Ok, I'm a little concerned...

on 5/5/06 12:34 pm - Pittsburgh, PA
About what I'm eating, or more like what I'm not eating! I have been finding it a little frustrating lately to care about eating because it's just a pain in the arse and too much work (meaning having to put too much thought into it. That is too much thought if I want something other than my normal laughing cow cheese, egg/egg beater, chili or fish. I have always enjoyed going out to eat, and also am on the run alot so a lot of times its just the way things go. During the week we eat at home but weekends mostly out. ie: tonight after work I called my husband shortly before to meet me at work and we'd go out to dinner. My first thoughts were of joy, I wanted to go out to eat, have something good. But then reality sets in that, Oh, I can't just order what i want, I have to dissect the menu, make all kinds of accomodations on the meal, order the smallest amount I can and then hardly eat anything anyways. It's kind of depressing. My mind is the same as before surgery and I think how I want chinese or something, will get that urge and then realize well you can't have Chinese. Any of this making sense yet? LOL What I'm feeling is frustrated. I just want to eat dinner at home and not worry about what to have. I want to eat a hamburger with the bun and all the fixings, not just the meat/cheese. I want to have some pasta, macaroni salad, hamburger helper, any type of meat with a sauce on it, I want chicken wings with hot sauce and blue cheese, I want to eat a piece of pizza with the crust, not just the toppings. No, I'm not craving all these foods and I'm not hungry tummy or head wise, I'm just frustrated with having to nit pick to get some food. I just want to order like a normal person!! Make sense??? Yes, I know all these foods and all those "Normal" people size portions is what got me here, but again I'm just frustrated, bored and tired of having to make exceptions. *sigh* Yes the weightloss is worth it, it's not making me too crazy but it just keeps crossing my m ind the past few days. It just really bugs me when I want to go to eat out, that something I would h ave ordered before I can't, again I've got to make exceptions and pick around the menu and ask for all kinds of special ways to have stuff prepared. I know we annoy the h ell out of waitresses. LOL My other thoughts, questions to everyone is, What all are you guys eating at 6-7 weeks out? I am still afraid to try so many things. I do see some of you mention things that I'm surprised you eat. ie: My understanding is no regular bread. Toast yes, and I've had that a few times. But someone mentioned eating burritto wraps/ tortialls, whatever you want to call them. Wouldn't those get gummy in your tummy?? I haven't tried chicken yet. I'm still petrified. Have seen way too many posts on people dumping. I'm tired of Salmon and shrimp. I had eaten ground beef before (burger only) when we've gone out. But I don't want to eat any of that stuff anymore, I'm sick of it. So the past week to two weeks I've been living on hardly anything. A cracker or two for breakfast with 1 wedge LC cheese which is only 3/4 oz, like 2 oz protein. Lunch pretty much same thing might have 2 wedges. Only had a half wedge today, the other half had for lunch yesterday. Dinner on Wednesday was only about 1oz of chili. I thought this morning I'd eat 1 egg over hard with a slice of cheese on it. I managed about 1/2 of it before I didnt want anymore. This can't be enoug food! I'm not hungry, so is this ok? I do have my two protein shakes a day so do get 60 gms of protein from that, but I do know I should be getting protein more from food and eating more. But it's just been a pain! Again what kinds of things are you all eating that hasn't made you sick? How can I get the nerve to try some other things? What things should I try? I'm afraid to try anything that has any type of a sauce or anything on it. Cottage cheese is unappealing to me now, so that's been dedecuted from my food list, I havent even had a SF popsicle in awhile, and I used to love those and have them lots pre surgery, but post its like one a week if I'm lucky. It's jsut basically LC LF cheese and crackers. Help!!! Thanks
on 5/5/06 12:58 pm - On the coast of somewhere beautiful
Ruth Ann, I'm sorry that I won't be much help to you because I am feeling the same way you are. I hardly eat. Everything just seems like it's too much trouble. Right now, I am only allowed soft proteins. I am not allowed carbs of any kind. I still cannot tolerate chicken very well. Tuna salad is so-so. Tonight I had a bean, cheese and chicken burrito from Taco Bell and I ate about half of the insides. The chicken in this goes down much easier I think because the beans have kind of softened it. So, it's not dry at all. This morning I thought a scrambled egg sounded good, but after I sat down to eat it, it grossed me out. I took two bites and I was done. I didn't have lunch. Most times I think I want something, but when I go through all the trouble to prepare it, I find that I don't want it anymore. When I feel like that ( most of the time...LOL), I eat yogurt. It goes down easy and I don't have to fight with it. I'm only allowed the low fat kind without fruit. I do manage to get in all my water, 40 grams of protein and all my vitamins every day. May 17th is when I go to the next food stage. I don't know what foods I will be able to add, but maybe something new will whet my appetite. I am hoping I can have a strawberry....just one and I will be satisfied! lol I am dying for a strawberry. I haven't lost as much as most people at this stage despite walking two miles per day. I sometimes think that my lack of food is the reason why. It's so hard to eat though. So, I totally know where you are coming from. Hang in there. I know I wasn't much help, but I just wanted to let you know that you are not alone Joanne
on 5/5/06 2:49 pm - Cottage Grove, OR
Ruth Ann- I TOTALLY can relate! Tonight (Fri.) I talked hubby into going out to eat, because I'm just SICK of the same foods. I get to the restaurant, and the menu has soooo many delicious looking foods! No, I can't have that... can't have that... can't have that... could maybe order that, but its too much food and will be a waste of money... *sigh* As I wait for my soup, I'm looking around at the other tables, seeing large plates of temptation, and smelling the aromas of what I can't have.... My hubby drinks down his iced tea while waiting for his food, while I just sit there, unable to drink, while waiting for my soup... Then, the food arrives, and my hubby scarfs down a large ribeye steak, mashed potatoes, bread, etc. while I sip on my soup. He finishes his whole meal and is waiting on me, and I only "ate" half my bowl of soup (it was tomato soup, not too bad). By the time I leave the restaurant, I'm wondering WHY did I want to go out to eat!!??!!?? I barely ate anything, and all I did was torture myself with other foods I couldn't have.
