Recent Posts seems like such a long time ago I could come in here and this board would be lighting up like a Christmas tree...I hope everyone is living life and not regretting any steps they have made from beginning to now...I have been doing great a few little medical slow downs but nothing to keep me down. Unfortunately since my mom passed it seems like life is not giving me a break...I too have gained some of my wait back as everyone else I have seen say it is my fault I acknowledge that...This is gonna be my new year....once I get latest medical issues settled...there will be no stopping me...I miss all of the advice and encouragement that I use to get from my fellow Marcher from 2006....I use to copy some of the advice that some people use to give I think I wiil pull it up and read it they may not post here often but I am going to try in good faith to activate the Marchers
...just remember keep on moving...(((((HUGS))))) to all my Marchers 2006 Jannine
Thank you so much for your reply. I know my regain has been all my fault. I made the decision to make a whole hearted attempt to exerecise: to ride my bike, even if only for 10 minutes twice a day, and work through any pain I am currently experiencing. I will keep in touch and thanks again for the inspiration.
Desperately Seeking a revision to a DS.
Be careful of the toes you step on today because they will be attached to the ass you have to kiss tomorrow.
Hi, glad to see you posting. I check in once in awhile and there hasn't been any activity. Where did everyone go? Sadly I think some have had regain and ashamed, and others just living life. Losing 162 lbs is fantastic and gaining 70 isn't the end of the world. You can take control and lose it. If your tool isn't working that's another story. Have you had that checked with your doctor?
I, as others have did have some regain. Probably 50 lbs from my very lowest. Why? I quit exercising and had some not so good choices more often then I realized. I am a stickler for rules and most of the time ate well but I guess my body doesn't allow the occasional treat without any exercise. I had a talk with myself at the beginning of the year and asked if I really wanted to have to lose almost 180 lbs again? Was I going to let this happen? The answer was NO! As I mentioned my eating was pretty good. Since 2006 bread, pasta, rice, mayo are not in my everyday diet. First they fill me up too fast, second they are just not worth it. Do I ever have them? Sure, but two or three times a year literally in small amounts. What I have done differently since Jan 1 this year is not eat out unless it was a place that I can make a salad from a salad bar and have a cup of chili. I've done this three time in four month. Cooking your own food, knowing what goes in it is important. And, the biggy is I started moving more again. I started at home dancing around like a crazy woman! Lol and then a little over a month again rejoined my gym. Edited here:retread your post and see you have limitations for exercise. But any walking or standing exercises would be a big help! Anything is more than nothing. :). I am thrilled to report that I have lost 34 lbs! I am so close to getting back to where I was! I am finally starting to see the smaller me again. It was frustrating at first, even though I was losing pounds and I was fitting in to clothes I had outgrown, I could only see my stomach. It didn't want to get smaller . But now I'm seeing it and it's a great motivator to keep going and who knows maybe I will get below my previous low.
dont let the 70lbs get you down. Keep a positive attitude and know that you can do anything that you set your mind to. The key is planning.. I know you said you travel for work sometimes so that can make it harder but if you can in your everyday life plan!
I live my post WLS life thinking not that I am on a diet but that I am eating healthy/clean. Process/packaged foods don't have a place, too much crap. I plan the night before what is for dinner, I pack lunch, snack etc. if you have the food ready it keeps you on track. I don't tracks calories, log food etc. I make common sense choices I know I should make. Bake, broil, steam. Protein, veggies and fruit. Eating the right foods and in common sense portions automatically keep your calories down. Makes sense to me and works for me.
if it would help you, others and myself, we can get our board active again.. Post our day, what we are eating etc for accountability and support. I still read the forums on this site but rarely post, never built up much of an online interactions with any others except for those here in the March 2006 back in the day.
Hope this helps some, gives you some hope that you can do this! Thinking negative is not good, it will just make you spiral downward. Good luck!
I feel your pain. My surgery was 7 years ago last week also. I too, have regained weight. I have no one to blame but myself. I still am healthier and have more mobility than I would have if I had not had the surgery. I started walking again and walk two miles a day. It helps me physically and psychologically. The fresh air does wonders for me.
Even though I am only 52 years old, I am a great grandfather and I want to be around to see all of my kids grow up. I will continue to do as well as I can, but I often fail as well. Life is still good, but I know I could and should be doing better.
I wish you the best. I uses to be very active on this board and I have fallen off on that as well. I do check in, I just don't post like I used to.
Life is great, Rick
I haven't been on OH for awhile. Maybe if I had been I wouldn't be so frustrated and disgusted with myself on this day. Seven years ago today, I had a surgical procedure that would change my life. My initial weight loss was 162#, short of the goal my surgeon had set. I have gained 70#. I am mad at myself for not being strong enough to deal with the temptations all around me when it comes to food. My significant other has cookies and cakes around, all the time. Of course, the SO never gains an ounce. Has even been told by the MD to put on weight. I started traveling extensively for work in 2009. Who feels like exercising after putting in a 12-14 hour day or night? Maybe if I had pushed myself a bit harder, I wouldn't be in the mess I am now. I won't even take a job that requires me to fly because I am afraid I won't fit in the seat now. My knees hurt again, limiting what I can do. My back is more chronically painful, again. The good news is that my labs are all great!
I am seriously considering a revision to a DS. As soon as I have the time and the money saved up, it will be something I will do. I applaud the others that have done well with their WLS. I have a fried who had surgery 2 weeks ago and I find that I am jealous of her. I have been telling her all the things I did wrong so that she has more success than I did. I only wish I had had someone to tell me those things when I started on this journey.
I know no one has been to this site since Nov. 2012. I just needed to vent all of my disappointments.
Happy Surgiversary, Everyone!!!!
Desperately Seeking a revision to a DS.
Be careful of the toes you step on today because they will be attached to the ass you have to kiss tomorrow.
Melissa , I to am a 2006 RNY patient. I do really well with my vitamins and Calcium. In the last year I have struggled with my weight and have gained about 45 pounds. Know I really am working on getting it off. I used the treadmill for a hour a day and hardly dropped a few pounds. Then I thought 20 minute a day would work better. Now I'm working on no snacking and getting in 20 minute on the treadmill till spring gets here and then I will be outside and staying busier. This last March I retired and that doesn't help my weight at all. I know that my surgery works because I have tried the 5 day pouch diet. I've always know it works cause when I fill I stop eating. Know that I don't work outside the home I have to much time to be in the kitchen. I need to count calories and write down all that I eat . To me that is the hardest job. Keep trying and don't give up you've came a long way already.Good luck. Viva
Recovering from surgery back to soft stage not sure what that is anymore.
After months of prescribed iron supplements from my doctor, still no improvement, so I'm getting hooked to an IV drip today to raise my iron. I have to do this every 3 days!
I'm shocked, worried, and wonder how many of my fellow Marchers might be experiencing vitamin deficiency?
Rebecca, 5'8" tall
288 / 156 / 155
I'm also struggling with weight again.
I'm also suffering from serious iron deficiency. They are hooking me to an IV today for intravenous infusions of iron. I have to do this every 3 days for 5 sessions...
Anyone else having iron deficiency problems?
Rebecca, 5'8" tall
288 / 156 / 155