stricture fixed...whew.
just an update. I went to Barix yesterday , and Dr Kam saw me at 8:30, he decided to skip the xray, and he said based on my symptoms- ( not being able to keep anything other than liquids down and pain in my chest when eating)--that I probably have a stricture. He said he would do an endoscopy ( put a scope down my throat and dialte the opening that had closed ) and open it up with a balloon to solve the issue. He promised to do the procedure when he could fit it in ..he was so kind and caring.
ANYWAY, at 130 they sent me up to pre op to get an IV as I was severely dehydrated. By 430 I went in and had the stricture dialated and was on the road home by 6 pm, and home by 1 am, and at work ( he even gave me color pictures of the whole procedure)
lets hope lunch stays in the pouch
Hi Vivian! I had a stricture, too! I've had 2 endoscopies with dilation so far and have to get another one this Friday. After the 2nd one it was such a relief-I had been unable to keep anything down except clear liquids. Now that I can eat, I feel like a million bucks. Good luck and keep us updated.