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Laura A.
on 10/3/07 12:11 am - Manteca, CA
Topic: RE: MARCHers going to goal!
Good Morning Barb....and fellow MARCHers, I'm not sure where I'm supposed to post my walking tallies each day....but for 10/2, I walked 1.5 miles on the treadmill and then 2 miles during the day with my pedometer....for a total of 3.5 miles. I took some things down to Goodwill yesterday and thought I'd look in the store to see if there was anything "I couldn't live without". I found a real leather skirt....that fit me!!!...for $3.50. And yes, I bought it... because I just couldn't live without it!!! hahaha Part of the 2 miles on the pedometer was walking up and down every isle through that Goodwill store.....I had to look at EVERYTHING!! OK, I'm off to chemotherapy....have a great day everyone.
on 10/2/07 11:45 pm - North Richland Hills, TX
Topic: RE: 5 day pouch test
You are exactly right!! She has some great recipes... I've woke up with out the same zeal I had last night. Now I'm scared and kinda hungry... grrr. Its ok... its only 2 days of protein shakes...i'm trying to find my pedometer this morning.. been so long since I've used it... Oh... and get this... it hasn't rained here in like a month.. what does it do the day I want to walk... RAIN!!! LOL
on 10/2/07 9:47 pm - Fort Bragg, NC
Topic: update OT
hey everyone I want to thank ALL of you for your well wishes, prayers, thoughts for Wyatt, mysel and the rest of the family. Wyatt is doing MUCH better. He has a follow up Thursday just to make sure before he goes back to school on Monday. Zachary is doing good...the flushing of the intestines is not going like we is suppose to make him go to the bathroom and he's only gone 3 times...not a good sign...or it could be a great one...won't know until we do x-rays...which i think is thursday as well. The swelling in my legs is getting better.. I found a GREAT support thing it is ugly and hot but helps and of course the increased fluid and excersize is helping as well. I finally got the last paperwork the army as asked for. I have to fax it to Ft Bliss today, they will review it THURSDAY (Thursday is a big day for us) Then they will send it to japan. Japan reviews eerything on Friday...but thursday here is Friday there so we'll have to wait until NEXT friday. If they deny us this time we are just going to ask for compassionate reassignment....we are going to ask for FT Bragg...if we can't get that then we want FT Sill. So keep my familyin your thoughts Thursday! Thanks for all you guys do...wouldn't have made it through the last 2 years with out you....
on 10/2/07 9:38 pm - Fort Bragg, NC
Topic: RE: I have a question about Walking Across America
I have no clue as to what I walk durring the day so i am only counting the miles I walk/run everyday....i go to the pond and walk/run ( I run a 1/4 mile then walk a 1/4 mile) while my kids rollerblade....I hope that's ok...I know I'll have a lot less then everyone else...but every miles helps right?
on 10/2/07 9:35 pm - Fort Bragg, NC
Topic: RE: 5 day pouch test
well I don't know about the poch test by i did start barbs no carb diet yesterday I didn't get as many fluids in as I like but way more then I normally do and lots of protien...and got my walking/running in too ...I am not worried about loosing anymore's the carbs i HAVE to get out of my diet...if i don't in another month I'll be back on the fat track! Thankfully my sister is trying to get skinnier then me....can't let that happen I have some healthy competition going on
on 10/2/07 8:46 pm - Nashua, NH
Topic: RE: Marcher's some mistakes we might make - part 1
Oh me - some great reminders Rick on why we make those 5 mistakes. I must admit not taking the vitamins scares me the most and for that reason I am very religious about taking mine - probably more vigilant about that than the other 4 - although all are very, very important. Thanks for reminding us again! Barbara
on 10/2/07 8:44 pm - Nashua, NH
Topic: RE: 5 day pouch test
The 5 day pouch test I posted about a while back. Kaye Bailey developed it for WLS people who want to test the pouch and know it is still working. I think it is a good idea and I keep meaning to try it! I hope you keep up with your walking miles and check in with us and let us know. You have probably read the posts about our MARCHers and the October Walk-a-thon in a quest to collectively walk across America! If you haven't seen the posts just read back a few and catch up. We need and want you walking across America (on paper) with us! You are one of our most successful MARCHers and we hope you will join it! Good luck...Barb
on 10/2/07 8:40 pm - Nashua, NH
Topic: RE: I have a question about Walking Across America
Hi Jannine - just count your miles! If you are on a bicycle - that should count! If you have a pedometer let it count for you during the day, or if you have a set route you walk and know the mileage - keep up with that. Anyway you can get some miles in will count! STYLZ will mark our map each Monday so we can chart our progress! We will call for a count of miles each Monday for the prior week - Sunday through Saturday. Of course our first week won't have Sunday since October 1 fell on a Monday, but we will take Sunday miles if you have them!!!! Barb
on 10/2/07 8:38 pm - Nashua, NH
Topic: MARCHers going to goal!
