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Topic: Three years down, a lifetime to go
What a whirlwind these past three years have been. I had no idea the impact that losing weight would have on how I view my life. I feel that I am worthy of being whomever I can dream of being and have just as much right to try as anyone else does. Even when I was smaller/younger I didn't feel that I was an equal. If someone wanted my place, I moved aside. If someone was approaching, I would yield. If someone was looking at the last Mitchum deodorant stick that I wanted to buy, I would buy another brand! In my mind I thought it was courtesy but looking back, I know that it was a feeling of inadequacy that led me to submit. Going hand in hand with that was me quitting college to work in a factory when I was 19. I never got my degree, my job moved to Juarez, Mexico and I once again had failed. Well, In October of last year I mustered up my confidence to look for a job doing something that I love yet had no work experience doing.. cooking. I was hired to work in the kitchen at a retirement center making desserts where they consider me a Pastry Chef and I've started taking classes to become an RN. I've been torn between following my heart and going to culinary school or following my head and going to nursing school so that I can support my family in case my husband loses his job. So far my head is winning because I already have the job of my dreams and no college training is necessary. I just hope I can keep up the steam to make it through college doing something that I am comfortable with but not passionate about. It amazes me that 3 short years ago I was basically housebound at only 29 years old and terrified that I would die while home alone with my children. Now the possibilities are endless and I find it hard to restrain myself. I am hovering between 175 and 185 lbs, wearing size 10/medium clothes and enjoying being a girly girl. I wear makeup every day, just got gel nails with french tips put on for the first time and wear heels when I can. Loving life up one side and down the other! I have my food moments too when I let the junk win but every day is a battle in a war that I am winning. I haven't taken 3 year post op pics yet though my anniversary was on the 13th. Will post when I do. Please check in, friends. Good or bad we understand better than others could what you are going through.
Confucius say: Man who smoke pot choke on handle
Topic: RE: My 3 year report
It's good to hear from you. You are looking great.
You are right, I take full responsibility for the weight I have gained and I know what it will take for it to go away again. It is a challange, but it is so worth it.
Take care, Rick
It's good to hear from you. You are looking great.
You are right, I take full responsibility for the weight I have gained and I know what it will take for it to go away again. It is a challange, but it is so worth it.
Take care, Rick
Topic: RE: My 3 year report
Sounds like you're doing great Rick. You're exercising and getting out to experience what life has to offer you. As for the extra 23, you know how they appeared and you know how to make them disappear again if you choose to. You have control, not the food ( like it used to). Isn't that a great feeling?
Confucius say: Man who smoke pot choke on handle
Topic: RE: How is EVERYONE??
I'm sorry to hear about your mom and Nana, Jannine. Though this news is devastating, try not to lose sight of the joys and blessings God brings you as well.
Confucius say: Man who smoke pot choke on handle
Topic: RE: How is EVERYONE??
Hi Trish! It's great to see you! Great job losing the weight after Sofea was born! That is WAY hard to do. I'll check in soon to see if you have any new photos uploaded :)
Confucius say: Man who smoke pot choke on handle
Topic: RE: My 3 year report
It was good to hear from you.
I admire you for going to the gym. I have never been a "gym" kind of guy. Maybe I should be?
I can't promise I will check in everyday, but I will try to post every now and then also. I sometimes don't think I have much to say. Oh well.
Take care, Rick
It was good to hear from you.
I admire you for going to the gym. I have never been a "gym" kind of guy. Maybe I should be?
I can't promise I will check in everyday, but I will try to post every now and then also. I sometimes don't think I have much to say. Oh well.
Take care, Rick
Topic: RE: My 3 year report
Way to go Rick....there are ups and downs to everyone's lifes and we know what we have to do but sometimes life and reality kick in and tries to take are doing wonderful....and keep up the work...I have recently left the YMCA because one it was too expensive so I have joined Planet Fitness with is more than half the price of the YMCA....I will tell you what if you come in once a day and report in I will as well...maybe we can show the example to everyone else and get some of our friends to check in..
Have a wonderful weekend....
God Bless
Have a wonderful weekend....
God Bless

Topic: My 3 year report
Hello all,
Let me start by saying that I have missed all of you "Marcher's" I had hoped that many of you would check in this month. I do see that each post is getting many views so I know you are out there. I just wish you would give us an update and say hello.
Okay, I'll get off my soap box.
In many ways I can't believe it has been three years since I had this life saving surgery. My life is so different. I no longer worry about having enough energy to do the things I want to or need to do during the course of the day. I feel so much more free from the restrictions my body used to place on me. I still have head issues. The other day I needed to nail something behind the refrigerator and I had pulled it out and still didn't think there was anyway that I would fit in that confined space, but I did.
