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Topic: ...the harder the co...
...the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives everything its value......Thomas Paine
Some people will tell you that WLS is the "easy way out" you think that? I certainly do not. We are faced with many things for the rest of our lives...we must have vitamins every day because our pouches dump out the nutrients too quickly, some of us will "dump" forever, our pouches will never allow us to eat like we used to - well unless we choose to eat all day a.k.a. "grazing". But you can't eat a huge meal ever again - the pouch just won't take it. Some of us will most certainly have to have gall bladder surgery - if we haven't already. So in my opinion - NO, WLS is not the easy way out.
Our triump based on our conflict will be to finally get to our much anticipated goal weight. If we accomplished this goal quickly - would it have as much value? I think all of us trying to get to goal today might know we haven't gotten here quickly...yet we still have a way to go. THEN - when we finally reach our sweet and how dear and what value we will feel like we have accomplished this goal. SO - go for it today MARCHers...know you are not alone, there are several of us struggling now and a few who have gotten to goal that are struggling to stay there. Together we can all work towards our common goal - get to goal and maintain. You know what it takes MARCHers - the 4 golden rules....water, exercise, vitamins, protein.
What conflict will you overcome today to make the triumph glorious? I am betting on us to make the right decisions today. Hugs to all....Barbara
Topic: RE: Are you on the Marcher's card list?
I bet my info needs to be updated...I'll have to send it to you
Topic: RE: Rick's wife
irene it is so nice to hear from you and let me say whatever dedication you lack...Rick will make up for it! You will hall the support you will ever need and sum. He is our rock so I can only imagine what he would be for you!
The nice thing about this surgery is you can still cook...I thought for the longest time i had to give up baking...but now I enjoy baking and giving it away! (ya know before I ate half, the kids split the other half)
Good luck in your decision making, I am sure you will do what is right for you, no matter what that choice is.
Topic: RE: WDYET?? *** TUESDAY ***
pre B: protein coffee
B: went out to bfast
2 eggs, 2 sausage, 1/2 blueberry pancake w/ SF syrup
I know! i told you all I can eat a lot!
L: 3oz pork tenderloin
S: 2oz cheese on crackers
D: 1 cup veggies
water need 3 more bottles!
vits done
exer: not allowed for another week.

Yes, she does occasionally read the posts and sometimes I ask her to preview my posts to make sure something doesn't sound to stupid or that I may offend someoe. Obviously she doesn't read all of them, because some silly comments have slipped out. NO she doesn't think we are all crazy, just me.
Topic: The real Rick's post
Life as an obese person
I have heard of others that have lost a significant amount of weight and they are now living the life they thought they always wanted. I have been obese by entire life so I had no real expectation of what life would be like as a normal sized person. I also felt there was a prejudice against obese people. We were either openly ridiculed or laughed at behind our backs, but more often then not we were ignored. It seemed that sometimes people would just see right through us as though we weren't there at all.
I have seen a change in society over the last decade or so. There are more obese people then ever and it seems that it is more accepted. I guess that is a good thing in that people seem to be less chastised about their size and their differences in general. I also think it makes it easier to be obese. I think I am glad to have seen the harsh side of obesity in that it gives me more empathy for what other obese people are going through. I don't think it makes me want for them to continue to be obese because now I am concerned for their health issues.
Does being around other obese people tend to make you remain or become obese? I think in many ways we are a product of our environment. We have the ability to change our environment. If we are around people that make bad food choices are we more likely to follow their lead?
It is a challenge for me sometimes to not adopt the attitude that I think some former smokers have. Do I look at myself as a former obese person that wants to save the world from their obesity? No, I would not even discuss my surgery with another person unless they have shown an interest in it. I am even less likely to discuss this with a normal size person.
Do you think society has changed in their attitudes towards obese people and is this a good or a bad thing?
Life is great, Rick
Topic: Rick's wife
It has been quite a TEAM journey with Rick these last 2 years.
I am incredibly proud of all his accomplishments and amazed with the transformation from old man couch potato (sorry,dear).to someone who walks and works circles around me.
I know he would like for me to do the surgery and it doesn't scare me. I scare me.Food has been my friend and comfort for so long.A big part of "me" is cooking and feeding people...the more the better. I cook for the church crowds and events;I bake for our grandson's school,the blood bank and any place that needs cookies.
I have dieted,worked out,swam,pilled,starved and walked...I lose,it comes back. Rick was so dedicated to succeeding,way before the surgery,that the surgery was only a small part of the transformation. I do not think I have that dedication.
I think I am proudest of him for reaching out to others through these posts and in the local support groups. He is quite a spokesperson for WLS.
I want to thank each of you for stepping out of yourselves to respond and encourage others,and yourselves in the process.. I am so proud of each of you!!
anyone else contributing for the week? I'll make the map tomorrow, add your numbers, if its later than tomorrow I'll add them to next week . help the cause Marchers

Rick does your wife come on and read our boards too? Does she think we're as
as we really are?? lol

Topic: RE: Approved for Tummy tuck
I had my anchor cut TT on 9/27. I'm feeling better than expected. ask me any question.