You control your future, your destiny. What you think about comes about. By recording your dreams and goals on paper, you set in motion the process of becoming the person you most want to be. Put your future in good hands - your own.....Mark Victor Hansen We do control our future, our destiny. Some of that control and future started when we made the conscious decision to have weight loss surgery. What we thought about came about - we thought long and hard before we made that final decision to have this surgery. We set in motion the process of becoming the person we most wanted to be. HOWEVER....since beginning this process we have been successful, BUT we have a little way to go to get to the final goal. We must put our future in our own good hands and we must reach our goal. Now whether recording your dreams and goals on paper will be the answer - I don't know for sure. I am not a "writing it down on paper person", but I know many of you are. I personallly have never kept a diary - well I did once when I was 10 until my younger sister found it...and the key that opened it...and read to my mother those things you think about your mother when you are mad, but wouldn't dare say outloud! At that point in my young life I concluded the only diary I needed was between my ears!!!! So I don't write down goals and dreams - I keep them in my head. Perhaps you are a person who writes down these things. Just for today - let's try an exercise. Get a piece of paper and on it write "I will follow the rules today in order to get to my goal" it in front of you. No one who happens to see it will have any idea that the goal is to get to goal weight!!!! Whenever you decide to make a wrong choice - look at that paper and see if you are following the know them by now! Vitamins, water, exercise and protein!!! I will be MIA the next few days. We are leaving tomorrow for 4 fun filled days with my son and his family in Nashville. We are taking our 4 year old granddaughter to the zoo on Friday - which will result in a great opportunity for walking!!!! Rick has graciously agreed to post my motivational messages Thursday, Friday and Monday. I will be back with you on Tuesday! Put your future starting today in YOUR GOOD HANDS!!!! You can do it MARCHers - you can make the right decisions. Will you meet your goal today? Hugs to all...Barbara
~ Stylz ~
on 10/2/07 3:24 pm - North of Boston, MA
Topic: RE: 5 day pouch test
One Life, good luck with the pouch test, let us know how it goes my honest opinion on these post-op diets is... they scare me! Every "diet" i've found on the message boards has been generated by a post-op or a group of post-ops as a push to get back on track or lose a decent amount of weight in a short period of time. The pouch test seems to be from a freelance writer for the webpage. Is she a post op, I'm not sure, but anyone eating strictly protein for 5 days, go back to plenty of water and some or a lot of exercise is bound to lose something... Will it work, yes. Am I in your corner to restart your weight loss, of course!! Its just my honest opinion on these oh board diets I've mentioned here a few times that I've done the "fat smash diet" atleast 3 (maybe 4 now) times since surgery to get me back on track with eating and weight loss. Each time I've lost between 4 and 6 lbs in the 9 day phase 1 detox. The diet was writen by Dr. Ian Smith from Celebrity Fit Club and consists of a balanced food scale. I've talked to my nutritionist a few times about it and she said the only thing missing from this is meat and once the 9 days are over, by adding meat to your eating cycle it brings you to a balanced diet. You're allowed vegetables, complex carbohydrates, fruit and protein from beans, tofu or soy products (I'm not a tofu fan so I ate beans and frozen morning star farms products.. its only 9 days..) I didn't regain the weight after doing the 9 days because I continued staying with a balanced diet by adding meats back in. again, just my hmo
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