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~ Stylz ~
on 2/14/08 3:36 am - North of Boston, MA
Topic: forget sweets for your sweet....
How bout sweets for you instead!! Theres a delicious protein fudge recipe going around on the OH boards and oh boy is it good! I made a batch last week and decided this week I needed a batch at home and at work I even scraped the bowl! felt like I was a post-op "testing" cake mix Looking for ways to use up the rest of that protein powder? heres a great way to do so! 1/4 cup margarine (first time I tried butter, it didnt work!) 1/2 generous cup peanut butter (creamy or chunky whatever your pleasure is) 3 scoops chocolate protein powder 2 Tbsp splenda Heat margarine and peanut butter on low in the microwave until melted. Add protein powder and splenda (you might want to taste it before adding splenda as it might be sweet enough for you, I left it out and added an extra Tbsp or so of protein powder so it thickens as it would with powdered splenda). Pour into a plastic storage container (the short square sandwich size one) and let sit in the fridge overnight. makes 9 pieces, 103 calories, 7gr fat, 2 carbs, 10 grams of protein! Happy Valentines Day Everyone!
~ Stylz ~
on 2/14/08 3:27 am - North of Boston, MA
Topic: RE: New Adventures
that is so exciting that you were able to meet your brother and have the new confidence to take on the world, you deserve it, you're an exquisite person with a wonderful personality I'm so glad we've gotten to meet!! As far as my changes go, I can say I'm more confident showing our space at work and handling events whi*****ludes hosting/mingling with guests type of thing. That and (to no ones surprise I'm sure lol) clothes shopping is insanely fun! Smaller clothes, better styles, great bargins, its so fun to pick out suits and outfits to wear!!
~ Stylz ~
on 2/14/08 1:50 am - North of Boston, MA
Topic: RE: $$$ Return on Investment $$$
wow great thought and statistics, its interesting to see it on (virtual) "paper"! I thought completely like you did, having the surgery would cost me less, but it has cost me much more in expenses than it did pre-op more. I was eating junk and so much of it (as most of us were), but now.. veggies, whole grains, fresh fruit, orgainic dairy and free range grass fed meats cost WAY more than what I paid for food, junk food, take out, expensive clothes, medications, dr. visits, etc, etc! good thing i'm up for a review soon at work
Rick A.
on 2/14/08 1:26 am - Far Northern, CA
Topic: RE: Insurance and Obesity
Stephanie, I don't think it will ever fly. The main reason is that there are such a high percentage of folks that are considered obese or over weight. The masses wouldn't go for such a thing, at least in my opinion. On the other hand obesity is one of the last accepted predujices, so maybe it would fly. I don't know. I would like to think that this would lead to a greater approval of insurance of WLS though. Have a great day, Rick
~ Stylz ~
on 2/14/08 12:30 am - North of Boston, MA
Topic: RE: Doc Apptmnt
sorry it took me so long to get the information. The name of the product is called "Dolomite powder" by Kal. She picks it up at Vitamin Shoppe and said its not expensive at all. From what I've gathered its a calcium/magnesium suppliment that you dissolve in water and its tasteless. hopefully things are getting better with you BP!
~ Stylz ~
on 2/14/08 12:25 am - North of Boston, MA
Topic: RE: Hi all
Mimi! glad to see you checked in, it looks like more and more Marchers are going into lurker land hope things settle down for you soon! keep your goal for the summer in mind, you'll get there in no time
~ Stylz ~
on 2/13/08 10:36 pm - North of Boston, MA
Topic: RE: The Carb Question
what a great post Stephanie! I'm in the middle of reading a book called "good calories, bad calories" which is all about carbohydrates and how they work in affect on your body. I'm changing my ways with carbohydrates as I kind of had to after figuring out I have reactive hypoglycemia. Theres days all I want to do is graze on carbs because they feel so good in the pouch, but an hour and a half later I remember why I shouldnt be eating them!! the glycemic index is the most confusing thing I've ever read about! its so much easier sticking to the "no-white rule" (no white breads, rice, pasta, flour, wine, potatoes and sugars). Theres a good couscous alternative out there called Quinoa it can be substituted for couscous, rice, even oatmeal. Its the only grain that has all 8 essential amino acids and has a higher protein count than any other grain! thanks again for the great read!
Stephanie Smiles
on 2/13/08 10:21 pm - My Town, NH
Topic: Insurance and Obesity
There is a debate raging among insurance companies. Who should pay for the obesity epidemic in the United States? Many insurance companies require smokers to pay a premium such as $10 or $20 per paycheck. I've read articles recently that indicate this may soon be required of people who are morbidly obese as well. I'm not sure how I feel about this type of policy. I'm not certain that it has helped Americans quit smoking. I think education and new smoking cessation products have done far more to help people quit. How would I feel is my insurance company required me to pay this extra money due to my weight? Would that kind of policy motivate me to try and lose weight? I think they have much to figure out before attempting to put something like this in place. For instance: will it be based on BMI? Is it simply "obese" (in which case I'll have to pay as I'm still classified as obese)? Or will it be morbidly obese or super morbidly obese? What about people that are on medication that causes them to gain weight? That just doesn't seem fair to them at all. Does this mean that all of those insured under the policy will need a physical to determine health? I do know one thing. If insurance companies begin requiring participants to pay a premium due to obesity, they MUST also cover weight loss surgeries!!! What do you think? Hugs, Stephanie
~ Stylz ~
on 2/13/08 9:52 pm - North of Boston, MA
Topic: RE: Marchers on the beach!
lol it could just be that ice! the parking lot at work was a complete skating rink today and the beach sounds so much more inviting!! hope you made it in safe and sound
~ Stylz ~
on 2/13/08 9:50 pm - North of Boston, MA
Topic: RE: Marchers on the beach!
I'm so with you on that one, I'll take the beach over the cold and snow any day!! What a bad winter we've had and now everyone at work has the flu, yesterday we had 10 professors out with it! careful on those icy roads up there
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