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Topic: RE: The real Rick's post
I do think society doesn't look at obese people like it did years ago. When I was in grade school it was a big deal to have to buy my school clothes in the "husky" department, hidden in the back of the store, but now it seems as "plus" sections are in every store you go to. Is it a good thing that obese people are not ridiculed like they use to be by cruel people in the world yes, but its a bad thing that people are becoming so obese (espically young kids).
I've been watching a lot of documentarys news clips on obesity, foods, aspartame, high fructose corn syrup, etc. Its so sad to see what America is becoming all because of these products. Hopefully its a wake up call and people start becoming more cautious of foods they eat.
Topic: RE: Rick's wife
yay we get to meet Ricks Dear Wife
Irene, nice to meet you! Your husband is such a great support for us and if you ever decided to have surgery, he would be tremendous support for you as well.
I've also become a baker who still enjoys to bake, but as Mimi mentioned, instead of eating all the goodies, you simply make them for others to enjoy. When I get in a baking mood and show up at work with baked goods they're thrilled! Thanks for stopping in, be sure to do so more often

Topic: RE: More about looks
I can't tell you how many times people say they dont recognize me. At first I thought it was strange because inside I know I'm the same person I've always been, but as more people said it, it made me feel they think I'm different in more than just being a smaller person.
Maybe its because I dont see these people all the time, but at this point, my weight is stable, my looks are the same and my personality is as it always has been.. the same so what gives

Topic: RE: Are you on the Marcher's card list?
I remember you said you moved, but maybe you already updated your info? just wanted to make sure. and happy that we're all on the address list

Topic: RE: Are you on the Marcher's card list?
Send your info to me here on via email [email protected]

Topic: RE: Are you on the Marcher's card list?
you're there! thanks for bringing it up, we need an updated list

Topic: RE: Are you on the Marcher's card list?
I agree! hopefully we can get more Marchers to join in this year
Topic: RE: 2nd stop on our walk.....
ahh so you're the culprit! I knew it had to be one of us trouble making Marchers that gave me the flu!
I was out for the count 3 days with the flu, the first time I've been sick since being a post-op and wow did it knock me out! Yesterday I think I slept all but 4 hours of the day. It must have helped because I woke up today feeling much better. Get your rest and feel better soon
ps- We'll add your totals to the current week when you post them, everyones miles help!