Recent Posts
Topic: RE: ***Are the messages helping?***
You are reading my mind again. I have been wondering if my posts have made a difference? I am starting to have trouble coming up with topics. I don't mind posting, but I feel as though I am starting to run out of inspiration. Maybe it's time to pass the torch? I do have posts written for this week. I am interested to see the responses you receive.
Thanks for being there for us. Rick
Topic: RE: 2nd stop on our walk.....
You made me laugh right out LOUD!!!.....
"I wonder how obvious it would be if I just took the whole tray back to the table, these things are so tiny!!"
You should plan to go again....the serving sizes are just right for us now!!! teeheehee!!!!
PS: you and BF must be soooo excited over the sox!!!! congrats!!!
Topic: RE: MARCHers going to goal!
My biggest issue right now is water. I can not seem to get it in. Right now I should be drnking it while on the computer but am I-heck no! I am 5 pounds from my goal and I know if I drank more water I would lose that in no time.
Topic: RE: ***Are the messages helping?***
I enjoy both messages. Both messages always make me think!
Well I have 24 miles for last week...not a great week (and I didn't have the flu!)...but I plan to do much better this week. Somehow since Saturday I have managed to lose my pedometer - dang it! So this afternoon I will stop by my surgeon's office and pick up another one.
Thanks for keeping track my surgery-buddy and good friend! Barbara
Topic: ***Are the messages helping?***
Rick and I have been posting motivational messages for about 2 months now. Do you MARCHers want us to continue? Are you reading them? Do you think they help?
I have enjoyed doing this and although I can't speak for Rick, I am willing to continue if you think they are helping you get to goal or maintaining your goal.
Let me know. Thanks...Barbara
Topic: MARCHers going to goal!
Some folks go through life pleased that the glass is half-full. Others spend a lifetime lamenting that it's half-empty. The truth is: There is a glass with a certain volume of liquid in it. From there, it's up to you!......Dr. James S. Vuocolo
Which are you? The half-full or the half-empty? I think we were half-full when we lost our initial huge weight amounts and perhaps we think it is half-empty now because - yes we have had 1/2 the glass, but we still have a little more to go to fini**** up. But at the end of the day - there is volume left in the glass and we MARCHers going to goal - need to finish up the glass! This is a new week - a new day - make some good choices today. If you aren't really losing weight - I think you know why. You may not be making good food choices, you may not be drinking enough water, you may not be exercising. Of our golden 4 I don't think not taking your vitamins is going to make the glass half-full or half-empty, BUT you certainly are going to need them now and when you get to goal and FOREVER.
So MARCHers - please make good choices today. Let's get this done - we have the tool, unfortunately we have denial also - maybe I won't exercise today....just one cookie today won't matter, one snack size Snickers won't matter, not drinking enough water won't matter. Well guess what....WRONG!!!!! Get with it and let's finish this out together. We have about 5 1/2 months till our 2 year surgiversary....let's get to goal by then! Are you with me? What will you do today? Hugs to all....Barbara
Topic: We all make choices
So when you decided to make this life altering change to your body did you put enough thought into it? Were there any surprises? Were you prepared? Hopefully none of us went into this ill prepared. I have been surprised in some ways how my body has reacted to these changes. Most of the changes have been positive. Every now and then my body really lets me know who is in charge. Most of the time when I eat food that I shouldn't I really don't have any bad effects. Sometimes my body does give me signals that I have made a bad choice. My responsibility is to listen to what my body is trying to tell me and learn from the choices I have made. This last week I have had bad reactions to gummy bread and more cookies then I should have eaten. I haven't been sick, but my body let me know I made bad choices. Did I learn from this? I hope so.
My program coordinator has a saying "if you always do what you have done, you will always get what you've got?" So are you doing the right things that will take you to where you are going?
Have a great day, Rick
Hi all,
This week was all over the place as far as weather goes. At one point on thought my umbrella was going to sail be to Kansas. Maybe it's the last of gravity holding me down. Anyway I logged in 36.5 miles for the week.
Next weekend my wife, grandson and I are going to the ocean, so it might be a little more difficult for me to log my miles, but I will do my best.
Thanks for keeps track of us.
Life is great, Rick
Topic: RE: 2nd stop on our walk.....
nice to know you're a history buff, I'll keep my eyes open for our next stop
tea at the mansion sounds very nice! It sounds like tea and crumpets at Tiffanys! Does your family still get together for tea during the holidays? that sounds like so much fun.
My friend had her wedding shower at a tea shop, they had cute little finger cucumber sandwiches and little cheese appetizers.. of course this was during the pre-op days when I was thinking hmmmm I wonder how obvious it would be if I just took the whole tray back to the table, these things are so tiny!!