5 weeks post-op and GAINING WEIGHT! Any feedback?

on 5/7/06 1:40 am - Corinth, TX
It has been 5 weeks and three days since the surgery. I am frustrated today. Not only haven't I lost anything, I have gained, nearly three pounds! Today the scale said 259.6. What a bunch of crap that is. Am I the one for whom this surgery does not work? I am still schlepping around way more than an extra hundred pounds, so what gives? I think I am doing everything right, except sometimes I can't get all the vitamins in. I think it is time to increase my exercise. Maybe that will be what makes the biggest difference. I have been walking the dog for between 20-40 minutes 4-5 times per week. I think that part of my problem is that I haven't come to terms with the fact that I weighed the whopping 285 to start with. That is a number I can't seem to wrap my head around. See, when I decided to have RNY I weighed in the 260s and then gained during the pre-op months of waiting, eating what I wanted to without restraint. When I think about myself and what I imagine I look like and what I imagine my weight is in my head, I think of myself as around a size 20 and around 240. I also feel like I should be there by now. I guess I figured that since I gained 20 pounds so quickly that it didn't really count and that it would fall off in like a week or something, and I would be making more progress than I actually have by this point. Last year I tried one of those protein liquid diets (Medifast) and lost 31 pounds in 35 days. I expected RNY weightloss to be equal or faster than that. I certainly didn't think I would be GAINING, and certainly not at 5 weeks post-op. Some folks on this site have lost way more than I have by this point post-op. I find myself comparing myself to them. I also find that I can eat more than I think I am supposed to. Well, actually I think that my mind is playing tricks on me there too. For example, last night I made shrimp scampi. I poured off all the garlic butter then just ate the shrimps. I put them in a small bowl then ate the whole thing. I was surprised I could eat the whole thing. Then to wake up this morning and have gained, I figured it must have been the shrimp, right? So, I just went and got the same bowl, filled it with water to the level that the shrimps had filled the bowl. Then I measured how much water was actually there (and hence how much shrimp I had eaten). Turns out I had eaten only a little over 1/2 cup! Not too much after all! Which brings me back to saying, what kind of crap is this that I am eating very little and have gained weight??!!!
Tina K
on 5/7/06 1:53 am - Central, NY
Hi Polly, Deep breath honey! Deep breath! Everyone, regardess of surgery status, has fluctuating weight. There have been days where I've weighed myself and found a difference of five pounds in one day! How often are you weighing yourself? Are you close to your period? I always put on a few pounds during that time of month! Step away from the scale and take comfort in the fact that you are doing everything you are supposed to you. You're eating the right things, you're exercising and you have the tool you need to loose the weight. Don't worry, it will work for you! Just keep doing what you are doing. Make sure you are getting plenty of liquids in and keep up that walking. And believe me, I understand the wrapping your head around your weight. Right now, nearly 7 weeks post op, I'm the weight I was when I started looking into surgery 3 years ago. Sometimes I want to scream in frustration! Hang in there and hugs, Tina http://www.wls.tinakulesa.com 315/268/140
on 5/7/06 2:08 am - Corinth, TX
Thanks for the encouragement. I am eating my protein, about 45 grams in supplements per day plus real meal stuff. I eat very little other than protein really. As for the period, I have no idea where I am in the cycle, but if I were to guess I think I had a period about a weeka nd a half ago. I probably need more water. I have quit measuring the water intake, so maybe I should start measuring again to insure adequate intake. Thanks again for the encouraging words. Polly
Melissa P.
on 5/7/06 3:41 am - Aurora, IL
I agree with Tina. It is ok. IT WILL WORK FOR YOU. I don't know what I am saying, because I keep thinking the same thing. Everyone keeps telling me the same thing. You may have gained muscle with all of your walking. Muscle weighs more than fat. Are you measuring yourself?
