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Topic: Are you on the Marcher's card list?
Jannine and Mama of 3 are certainly on the ball!
Yesterday Jannine emailed about the card list and today I read Mam's post about halloween cards. I need your efficiencies ladies
Our Marcher's list was created last year for people who love giving and receiving cards. Are you on the list? Do you want to be on the list? Private message me if you do, we would love to add you!
Maybe an update is in order? Here is our old list (if you're on the list and no longer want to be on it, you could send me a message as well and I'll take you off).
M. Mays, Robin Sexton, Jannine Hairston, Stephanie Smiles, Pat T, Laura Arnold, Lu Lu, Barbara in NH, Stylz, Kim Hugs, Danni W, Soul Sista, Mimi, Belle, Mama of 3, Rebeka, Laura A, Kim R, Darlene and EJ, Tamara Lynn, Ice M, Ruth Ann, Hailey, Jeanie 46, Shari B, Sheila A, Cherie G, Rebecca M, Kathy ***
If you want to be added to the list, send me a message with your
surgery date
I'll send out the list once its updated, sound good?

Topic: RE: WDYET?? *** MONDAY ***
b-bacon and egg
l-salad and baked tater (1/2 cup sald an 1/2 bakd tater)
d-1/2 cup beqn soup
s-1/2 bagel with cream chese
water over 60 0z.
all vits in
Count me for 10 recorded miles this past week. I can only count what I kjnow I did in addition to regular walking during the day.
What type of step counter do you all have? I have in the past bought "cheap" pedometers, and they are exactly as they name implies, "CHEAP" so never kept accurate count. I don't mind spending a few dollars, but want to be sure it's going to work!
Barb, if you see this, what is the one you have? How much was it approximately if you dont mind saying.
I know I take a lot of steps and it would be cool to know. Thanks!
Topic: RE: Approved for Tummy tuck
woo hoo i am so happy for you and SO jealouse!!! i want plastics...i'll take anything!!!
You are already such a hot are going to look so freakin awsome afterwards!! hugs!
i did a bit better this week got
4.5 monday
4.5 tuesday
2.5 wed
8 thursday
2 friday
1 saturday
for a total of 22.5 (this is just my excersize...i still don't have one of those step counters)
Topic: RE: Plastics before & after photos - finally
I had such a big pooch on my upper tummy. The anchor was the only way I could get a waist. So far I am very pleased with everything so far.
How is your swelling at 6 weeks post op?
This was not a good walking week for me......chemo effects were in full swing by last Sunday night, so I had several days on the couch sleeping and watching TV.
I went to Natural Bridges State Park in Santa Cruz yesterday for the annual Monarch Butterfly Festival. The weather was absolutely beautiful and the festival was lots of fun. And yes, there were millions of Monarchs out and about. What an amazing sight!!!! When I can figure out how to do it, I'll send Barbara some pictures.
I had 11.5 miles for the whole week......
Janine makes me tired just thinking about her 80 GO girl!!!!!
Topic: Approved for Tummy tuck
Hello everyone! I know I have been missing in action for WEEKS but so much is happening. I am busy busy busy. I mailed out all my Halloween cards so keep an eye out for them!
I read the posts from time to time but I have been bad at replying. Everyone is doing so well!
Mimi, Darlene, Robin, Barb....I miss you guys!!
I promise to be better about reading and replying as for now here is my request....
If you have had this procedure (tummy tuck) can you please email me. The paperwork, approval and date have happened so quickly. My surgery is Nov 1st.
Email me at [email protected]
Topic: RE: Plastics before & after photos - finally
Thank you Stephanie. You will get there! I have faith and confidence in you. Just think of how far you have come and remind yourself that you can do this. You are such an inspiration with your exercise and commitment to working your tool. You look wonderful!!!
Hugs, Robin
Topic: RE: Plastics before & after photos - finally
I feel great!! In all honesty this surgery was easier to recover from than the RNY. I think that is because with the wls you have to deal with not eating, lack of nutrition and all of the head issues that it all entails. I am so pleased with the results and can sometimes hardly believe what a difference this has made. 6 lbs of skin & fat being removed made a huge difference! Let me know if you have any questions. While I wouldn't want to tell anyone what to do, I would recommend plastics to anyone struggling with they way their body looks after reaching goal. Especially the tummy tuck. If a gal is done having kids, I say go for it. It'll make you feel so good about how your body looks.
Hugs, Robin