One bad thing is that I can pretty much eat anything I want and it doesn't bother my pouch. The result of this is that over the course of the last year I have gained 23 pounds. I am not thrilled about that, but I have no one to blame. I know what I am putting in my mouth and I know when I should stop eating. I feel like this surgery has put me on par with all of the "regular" people and I must balance my intake with my exercise. This is my ongoing battle
I still am walking, but not near as much as I used to. I walk about 15 miles a week and I am up to 3200 miles and have averaged about 100 miles a month since I started keeping track. So I haven't checked if I have made it across the country or not yet.
Anyway life is good and I hope everyone is doing well.
As alway, Life is great.
Let me start by saying that I have missed all of you "Marcher's" I had hoped that many of you would check in this month. I do see that each post is getting many views so I know you are out there. I just wish you would give us an update and say hello.
Okay, I'll get off my soap box.
In many ways I can't believe it has been three years since I had this life saving surgery. My life is so different. I no longer worry about having enough energy to do the things I want to or need to do during the course of the day. I feel so much more free from the restrictions my body used to place on me. I still have head issues. The other day I needed to nail something behind the refrigerator and I had pulled it out and still didn't think there was anyway that I would fit in that confined space, but I did.
One bad thing is that I can pretty much eat anything I want and it doesn't bother my pouch. The result of this is that over the course of the last year I have gained 23 pounds. I am not thrilled about that, but I have no one to blame. I know what I am putting in my mouth and I know when I should stop eating. I feel like this surgery has put me on par with all of the "regular" people and I must balance my intake with my exercise. This is my ongoing battle
I still am walking, but not near as much as I used to. I walk about 15 miles a week and I am up to 3200 miles and have averaged about 100 miles a month since I started keeping track. So I haven't checked if I have made it across the country or not yet.
Anyway life is good and I hope everyone is doing well.
As alway, Life is great.
Topic: RE: How is EVERYONE??
I'm glad you stopped in. By the number of views to each post it seems that many people have turned into lurkers. I hope they come out and say hello.
I'm sorry to hear about your families health problems. It seems like we all go through stages in our lives when our loved ones seem to be falling apart and we do our best to help them and hold on to our own sanity.
I'm sorry to hear about the mess up from the doctor's office with your plastic surgery approval. I hope that works out for you.
Congratulations on maintaining your weight loss.
I don't plan on hiding the fact that I had weight loss surgery. Hopefully I can help others who have gone down the difficult road we have already taken and make it easier for them.
Take care, Rick
I'm glad you stopped in. By the number of views to each post it seems that many people have turned into lurkers. I hope they come out and say hello.
I'm sorry to hear about your families health problems. It seems like we all go through stages in our lives when our loved ones seem to be falling apart and we do our best to help them and hold on to our own sanity.
I'm sorry to hear about the mess up from the doctor's office with your plastic surgery approval. I hope that works out for you.
Congratulations on maintaining your weight loss.
I don't plan on hiding the fact that I had weight loss surgery. Hopefully I can help others who have gone down the difficult road we have already taken and make it easier for them.
Take care, Rick
Topic: RE: How is EVERYONE??
Hey congrats on the little one......My 3 yrs was actually yesterday and I have maintained a 200 weight loss for now...I am in the middle of stressfull situations here on the home front...both my nana and my mother were diagnoised with lung cancer...not sure if I am ready for this but it is all in God's Hands.....
I have not had any plastic surgery done my surgeons assistant screwed up and sent the stuff in before I was ready so I have 2 denials so far...but my surgeon is gonna work with get it approved...
I am surprised to actually see a post here...I recently found that many that I know that have had the surgery are wanting it to go back in the closet so to say...when seen in the real world I have been asked several times not to mention Gastric Bypass...which I don't understand....why would anyone want to hide such a wonderful accomplishment in their lives it just confuses me.
I am other wise doing little sister just got married to an awsome guy...and now they are expecting...yeahhy....Hope all is going well with everyone else....I will give a better up date after I see my surgeon on the 30th for my 3yr work ups.....
Love to all of you
I have not had any plastic surgery done my surgeons assistant screwed up and sent the stuff in before I was ready so I have 2 denials so far...but my surgeon is gonna work with get it approved...
I am surprised to actually see a post here...I recently found that many that I know that have had the surgery are wanting it to go back in the closet so to say...when seen in the real world I have been asked several times not to mention Gastric Bypass...which I don't understand....why would anyone want to hide such a wonderful accomplishment in their lives it just confuses me.
I am other wise doing little sister just got married to an awsome guy...and now they are expecting...yeahhy....Hope all is going well with everyone else....I will give a better up date after I see my surgeon on the 30th for my 3yr work ups.....
Love to all of you