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Topic: RE: Sorry Robin, HB one day late!
Thank you Barbara! Yes, it has been a wonderful year. I can't believe all of the changes in my life in the past 2 years. I have lost 120 lbs, had plastic surgery to help out these hips of mine, we bought a home, I am more active and happy that I have ever been in my life. My husband loves me more than ever and is even now wanting me to go walking with him in the evenings so that he can keep up with me!
What a change that is! I love me more than I ever have. It's so nice to actually like what i see in the mirror! I'll have to get my butt in gear and post pics from my surgery soon.
Thanks again!

Topic: RE: Marcher's - part two of slim strategies
It sounds like you are like the rest of us, a work in progress.
Keep up the good work.
Have a great day, Rick
Topic: RE: MARCHers going to goal!
Hey Stephanie - do you think you have the pedometer set correctly????
If you cloned yourself, your public would benefit - what a grand place it would be to have 2 Stephanie Smiles hanging around! I can think of many people that should never be cloned, but you would definitely be a good choice! We need more like you! Have a good exercise and eating day! Barb
Topic: RE: early but... WDYET ~ TUESDAY
It sounds like your cruise was a blast! You definitely looked relaxed and bronzed by the sun! It's so nice to get away and enjoy family and friends.
Breakfast: Kashi Go Lean oatmeal with a sliced banana
Lunch: cup of split pea soup and turkey, black bean salsa wrap
Snack: lite applesauce cup and SF vanilla pudding
Dinner: chef salad
Snack: NSA Fudgsicle
Vitamins: still didn't put them together in my baggies for work!
I'll try to remember to take what I can tonight
Water: 32 ounces in so far
Exercise: spinning class tonight
Hugs, Stephanie

Topic: RE: MARCHers going to goal!
I will be successful today in eating well and exercising. I have spinning tonight and my planned meals are good ones. I was a little dismayed yesterday to learn that I don't walk as many steps in a day as I thought I did. I guess I'm more sedentary in the office than I realized. I'm going to try to fit in a quick walk after I eat my lunch. Though I also need to be doing homework! Can I please clone myself so that I can do two things at once??? Hmmm...I'm not sure the world can handle more than one of me!
Have a great Tuesday!
Hugs, Stephanie

Topic: RE: Marcher's - part two of slim strategies
#6 - I'm not nearly as good about this as I should be! I'm tracking my protein so that I can make sure I'm getting enough but I often don't track the rest of it.
#7 - I definitely need my sleep! If I go more then two days in a row without at least 7 hours, I'm a zombie. I often have trouble sleeping through the night. Perhaps I should move to another country where siestas are commonplace in the afternoon!
#8 - I'm amazed at how little water I drank before surgery. I guess I never realized how much my body needed. Now, the first thing I want when I wake up is water. I usually get in at least 64 ounces. I try to drink two of my nalgene water bottles between 8 and 5 during the work week. That's 64 ounces right there!
#9 - Ummm...
my work week averages more like 50 hours.
#10 - I try to exercise...sometimes I do very well...othertimes I miss it completely. I do know that I exercise much more frequently than I have ever before in my life!
Thanks for sharing these tips, Rick!
Hugs, Stephanie

Topic: RE: Quarterly Recipe Swap
Oh my those sound yummy thanks for the contributions....
Topic: RE: Marcher's - part two of slim strategies
Being a single mom is definately working more then full time. Let us know if you get the eliptical machine. I always thought I would be too clumsy to use one of those. I'm currious to know how that works out.
Have a great day, Rick
Topic: RE: These boots were made for walking....!
I have been feeling really good the last few days since my chemo was postponed last week due to low blood I got in some good walking time. I did 1.5 miles on the treadmill in addition to 1.5 miles on my pedometer......for a total of 3 miles.
I'll try for about the same today. I go for bloodwork this afternoon and if my counts are up, I'll be sitting in the chemo chair ALL day tomorrow so unless I get on the treadmill first thing before I show up for treatment, my walking will pretty much be zero.
On a side note: you know, I've mentioned my "family history" with cancer before. My sister next to me (she's 54) has been an 8 year survivor of breast cancer. Until about a month ago....she found another lump in the other breast....had surgery 3 weeks ago...and will begin her chemotherapy next Monday. She has butt-length hair and has an appointment on Thursday to make a donation to Locks of Love. Please keep Jane and her family in your thoughs and prayers.....
I told my youngest sister (she'll be 50 on November 30) she better pay attention to every single little lump and bump and check every nook and cranny on her body!!!
Enough of that.....Happy walking everybody!!!!