on 5/7/06 3:58 am - Inland Empire, CA
My weight has fluctuated also, as long as I know I am doing everything right, i try not to worry too much. I don't think it's possible at this point for us to gain--we aren't able to take in enough calories to gain! Your fluctuation could be anything--water retention, a late dinner, sore muscles (they retain water) etc. One thing I would warn you about is to keep measuring your food BEFORE you eat it. It's way to early to stop measuring. The bad habits we had that made us overweight in the first place won't go away overnight. You may be able to still overeat b/c your insides haven't fully healed yet, so you don't get that "full" feeling yet so you need to measure. And liquid measures are different than weight volume measures of solid food. So b/c the water said 1/2 cup--that could still have been well over the 2oz of shrimp you're supposed to be eating. Hang in there, I"m sure next week will be better and the scale will get in line! GL
on 5/7/06 5:37 am - Ft Stewart, GA
Polly calm down - did you just go up one time? are we talking water weight? I always bounch around by about 3 pounds from retaining water after work outs - grrrr that sucks BTW work out hard and scale goes up - stupid $%@#&$ scale LOL mesure EVERYTHING that goes in your mouth girlfriend and I do mean everything - pick one water bottle or one size of water bottle and keep track of how many of them you drink a day - that works best for me go to fitday.com and track your food AND exersize - then you will KNOW scientificly and in the brain that you are burning more then you are eating - it will make you feel better when the scale slides up and down. I take comfort from a dear skinny friend of mine who taught me that weighing every day is ok and a good thing as long as you have a "5 pound range" so today I weight 319 as long as I am doing what I am suppose to if I wake up tomorrow and wiegh 320 or 322 it is ok b/c in a few days it will be 319 or 318 - so you give yourself 5 pounds of water wieght/the scale is crappy/I ate to much salt last night/not enough water/etc and if you are working out hard and eating really good that "5 pound range" will keep going down but picture a sliding 5 pound ring around your weight on a graph - just stay with in that ring and you are ok. keep us posted hugs Danni
Sandra S.
on 5/7/06 5:45 am - Mountain Home, ID
Hi Polly! I was in the same boat until I started going back to Curves. The 30 minute workout and getting my cardio up seems to have kick started my metabolism and have been losing at least half to a full pound a day! Maybe some cardio along with your walks will help. Take care and remember, we are only 5 weeks out! We have a lifetime of results to look forward to! Sandy
on 5/7/06 6:02 am - Cottage Grove, OR
Polly- We had our surgery the same day, and believe me, I KNOW your frustration! Last week I gained a pound one day, then gained another pound the next day, (2 pounds in 2 days) and I started FREAKING OUT! I was soooo mad! I've been living off of 600 calories a day and working out at Jazzercise every other day, walking my dogs for 2 miles, etc... so what the #$*&#($???? Then I got my period the next day... But even after having my period last week and doing all my workouts, all vitamins, all protein, etc. I've been STALLED for 7 days now! SEVEN DAYS at the same weight!! Why? Who knows... but people are noticing my weight loss and my "skinny" clothes are even getting baggy... so I can't be going the wrong way. Hang in there Polly. You'll see, next week we will drop some weight Rebecca M.
Stephanie Smiles
on 5/7/06 10:46 am - My Town, NH
Polly, I'm convinced my scale is possessed. It has a mind of its own and enjoys pulling my chain. I've been told by my medical professionals that scales can easily fluctuate a few pounds AND your body can easily fluctuate a few pounds. It's so hard not to stress over those numbers. I go up and down all the time, daily in fact (yes, I know I shouldn't weigh everyday!). The RNY will work for you. It already has worked and will continue to work. You're doing all the right things. Keep your chin up! - Stephanie
on 5/7/06 9:05 pm - Nashua, NH
Polly....you have to throw the scales away....they are broken, don't tell the truth, and just pitch them out the back door and HOPE they break more than they are already broken! I think we are obsessed with the scales...present company included! It is hard not to jump (well maybe roll) out of bed every morning and run (well maybe walk) to the scales...but I think we just have to stop doing that! I made my hubby put the scales in the garage and then I only weigh on Saturday! You have to go outside to get to our garage (don't have a door inside) and it is way (weigh!) to much trouble to do that early in the morning in your nighty and knowing it is cold also. So I bring in the scales on Friday night and have them ready for Saturday morning...then take them back outside! But know you will get there, you are a beautiful girl and you are going to be more beautiful than ever in no time at all! Hang in there and know you are doing everything good for yourself and your new body and new healthier person! Good luck...Barbara
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