
Tina K
on 5/6/06 10:29 am - Central, NY
I'm headed on two months post op (on 5/15/06) and I'm sooooo frustrated with eating. At this point, even though I don't care for protein shakes, I'd rather just have my ChocoMint protein drink and my protein laced Chai tea. At least those I don't throw up. Don't get me wrong - I don't throw up all the time - just when I eat something that tastes really good! *sigh* It just seems easier to drink my food. I've yet to toss that in the toilet. My biggest problem I think is that when I'm eating something I really enjoy I either eat too fast or I take ONE bite too many. I seem to have trouble knowing when to stop. My mind is so used to taking another bite even when I'm full and the throwing up hasn't taught me yet. Last night I made some steak - nice and tender. I gave myself 3 oz of it. God, it tasted so amazing. Either I ate to fast or I had one bite too many and ended up throwing it up. Man, it was so upsetting because it had tasted so wonderful. Just needed to share with people who might understand. Anyone else having these problems? If so, what are you doing? Tina 315/268/140
on 5/6/06 1:39 pm - Cottage Grove, OR
Umm, I want to know what "ChocoMint protein drink" you are drinking... I WANT SOME!! Chocolate mint is my favorite flavor, and I've not seen any protein drink in that flavor... AND... what "protein laced Chai tea"?? Gosh, that sounds good, too! I love chai tea!! Tina, you sound like an "all or nothing" type of person. You must be my long lost sister! LOL I tend to have the same attitude about things... I've not been brave enough to try steak yet. It does sound good!! Maybe just eat 2 oz. instead of 3, and set your fork down between bites? Don't let yourself get distracted during eating, focus on every bite. Rebecca 269/226/150
Darlene X
on 5/6/06 11:01 pm - Maricopa, AZ
"ON" Brand at GNC & Vitamin Shoppe makes Chocolate Mint protein.
Tina K
on 5/7/06 1:38 am - Central, NY
Hi Rebecca, My ChocoMint is Elite Whey Protein. It was in the sample pack of protein drinks I got from Bariatric Eating prior to surgery. It was the ONLY protein drink I could actually finish a full serving of. So I went and got a whole 2 pound canister of it and I drink one serving maybe every other day. It's pretty darned good. The protein laced Chai tea is also from Bariactic Eating. Big Train Low Carb Chai Tea. I make a serving and add a scoop of IDS Vanilla Cinnamon protein and it's simply delish! I have one of these every night as my "relax" drink. Tip - mix the protein in cold water first, then add the tea mix and mix well. Then add the ho****er. I also strain before I drink because the first time I had chunks of the protein powder which was NOT good. LOL Yeah, I'm an all or nothing sort of gal and it's just not working for me any more. I'm going to take your suggestion and serve myself even smaller portions. I konw that one day I'll get it all figured out! Tina 315/268/140
Nancy V.
on 5/8/06 5:50 am - Wilmington, CA
Hi Rebecca, we have the same surgery date and started nearly at the same weight, but have DEFITNITLY lost way more than I have, just wondering if your exercising yet? You look great on your picture from Sat. on your page!! Great job!! ~Nancy 267/235/145
on 5/8/06 7:42 am - Cottage Grove, OR
Hi Nancy- I have been exercising since Week 2 post-op. Been going to Jazzercise a few times a week, and walking or hiking (a nearby mountain) on the weekends. I guess I need to stop putting my first weight at 269, because that was my weight at the beginning of March when I got my surgery date. I didn't weigh on the day of surgery, so I can only guess what my weight was at the time of surgery... According to my surgeon, I've only lost 26 pounds since my surgery. They guessed that I was 252 at time of surgery (they didn't weigh me, they just picked a weight based on my answers to their questions). Rebecca, 5'8" 269/252?/226/150 or I guess I should just put 252?/226/150 and be done with it
Nancy V.
on 5/8/06 8:04 am - Wilmington, CA
It must be the jazzercise, sounds like fun!! No you were right putting your starting weight, its funny i'm telling you we started nearly the same, I weighed 253 the day of surgery! Well I'm starting my kickboxing class tomorrow, its 3x a week so hopefully that will give me a boost, right now all i do is walk when I can and rollerblade with my son every now & then. But I finally got the go ahead on all full exercise programs!! Well its nice to know there is somoeone out there that I can relate to, as far as our dates and starting weights! Hope to keep in touch! ~Nancy 267/235/145
on 5/8/06 12:53 pm - Cottage Grove, OR
Nancy- Thank you for the compliments I'm really liking Jazzercise. I hate going to the gym or working out on machines, I'd rather dance! Kickboxing sounds fun! How tall are you? I'm 5'8". Our goal weights are only 5 lbs. apart, too! Rebecca 269/226 (stalled at 226 for 7 days now *sigh*)/150
on 5/6/06 3:49 pm - Monrovia, CA
I've had a few bouts of overindulgence, and it sucks! Just last night my hubby and I were out with friends and made a late nite run to In'N Out. Without even thinking, I order myself a burger, figuring I'll just nibble a little bit of the meat and be fine. I think I ate what little I managed to get down too fast and felt like I had a rock in my throat. I lost some of it, and won't be wanting a Double-Double with grilled onions again anytime soon! (I was really craving that too, so maybe it's a good thing not to have it settle well with me!). I never used to vomit, so actually throwing up the few times it's happened thus far is kind of freakin' me out. However, I realize that it took me 30 years to become obese - I'm not going to unlearn those habits in 2 months! I'm eating a lot of soup with very soft veggies, lean meats, and supplementing with protein shakes to make sure I keep my nutrition up. When I 'eat' something, it's usually to satisfy a taste or texture I can't get out of my head, and it's just a TINY bit!
Tina K
on 5/7/06 1:42 am - Central, NY
Karin, I've done okay the few times I've been out to eat - usually because we are with people and I do slow way down! I haven't tried a buger yet though I admit to craving one lately. In fact I've just been craving red meat period! Prior to surgery I very rarely vomited. I've found after surgery that it's much different but I still don't care for it too much. I enjoy soups and soft veggies too but I'm trying to hard to get the majority of my protein using real foods and soups and veggies don't have that much protein. I'm a few weeks ahead of you too. You're right though - we're not going to unlearn our habits in 2 months. Tina 315/268/140
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