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Topic: RE: Falling off the wagon
The great thing about that wagon is that we can get back up when we fall off! It's a steep climb sometimes, but well worth it!
Best of luck getting back on track! It's something I constantly struggle with as well.
Hugs, Stephanie

Topic: RE: WE DID IT!
Rick, thanks so much. It was a wonderful day and I'm very happy to be done! It's good to see your face as well. I hope you're surviving the heat! It's been beautiful here in the northeast. I spent the weekend in NYC with my nieces and I walked all over Manhattan. It's something I never could have done before surgery. I felt like a million bucks!
Here's to health and happiness!
Hugs, Stephanie

Topic: RE: Falling off the wagon
Hi Sheryl,
I can really relate to a lot of what you are saying. I had my two year appointment last week. I have gained 10 pounds since last year. The doctor told me I would really need to make changes if I gained a total of 15 pounds. The number that scares me is 190. Today I am at 187. I still drink a protein shake once a day. I feel like I need to do it to get in more protein. I should be eating more natural protein and not have to rely on the shake, but it is so easy compaired to planning what I should eat.
I have fallen back into a lot of my old habits. I am a work in progress, I guess we all are. I know we all are a lot healtier then we were two years ago. I won't ever let myselft get back to where I was, but I know I have to work at it every day.
I guess it's called a journey for a reason. We just have to do the best we can each and every day.
Take care, Rick
Topic: Falling off the wagon
When I went to see the nutritionist for my two year follow-up she was aghast that I was on the Medifast diet. She said this was the sort of thing I needed to avoid because it did nothing to teach me how to eat and made me rely on artificial food. Well, I suppose she was right. But now I'm floundering again. Last week, I gained three pounds. And this was after starting a regular walking regimen. I walk at least 30 minutes every morning before work. I need to concentrate more on my food consumption I guess. And I've been getting progressively worse about drinking during meals. Gotta stop that. Also, I've been consuming a lot of caffeine. I need to do something. 140 is the number on the scale that scares me and Wednesday it said 138.
Topic: RE: WE DID IT!
I am very proud of you. You have worked hard and you deserve the degree you have earned.
I'm also glad your husband was helpful to you along the way. It always is important to receive support when we go through life's challenges.
It is also good to see your smiling face.
Take care, I hope life continues to be good to you.
Topic: WE DID IT!
Yup. It's done! I have FINALLY completed that elusive bachelor's degree. On Saturday, May 17th I graduated from Franklin Pierce University in Rindge, New Hampshire (pictures in profile). It was a wonderful day of celebration. It is the culmination of a twenty year journey that could not have been completed without the support of family, friends, current and former colleagues, and numerous fellow students. Most of all, I am grateful to my amazing husband Pete. His encouragement and support was invaluable. He washed many loads of laundry, cooked, cleaned, and gave me the "did you finish your homework" look more times than can be counted. Hence the subject line: WE did it! It truly was a group effort.
I know that I enjoyed my graduation much more weighing 150 pounds less! I was confident walking across that stage and wasn't worried about my size. It's such a relief to simply live life!
Thank you!
Hugs, Stephanie

Topic: RE: protein supplement help
hi Robin,
Thanks so much for the encouragement. I'm on a mission to get back on track in several areas. My next appointment with my surgeon is on Monday the 23rd so we'll see how I'm doing and talk about the next egd he wants to do.
Take care, hope to talk to you soon.
Topic: RE: protein supplement help
hi Robin,
Thanks so much for the encouragement. I'm on a mission to get back on track in several areas. My next appointment with my surgeon is on Monday the 23rd so we'll see how I'm doing and talk about the next egd he wants to do.
Take care, hope to talk to you soon.