Anyone else getting nervous? Nervous???? Why...who's nervous...not me...I'm not nervous....
Oh yes...I'm nervous. I am worried about the surgery. I am nervous about the new way to eat (or not eat). I am nervous about how my kids will do with me in surgery. I am nervous about a ton of things.
But you know what. I decided to do this. This is for me. This is a good thing. I can't wait for it to be over and for my new lifestyle to begin. I can't wait to ride a roller coaster with my girls. I can't wait for my wife to hug me and have her hands touch in the back. I can't wait to ride a bike. I can't wait to go swiming without a shirt on. I can't wait to mow the grass and not have my wife worry that she will find me laying in the backyard. I can't wait to be known as the "tall guy" instead of the "big guy". I can't wait to walk onto an airplane and not see looks of horror as I approach my seat. I can't wait to shop at Macy's or anywhere but the big and tall mans shop.
Try to focus on what a wonderful life you are going to have instead of what you will be missing or how hard it is going to be. It will be hard. But the up side is sooooo much better.
Keep your pre-op eating in check. Remember, you are trying to change your life, don't make the post op part harder than it has to be (ie having to loose even more!)
Good luck and I will be watching (I have mine on the 15th) and wating for word on how things go.

I'm not nervous....I'm petrified!!! My surgeon gave me some vallium to help, but I don't think the dosage is correct. I don't feel any changes when I take it. They are only 5 mg. You know what scares me the most is the fear. I fear the fear I will feel the day before and the day of the surgery. I can't even think about it I'm so scared. My date is 03/02/2007
I am right there with ya'll and to think....this is my 2nd time around.
Yep, I am having a revision from the lap band to RNY.
I'm not crazy, I promise. It has been 10 years since I had my band and they have come a long way since then. I lost 200# but have gained 52# back. Have faith, say a prayer and remember that this is a tool to help you aquire a healthier you...something God would want you to be!!
Beth in MS
P.S. My date is March 12, 2007. I will keep up with all of you!!! Best of luck and see ya'll on the losing side!!

Am I nervous? I feel like Barney Fife! I think I've repacked my bags several times already. I'm set for a March 5th DS w/Dr. Ungson in Mexico..I still can't figure out how to change that info on my profile. My Siamese can't figure out why her mommy-lap won't stay in place for more than a couple of minutes. I keep jumping up to check my luggage or some bit of info online. Someone on the DS forum said that a day or two before surgery, it all hits you and you get really really calm and its all over before you know it...sounds like a state of shock to me.
Good Luck and Happy Doctor Day to you all,
Peggy L
I finally got to schedule my surgery date 2 weeks ago, my fiance came with me to the appointment. Usually I'm about 4 steps behind him, out of breath and begging him to slowdown .. but not that day ... he was asking me to slow down so that he could catch up with me! I was so excited that I was finally getting to schedule my surgery (I had to wait for my 1 year anniversary at work before I could do anything) ... I was on cloud nine for about 3 days ... then I started to get nervous. I talked to my brother who had his surgery in Sept. '06, and asked him if he got nervous before his surgery, and he said no. I was in shock, he said at first he was nervous, when that went away he was petrified!
So am I honestly. I've never had any type of surgery before. But if my "big" bro can do it, so can I. (Besides he's a wimp when it comes to pain .. lol) I was obsessing over food for a little while, thinking how much I'm going to miss my favorites. Then I stopped myself and started thinking about what I'm going to be gaining instead of missing .... gaining an extension on life, gaining being of my blood pressure meds and all those damn antacids for heart burn, gaining air instead of sucking wind when I walk up three flights of stairs to get to my apartment, gaining finally being able to wear shorts out in public in the summertime instead of covering up my legs and so much more!!
My surgery is the 12th of March, and yes I am nervous, petrified even, but it feels great! Ironic. Maybe a little bit
but in the long run, well worth the emotional battle. Keep your chin up, this too will pass and you've got my support all the way

Oh goodness
I THOUGHT I had a handle on my Nerves but the closer it gets the worse my imagination is acting up! I'm scheduled for March 9th and I am petrified. My oldest daughter
isn't helping me much either
she told me this surgery was self mutilation! and she's worried sick about me....
I told her I didn't have a life as I am now
so I really don't have much to lose anymore. This surgery IS MY light at the end of the tunnel.
My TOOL to having an almost normal life again. I am worried though - surgery is surgery but this is for me. Like I am right now I can't walk or exercise because of the pain in my back
Once some of this "Fat" is off my tummy my back won't hurt so bad and who knows maybe then I'll be able to walk again instead of hang out in my wheelchair. I fractured my back in three places in a wreck 20 years ago
and life as I knew it then Stopped. I want it back - so in 2 days I will begin my clear diet before surgery.
I think this will be the worst part cause I will be hungry ... but the time is flying by so I know the 9th is just around the bend.
Hugz to all on the board for March!
Pat B.