Checking out your profiles
Okay - I have been reading the "Marchers" profiles. It's pretty wild - we are all so different, but have this one major thing in common. All of our "fat" stories are so familiar. Those of you who posted "before" pictures are very brave and you inspired me to do the same. I posted before and 1, 2 and 3 month "after" pictures. Check it out if you get a chance.
Congrats everyone!!!!
Hey Christmas Girl--
You've got no reason to hide your pics! You've come so far and are looking FAB.
You've gotta give yourself more credit... a 2 mile run in 15 minutes is good exercise, and you're presurgery self probably would have had a much harder time doing that run. I know I used to be dying on my eliptical machine after 5 minutes, but now can do a whole hour (not necessarily on the hardest setting). You're not only losing weight, but also look healthier. That was my primary reason for getting this surgery.
No need to hide out, you're doing great!!
Well thanks, I definitely feel a lot better - physically and emotionally. And I wish I ran 2 miles in 15 minutes. I run at a 15 minute/mile pace, so for me 2 miles = 30 minutes. Not exactly an olympic record!! I did run almost 3 miles yesterday. Still slow, but a little more stamina. Oh, by the way, I looked at your virtual model and made one of my own. It is super fun! Man, are we gonna look good!