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Topic: RE: Marcher's going to goal - Barbara's post
ACK she's coming to TN and did not tell me??? she is so in trouble LOL.

Topic: RE: Barbara's Post
Your attitude is certainly contagious! Even from Tennessee!!
My hubby and I are going to do our three mile walk again this evening. It's been beautiful here in New England this week. Enjoy your family!
Hugs, Stephanie

Topic: RE: Marcher's a little about snacking.
Wowzers!!! I had no idea how many calories were in those little pieces of candy. Thanks for the information, Rick. It will certainly make it easier to walk buy those candy dishes here in the office!
Happy Friday!
Hugs, Stephanie

Topic: RE: ~WDYET~ Thurs
Breakfast: great grains bagel with peanut butter and sliced banana
Lunch: turkey, black bean salsa wrap with lettuce and tomato
Snack: lite applesauce and SF vanilla pudding
Dinner: tomato soup
Water: 90 ounces
Vitamins: yup
Exercise 60 minute spinning/core class
Hugs, Stephanie

Topic: Barbara's Post
Attitudes are contagious. Is yours worth catching?....Unknown author
How contagious is your attitude? Do I want to catch yours? Normally I don't want to catch anything contagious someone else has - like a bad cold, flu, etc....BUT I would love to catch your attitude - if it is one that encourages me and people around you. I think all of our MARCHers have attitudes worth catching and I know they are contagious!!!!
I want to have the attitude to succeed in this weight loss surgery. I want to encourage myself to do the absolute best I can. I want to get to goal. Do you? Well, let's get going...let's make today the first day of the next day to work towards getting to goal. Did you know by exercising you will feel better and if you feel better - won't your attitude about most things be better? Will you exercise today?...walk a little for our WALK-A-THON. Will you take those vitamins? ....don't just look at them and think about them - TAKE them!!! Will you drink more water?....don't just put it off - DO IT! Will you eat more protein today?...pass up the junk...head for protein!!!!
Make your attitude contagious...I KNOW it is worth catching! Hugs to all...Barbara
Topic: Marcher's a little about snacking.
The month of October seem to be the time that kicks off the snacking season. Halloween presents many opportunities for small indulgences. I took the following calorie information from my local newspaper and found it to be most interesting.
Calories in the following snacks:
20 pieces of candy corn - 100 calories
two fun size Baby Ruth candy bars - 260 calories
two snack size Reese's Peanut Butter Cups - 180 calories
two fun size Milky Way candy bars - 180 calories
six pieces of Starburst candy - 120 calories
So now that you have a choice to make, but keep in mind it takes walking one
Mile to burn 100 calories. Is that Baby Ruth really worth walking 2 and half miles?
We all make choices in life. It is up to us to make the best choices we can to reach
The goals we want to achieve.
Have a great weekend. Let's all get out there and walk to reach our goal of
Walking across the country.
Life is great, Rick
Topic: ~WDYET~ Thurs
Hope everyone is having a great day!
B: protein coffee
L: protein bar
S: Fage yogurt with berries
D: 1 chicken sausage link
1 big veggie kabob yum!
water 2 bottles still to go for 100oz
vits 1 calcium to go
exer Firm tape later tonight
have a great night!
Topic: RE: Quarterly Recipe Swap
Rebeka and Emile....those recipes sound so yummy I am drooling...thanks for the contribution....

Topic: RE: Marcher's some mistakes we might make - part 1
I agree with you about the support group meetings. I have refused to go to my local support group meetings because I was tolt all they talk about is the ways to beat the surgery. I drive 100 miles each way to go to a men's support group meeting sponsored by my surgeon's office. They don't sugar coat things (pun intended) and you sometime get a well deserved kick in the butt.
We certainly welcome you to our group and look forward to your input.
Have a great day, Rick
Topic: RE: Marcher's the last of the mistakes we hope no to make
Guess what it sounds like you are human. We all have some
things we struggle with. We just try to do the best we can with the tool we have been given and live our lives. I think a little
guilt can be a good thing and help to keep us on the right track. Just don't try to be obsessed by it.
Have a great day, Rick