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Topic: RE: MARCHers going to goal!
Hiya Barbara. I did try in NYC to follow the four rules. I did much better with my water than I usually do but I fell short on my vitamins and my eating wasn't great. But I did try!
Hugs, Stephanie

Topic: RE: Marcher's is it worth it?
Rick, I'm so sorry you had a dumping episode! Yuck! Thank you for sharing with us. It's great to know that I'm not the only one who makes mistakes!
Hugs, Stephanie

Topic: RE: WLS Re-treat at our clinic!
I wish I could go!
My family is coming from Michigan for the weekend so I'll have to be here in NH. Do you think they will do it again next year?
Thanks for letting me know and I wish I could join all of you!
Hugs, Stephanie

Topic: RE: Marcher's keep it interesting
Well, today I have a different day on board! As I may have told you guys, I work for the state for the Division of Unemployment Insurance and I process unemployment insurance claims for military folks getting out of the service. So today I have been asked by a group of veteran representatives to speak at their convention about unemployment insurance for ex-military personnel. There is to be a group of about 250 people. I don't usually talk to that many people at one time and believe it or not, I don't have as many butterflies as I would have had at 379 pounds!!! I am actually looking forward to it - mainly because it is a subject I know very well and I love my job because it helps those guys and gals returning from Iraq or military personnel at the end of their enlistment. I have to travel about 75 miles to the place where I am giving the talk - in a quiet little town in MA. So I thought since the hotel is downtown, after I give my speech, think I will do my daily walking around the downtown area and see some sights I haven't seen before!!!!
This time of year is beautiful and that keeps me motivated. Crisp cool fall days are invigorating!!!! So this is how I will keep in interesting today! Barbara
Topic: RE: Walkers we've made it to.....
Ahhhh make me feel good. I have really enjoyed my morning seeing the sights in Clearfield, PA!!! Ruth Ann - how far do you live from this lovely sight? I am so impressed STYLZ that you provided this documentary....this is really fun!
Rick sent me some pictures of some beautiful sights he has seen on his walk and I will use them in our photo diary. I hope all of you MARCHers that are walking will send me pictures of your sights you see on your journey and we will all get to see at the end of the month where folks have traveled!!!!
Topic: MARCHers Going to Goal!
Think "impossible" and dreams get discarded, projects get abandoned , and hope for wellness is torpedoed. But let someone yell the words "It's possible," and resources we hadn't been aware of come rushing in to assist us in our quest. I believe we are all potentially brilliant and creative--but only if we believe it, only if we have an attitude of positive expectancy toward our ideas, and only if we act on them.....Greg Anderson
I hope none of you MARCHers going to goal are thinking the impossible. I know through some of the comments I have read some people are a little discouraged. The weight fell off so quickly at first, some of our group have gotten to goal and even to the plastic surgery phase, yet there are still some of us who can see the finish line, but are not there yet. BUT, done think it is impossible and don't discard the dream and don't abandon this project we undertook a little over 18 months ago.
Remind yourself today - "IT'S POSSIBLE"....let those resources we have come rushing in to assist us in our quest. We must believe we will get to our goals - we have to act and be positive we will get there. Start yet AGAIN....TODAY!!!! Let that one resource of exercise be your goal for today...and if you do that...then make sure you have taken your vitamins, drunk that extra bottle of water and had lots of protein today. YOU can do it MARCHers going to goal!!!! Say to yourself all day today..."IT'S POSSIBLE, IT'S POSSIBLE, IT'S POSSIBE". Hugs to all, Barbara
Topic: RE: Marcher's is it worth it?
I can sure relate to food being comfort and friend. I try not to let it be that way now. It isn't always easy, but it's always worth it. I also can understand your comments about the value of your time. I often feel very selfish when I take the time to go on my walks. I don't want my family to resent that time that I am taking for myself. I feel that I have to walk to find my peace and for my mental health.
Thank you for your comments.
Topic: RE: Marcher's is it worth it?
ooooh that's a tough one. I ALWAYS find bad/tired days are a BIG issue for me. Food is comfort. Food is love. NOT. At least it used to be. But I understand where you are coming from. WOW, sorry you dumped, but I'm a little impressed you dumped at this stage.
The is it worth it frame of mind has been something I employ regularly these last few months. I find it helps me to think of it in terms of time, vs cals. For instance (relating to your candy post,) --it will take me an hour to work off that extra slice of cheese, or candy, or whatever. Since I value my time mostly above all else these days, the translation works well for me.
That's why I weigh everyday. I tend to think "do I want to see an extra 2 pounds on that scale in the morning?"
It's an easy equation. Is it worth it? Usually not.
Have a great night Rick!

Topic: RE: WDYET?? *** WEDNESDAY ***
I think it might be a crime to NOT indulge in WARM cheese/bread balls! HOLY MOLY! my mouth is watering right now. If those are wrong, I don't want to be right!
B: protein coffee
S: protein bar
L: 1/2 c. clam chowder
1/2 c. snap peas w/ ranch
S: protein shake
D: chicken thigh
grilled veg
exer: -( back still broken
vits done
water 4 bottles, 2 to go
Topic: Marcher's keep it interesting
In order to do something day after day we have to find a way to keep it interesting. So my question for you walkers is how do you keep it interesting? When I was a kid my mom (who raised 7 boys) used to tell us to "go outside and count cars". I think she was looking for some quiet time? Anyway, I couldn't just count cars. I had to make a chart and categorize them. I sorted them by type of vehicle, color etc.
So now that I am walking about 5 miles a day, I have to find ways to make everyday a new experience. Most of the time I walk alone and I spend a lot of time just thinking. Mostly that is a good thing. Sometimes I think about what I want to post here. Sometimes I run the events of the day through my mind. When I don't want to think at all, I count trucks. I know it sounds silly, but I count big rigs. Not just any big rigs, but only certain nationwide carriers. Okay, quit laughing. It takes my mind off the troubles of the world and it gets me around the block.
So my question of you is how do you make the mundane "chore" of exercise interesting?
Have a great day, Rick