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Topic: RE: Marcher's 1st installment of slim strategies
# 1 - I use to every few days after surgery then bought this digital scale that tells me all kinds of info, that turned me into a neurotic fool! I'd weigh in every morning for my weight and every night for my body water %. Now I weigh in Sundays and sometimes Thursday if I want to see how my week is going. I completly agree about weighing in, it keeps me on track!
# 2 this is something I have to work on, I spend way too much time online or infront of the computer! If I converted half of it to exercise I'd still be way ahead in the game.
# 3 I agree with Janine, this is the best support group ever! We have such an incredible family and are all here to help eachother! who can ask for more
# 4 No matter how much fiber I get daily it doesn't help with the old bathroom breaks...
I've recently gotten on this refried beans kick (making my own to save on all the fat normally added). I eat a cup of beans with an oz of cheese for lunch, thats lots of fiber and it still doesnt help, I've added apples, eat oatmeal in my muffins or weight control oatmeal for breakfast and still nothing... I guess its just something I have to deal with. It was a problem before surgery and continues to be a problem after... The nutritionist and doctor are puzzled by it and don't seem to know what to say about it, oh well... I'll continue to eat as much fiber as I can and go when I can go
# 5 Lets get walking Marchers! Since surgery, I've vowed to use the stairs more at work instead of the elevator. We've also started going to the dunkin donuts further away (at the top of a hill) to get a few more steps in every morning. That has helped! I also walk at lunch and if I get home and feel like walking again, its an added bonus for exercise
I will conclude this tomorrow. Which of these areas are you strong in and which are you continuing to struggle with?
My problem is still vitamins! I'm lazy when it comes to them. I know I have to take them, I know they're in front of me (I've got bottles of them everywhere) I just dont... This is something I'll continue to work on and get back on track with.

Topic: RE: ****WDYET Monday****
I like the idea of listing what we eat each day. It helps me to be accountable and keep track of my eating.
Breakfast: Protein Shake
Snack: Protein Bar
Lunch: 1/4 cup of Homemade Spaghetti and 4 Baked wingetts
Snack: Breyers lowfat peach yougurt & Banana
Dinner: Garden Salad w/Tuna Fish and sweet onion dressing
Quaker Peanut Butter Choc Chip Granola Bar (low fat)
Topic: RE: These boots were made for walking....!
Barb, I LOVE that song! Always have. Great choice for the kick off of our walk!!

Topic: RE: ****WDYET Monday****
Pre-breakfast: I've gotten into this habit of when I go down in the morning to weigh myself I chomp on a few pretzel crisps (probably 4) with some cottage cheese. It's more of the taste, it's not hunger. But this is at 6 a.m. and it h olds me over until I eat breakfast at work between 8 and 8:30.
Breakfast: 1/2 c. LF cottage cheese, cup of chopped zucchini with a Low cal dressing, 7 Quaker mini rice cakes.
Mid morning: Protein shake w/ 10 almonds.
Lunch: 1/2 c. salmon, cup of chopped zucchini w/ the dressing.
Mid afternoon: I broke down and had a small bag of pretzels, then later had my normal 60 cal yogurt with some soy nuts.
Dinner: Probably some left over stuffed banana peppers.
Did my walk at lunch. Got in 1.2 miles. Backed out of going to the gym. I am all set to go all day, thinking I am going and then mid afternoon I begin to start talking myself out of it. Why? I don't' know, anyone else know? LOL
Right now, I'm off to study. First test is this Wednesday! EEKS!
Have a great evening!

Topic: RE: These boots were made for walking....!
That is great. I'm glad you're walking with us.
Have a great day, Rick
Topic: RE: Marcher's 1st installment of slim strategies
You are doing great, I'm not sure about the shimming down the pants thing though. (even though it was funny).
Have a great day, Rick
Topic: RE: MARCHers going to goal!
You go girl....poor Pete!!!! Focus focus on protein protein and water water!!!!
Topic: RE: MARCHers going to goal!
Ahhhhh Rick - you are such a gentleman! We are lucky to count you among us!