Sandra S.
on 5/6/06 7:12 am - Mountain Home, ID
Rebecca! We went through the exact same thing the other night! I suggested we go out to eat and experienced the same emotions. My husband said it wasn't much fun for him because I couldn't enjoy myself also. BUT, the good part was the buffet! It had soup, chili, salad, fruit, etc and I could pick whatever I wanted to taste, because I can do just that! TASTE different things. My thing is desert. I miss the desserts. But I knew I had my NSA ice cream waiting for me at home. yummy. Also, the waitress thought I was nuts but I asked for only a cup of ice, (other waitresses passing by kept asking if I needed a refill! LOL). I munched on ice chips while waiting for my food and occasionally had one during my 'meal', (had some shrimp off my husbands plate along with my cup of soup!) I think we just have to turn our old way of thinking about food as our pleasure zone into our fuel zone. We're eating for fuel now, not for pleasure. Sandy
on 5/5/06 10:01 pm - Nashua, NH
Hi Ruth Ann....I think we are all probably going what you are going through at this point in our journey. I have had tuna salad until I think if I see tuna salad again, I may throw it in the ocean!!!! BUT....I guess we should focus on "how happy" we were when we "got our date"....when we knew our fat bodies and poor health had another chance at renewal. I don't think we can ever go back to eating the way we did or we might find ourselves on the "revision" forum!!!! I know I am not hungry, but I remember you have to eat to get that protein in...to make our bodies healthier. But the question is...what to eat!!!! My hubby and I used to eat out WAY TO MUCH....but we did enjoy it. After you work all day, who wants to come home and fix dinner!!!??? We are definitely not eating out as much, but when we do go out to eat - this is our strategy. We order one meal and I eat off it. Last night we went to Longhorn Steak House. We ordered the chicken breast with bacon and cheese on top. The hubby wanted cheese fries - which was ok cause I know I have to get my protein in first and then have no room for cheese fries! So we also got a salad and I took about 5 fork fulls of the salad and ate about 1/3 of one of the chicken breasts - which left him with 1 2/3 chicken breast, cheese fries, lots of salad and bread. It is hard to see the other good food going by, but it has to be a mind thing I think!!! But sometimes if you like to go out and eat, you can make some good choices and split the meal with someone...we can eat so little that the other person won't really know they are missing anything since most meals are pretty generous. I still think about how much I wanted this surgery, studied about it for a long time and knew going into it that sacrifices would be required...not that any of that makes it any better, but when I see something yummy...I try to think...I have come this far and there is no going back!!!! Cooking at home does seem to be a little strange...I also fixed big meals - our kids were always bringing someone home it seemed at meal time and where I got used to cooking for 5-6-7 people, now there is just the 2 of us and I can't get used to cooking for 1 1/2 people! Now that it is warm, we have been using the grill outside for meat. So far everything has agreed with me ok...somethings more than others. I guess we will just experiment along and if we keep focusing on how much good we are doing for ourselves....and how much better we are going to look and feel - perhaps we will get down this journey. Maybe when we do go out and eat - instead of looking at the food going by - we should pick out a waitress that we think we might look like a year from now! Well I am off my band box...guess I better go fix some tuna salad!!!! Have a great weekend everybody! Barbara
Darlene X
on 5/5/06 11:24 pm - Maricopa, AZ
You know, there are things I "think" I want... and when I do allow myself the treat of trying a little... it just doesn't taste the same anymore, and I don't find the same enjoyment. You want pizza... so did I... so I allowed myself a tiny slice of thin crust pizza. You know what, it just wasn't very tasty, I didnt enjoy myself, and ended up wondering why I wanted this in the first place. It sounds like you need a lot more variety in what your eating, your getting bored... TRY THINGS!!!! Dont be scared.... I guess thats one thing about me, is I try lots of new stuff... the only thing I was nervous about was chicken, and you know what I found... It's been the easiest meat for me to eat so far! I was so scared for nothing. Last night for dinner I had a small salad with lettuce, cheese, tomato, sunflower seeds, bacon and my fav dressing--- It was YUMMY!!!! I find myself craving lettuce and vegetables a lot more than I crave my old favorite pasta. We also had breadless BLT's the night before, I took a big peice of lettuce, and spread a little mayo, and put some bacon and tomato inside then wrapped the lettuce... it was delicious! Living after WLS is about moderation...... stay on track 90% of the time, and then every so often allow yourself to go a little off track.. have a teeny slice of pizza... I can guarantee you'll wonder why you wanted it. Eat some hamburger with a little bit of the bun... You need to branch out there. If you dont get some variety in your life and try new things you'll get bored and in a rut. Have you tried any of the recipes Ive posted? LOL Tell me what foods you love and I'll find healthy alternatives. Darlene
Melissa P.
