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Topic: RE: More about looks
Good morning Rick. Yup, I'm still me too. I don't think I'm much different than I was 140 pounds ago. There is less of my physically, but the inside is still the same. I wouldn't even say that my lifestyle has changed much. Oh, except I shop more!
I certainly don't worry about as much as I used to (fitting in seats, etc.) and I am definitely more active. Those are all great improvements and contribute to my overall happiness. I'm still getting used to my body and all of it's changes. I think that will continue to be a process for a long time. That's okay. I'll just continue this journey and see where it leads.
Great post for today!
Hugs, Stephanie

Topic: RE: Are you on the Marcher's card list?
Sounds great! It was fun last year to receive cards from our fellow Marchers.
Hugs, Stephanie

Topic: RE: Approved for Tummy tuck
Congrats on your approval! That's wonderful news. I'm sure you posted this on the plastic surgery board, but thought I'd mention it in case you hadn't. I'll be following you on November 2nd with arms and breast reduction but my tummy stuff won't happen until next summer.
Best of luck and please let us know how it goes.
Hugs, Stephanie

Topic: RE: Are you on the Marcher's card list?
Keep me on the list and thanks for doing this! Barbara
Topic: RE: More about looks
You know I guess I am a whacky person who does consider myself as the same person I was a year and a half ago. I have always tried to be a loving, considerate, polite individual who thinks if you are good to people they will be good to you and for the most part that has always happened in my life. I have always been surrounded by wonderful family members, for 7 years by a remarkable husband, by 2 wonderful children and 3 step-children, 3 grandchildren and lovely friends and co-workers.
I have always been a mostly happy person - made up my mind a long time ago that you lived longer if you were and not to fret over those things you cannot change. I have mostly lived by the serenity prayer: God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference. I have accepted many things in my life that could have gotten me down....growing up with a retarded sister, being totally responsible for her now, a controlling mother who thought my sister was a "special gift from God" and I was just - "here" parent's divorce and my father's tragedy with alcohol and untimely death, an unhappy marriage for 30 years that I stayed in for my children. Yet, I know that many people have many more obstacles to face in daily living so I have contented myself with finding things that make me happy - one of them for many years being food. I feel like my past has made me the person I am today, through my trials and tribulations.
So I am definitely comfortable with the thinner, healthier person I have become. I live now knowing I will live longer to enjoy my wonderful husband, children and beautiful grandchildren and many family members and friends. I think I am the same person I was before WLS - just healthier and thinner.
Stepping off my box now....Barbara
Topic: RE: Approved for Tummy tuck
Trish - congrats for you! I know you will be happy after all is done! By the way - I have a serving of your apple crisp for lunch today...that stuff is so yummy!
Take care of yourself - and don't be a stranger. We miss hearing stories about your kids! Let us know how the surgery goes! Barb
Here is the link to the one I am using. Rebeka A. put me on to the OMRON pedometers. The first one I bought was rectangular and "pinched" my stomach. Then our surgeon's office started selling these shown above and the nice round shape doesn't pinch me! I gave the first one to my hubby.
I have found OMRON pedometers to be fairly accurate. I clocked a mile with my car and then walked it with the pedometer and it was very accurate. This one you set your weight and height. The other one was a little harder to set because you had to measure your gait and then calculate.....yadda, yadda, yadda!!!
Our surgeons office is selling them for $15. I am going by there tomorrow to get one for a friend of mine and if you want me to get you one - send me your address to my email and I will get one for you. ([email protected])
Topic: MARCHers going to goal!
When we are motivated by goals that have deep meaning, by dreams that need completion, by pure love that needs expressing, then we truly live life....Greg Anderson
I think we are all truly living life at this point in our journey. Most of us are at 75-100 pounds less than we were in February 2006 and some of us are more than 100 pounds lighter at this point. So we are truly living life at a different pace than we were 2 years ago today.
BUT....we need to complete the dream - we MARCHers going to goal. We must be motivated to reach our final goal and stay there! AND....we will complete this dream -together and with each other. I got up this morning saying I have to walk more today - after all it was my crazy idea for the MARCHers to walk across America and I didn't contribute much to that last week. I leave home at 5 in the morning and get home sometime between 5:30 - 6:30 at night. If I don't get my walking in at lunch then I can find an excuse at 6:30 at night not too - considering I fall asleep about 8:30!!!! So I must be motivated by my goal to "get to goal" and I hope you will be too. I know this is a loving group of folks - your care and concern for each other is evident every day in our posts. lets dream about completing our goal and more importantly than dreaming.....LET'S DO IT!!!! Follow the 4 rules today....we need and want to move towards our goal.
What dream will you pursue today? What will motivate you to move towards your goal? I hope you dream, get motivated and ACT today! Hugs to all...Barbara
Topic: More about looks
I have been told by a few people that I don't look like the same person that I used to be. I really don't know how to react to that comment. I want them to understand that I still am the same person, I just might not be the same size. I also have to wonder if I really am the same person? I am more healthy, more active and in general a happier person. I don't feel like everyday I am being watched for what I eat and that those around me expect that I am going to fail at this endeavor as I have failed at all of the other weight loss attempts in the past.
Do you perceive yourself as the same person you were a year and a half ago? Have you grown in some ways while your body shrunk? Are you comfortable with the person you have become? Are you like me and still a work in progress?
Topic: RE: Plastics before & after photos - finally
WOW!!! You look amazing! I know how important this was to you, so I'm glad you were able to get it done!
You look gorgeous! Your tummy is so flat! OMG!
I"m so happy for you and hope you are recuperating well!
take care of yourself!