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Topic: RE: 8 most fattening foods of fall - part 1
I like your idea of donating the money to the church for the candy money you would have spent. It goes to a great cause and you don't have the guilt ore extra calories.
I am not a coffee person, so I have never had these temptations at Starbucks. There isn't even a Starbucks within 50 miles of where I live. Once while traveling in the old days (pre WLS) I did have some of their coffee cake. Man was that good. I'm glad there are alternatives out there to some of their more popular drinks that have fewer calories.
Have a great day, Rick
Topic: RE: 8 most fattening foods of fall - part 1
this year we are not handing out candy---just to tempting. instead we are going to give money we would have apent (around 50-60 bucks)to my mother's church. They have a holloween party for kids in the neighborhood and church memebers.
I love mashed taters they make my belly feel so good and what else goes good with meatloaf?
I heard Starbucks is coming out with a s/f version of the pumpkin spice and gingerbread latte this year. If you just have to have a pumpkin latte with the sugar try getting it with skim milk and only 2 or 3 pumps of the pumpkin syrup (in a venti they put like 5 or 6 pumps of the syrup).
thanks for posting
Topic: RE: Walking Group Roll Call
Thanks for doing the book work keeping track of all of us as we walk across the country.
I logged 36.5 miles for the week. I don't have as high of hopes for this week due to a hectic schedule, but I'll do what I can.
Have a great day, Rick
Topic: RE: 8 most fattening foods of fall - part 1
I agree about the potatoes. They taste so good and go down so easy. I think the problem is the stuff we put in them to make them so good. I like your idea about the apple pie crisp. That is certainly a more acceptable treat.
Have a great day, Rick
Topic: RE: Barbara's post, she's back tomorrow
Hiya Barbara. Safe travels home!
I do have more energy and it's just simply easier to move around than it used to be. Sometimes I marvel at how much more I can do now. It makes me a very happy girl!
Hugs, Stephanie

Topic: RE: 8 most fattening foods of fall - part 1
Yikes! I didn't know that mashed potatoes had soooo many calories. Those can be my downfall at times. I made Trish's apple crisp yesterday and it was yum, yum, yummy! I know it's extra calories though, so I'll limit myself as much as possible. I really couldn't tell that sugar was replaced with Splenda.
I'll be interested to see the other four foods!
Hugs, Stephanie

Topic: RE: Walking Group Roll Call
I did 10.78.. but forgot my pedometer several days. OOPS!! I'll do better this week. Promise!!
Topic: RE: 5 day pouch test
I only lost about 5 lbs.. but it doesn't help that everything kinda stopped after day 3. LOL. I have no will power.
However, I did get up and walk 1.68 miles this morning.. YAY!

Topic: RE: WLS Re-treat at our clinic!
Hey there Stylz count me in....can you email me some more info so that I can send out and invitation myself to others I know that would benefit from it...
also do we need to fill out a registration form?
let me know...
btw...congrats on the 32 mile walk the other is all I can say....great job....