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Topic: RE: Hi family!
Lauren, you look wonderful. You sound wonderful. In fact, I'm thinking that you ARE wonderful! Congratulations on living such a happy and full life. Everything is possible. You are proof of that!
Enjoy every moment and thanks for stopping in to give us an update.
Hugs, Stephanie
Topic: RE: he's coming home
Mimi, congratulations! I know you can't wait for him to come home. Just take those pounds one at a time. It seems to be easier to handle them that way instead of all of them at once!
Happy Memorial Day!
Hugs, Stephanie
Topic: Hi family!
I know, long time no see. I just have a few minutes but will set aside some time tomorrow to read through everyone's posts to try to catch up on your lives. I've been living life and LOVING it. I had forgotten how exciting and energizing it is to interact with people, even strangers, and not feel completely inept and unworthy of eye contact so I have been do that. A lot! I talk to everybody and have gotten myself knee deep in activities at my children's school and such. I continue to work out 5 days a week on the elliptical (45 min or so on level 17) and weights. The gym is my home away from home and I love it as well as the good friends I've made there. My husband and I are leaving in a week and a half to go to New England for our 10 year anniversary honeymoon! What a time we'll have and if I think about it too much I'll get weepy at what I could have missed out on had I not had Dr. Clark to take me on. He will never know how pivotal he was in the lives of myself and my family. Beyond words. I'm going to hike through the mountains with my husband in hand and my heart will feel so thankful. I've updated my pics but they're so out of order. Anybody know how to switch them around without erasing and starting again? I'm weighing in at 204 now and am awestruck that I can even be in the same ballpark as 200 lbs. I honestly didn't think it was possible for me. My love to you all!
Topic: RE: he's coming home
Thanks Rick...i am well over due for some good i'm going to enjoy every minute of this.
Topic: RE: he's coming home
It sounds like you have a lot of great news and much happiness in your future. I'm glad things are working out so well for you.
Take care, Rick
Topic: he's coming home
Well Joey is finally coming home! The Army has approved the compassionate reassignment and they are sending us to Ft Bragg, NC. If all goes well we should be there by the 4th of July. We had orginally asked for Bragg and we were told it wasn't an option. The medical board after reviewing our medical records, said that was the only post that could meet our medical needs. I am very excited, not only is he coming home, we are moving to the east coast, but I might actually be where I can have my plastic surgery soon.
Now as far as my diet goes, I need to get my but in gear I am all the way back up to 170 pounds! Thank goodness summer is here and I can get moving again and this heat will make me drink the fluids. I have a general's ball to go to in 2 weeks, going to try really hard to loose something between now and then.
The 29th the kids and I are headed to MS for 11 days. It worked out great, we were going to see my best friend cause she is the one plannning the ball and she needed help with her kids. (she is a single mom) Now that we will be moving, it'll be the last chance I get to see her for who knows how long.
I hope all of you have a wonderful long Memorial Day weekend. Be safe.
Topic: RE: Happy Mother's Day
Happy Belated Mother's Day to all my marcher families.....Hope everyone had a great day.....
Topic: RE: Happy Mother's Day
I hope all of the wonderful Marcher Mothers had a great day yesterday!
Hugs, Stephanie
Topic: RE: Happy Mother's Day
I hear what your saying. I think we are all enjoying life~
Happy Mothers Day to you and to current and future Mothers out there!
Have a great day!
Topic: Happy Mother's Day
Wow where did everyone go? Looks like life has caught up with all of us.
I hope that all you mothers, stepmothers, foster mothers, closest thing to a mother... All have a wonderful Mother's Day!