on 5/6/06 12:53 am - Aurora, IL
I bairly eat too, but I ahve had a haburger with the bun. I just ate a few bites, but it was fine. I have had pasta. I think that you need to try more, and you will not feel as upset. I found that the only time I get sick is when I eat too fast, but I can eat anything.
on 5/6/06 2:42 am - Glendale, CA
I agree with the variety thing. I invite you to try more variety! Also, although I don't want to go against your doctor's orders, I suggest that you try a little of things you're scared of but try them at home. I had surgery the same day you did. We went to a steak house and I ordered a twice-baked potato. I had a little salad then steak off my partner's plate and ate a little bread. I was fine. And, it was good to have a taste. Instead of having a giant platter of it all, the taste satisfied me the same. For lunch, I often have one of those 4 oz. carb control light n fit yogurts with some sliced fresh strawberries or other fruit. Sometimes vegetarian refried beans with grated cheese. I make homemade soup from lentils and beans - high protein and good. I'm sick of the protein shakes, so I got some really good protein bars from bariatriceating.com. When you're on the go, take them with you. They are a lifesaver! I bought some of the bottled sauces for meat and fish from bariatriceating.com - they are good and keep the meat moist. I bought some bariatric cookbooks. I also try to get over the feeling of wasting when I order a meal that I cannot finish. And, I order a senior meal - it's cheaper. We all care about you and are here to share. It's amazing how much our lives with wls are the same. Love, Laura
on 5/6/06 12:11 pm - Pittsburgh, PA
Thank you all for your input. I'm making a pledge today to try more things and not be such a scaredy cat! If I start to eat it and it's not feeling right I'll stop. I'll remember to chew chew chew. Things should be ok! I really do appreciate having you all here to bounce things off of. It's great to have people at the same stage and sharing your experiences. Darlene, no I haven't tried any of your wonderful recipes yet. I do read them and they do sound great, just not much of a cook. So that's not a positive either! LOL I never did like it much so only do it when I have to. But I see your pizza recipe today, that sounds like a good one. I think we will have to try it!
on 5/7/06 5:58 am - Ft Stewart, GA
I try all kinds of things - I guess b/c I have several freinds I went though this with and I have seen them eat all kinds of things - weird things that are not "normal" tummy comforting foods are great for me - almonds 1/2 oz per day are great for me. when we go out I eat off my hubbys and boys plates. or the other night we went out for chinese just me and tim and we ordered an apitizer to share 4 shrimp somethings I had half of one he had 3 1/2 of them LOL we ordered a shrimp and scallop dish with pea pods in it - I had 4 or 5 shrimp and 2 pea pods and had one small spoon (T or so) of brown rice. in some ways its great we can aford to go out for nice dinners on our date nights more often b/c I am not eating like I used to (half the apitizer and one main dish each and how about dessert honey) I have just learned I will spit it out into a napkin if it doesn't taste right to me - I am not into just to please others -esp not at resturants we went to a church grill out/picnic type thing last night - I had 1/2 a brat, 1/2 a deviled egg (I made them so I knew what was in it ) and 1 bbq chip and 1 sour cream and onion chip - I sucked down 2 bottles of water while we sat around and talked and I licked a taste of one dessert that looked wonderful off my sons spoon LOL. I am learning a new skill in life how to NOT eat at socail functions LOL - anyone good at this yet? EAT FOOD - IT CONTROLLED OUR LIVES FOR A LONG TIME - DO NOT GIVE IT POWER ANY MORE!! danni with a very opionated 2 cents today
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