for them to send it for two weeks!
Egads, isn't that like Tuesday??!!??
I always thought Tuesday was a forlorn sort of day of the week. It's not hated like a Monday, and doesn't signify "hump day" like Wednesday... so I always liked Tuesday because it was the underdog... the little day that nobody had feelings for. =)
Congrats! Make sure to post here when you are home safe and sound and making it through! I need to hear success from my march pals to give me the courage to get through my own surgery!
I'll be doing pre-op testing this tuesday if they can squeeze me in (they had some foul ups so they didn't realize their errors until after business hours on Friday, so Monday I have to call to get it all straightened out)... I see my surgeon a week from then, and then he sees my innards a week after that. It's coming so darn fast!!!
My day too, yay US!
My "last meal" ... so to speak... is a wondrously fattening and richly nutritious soup I made. Gonna go get me some right now as a matter of fact.
I plan my "last chocolate cake" for This Tuesday, and then I'm going to be having more and more liquid only days and fewer and fewer yummy food days, to help me get mentally prepared for this BRAVE NEW WORLD we're both entering!