Getting discouraged.

Shana M.
on 4/17/06 2:31 am - KY
K, I've really tried to remain upbeat about this whole stalled thing, but now I'm losing it. It's been three weeks now. I stopped losing inches 1 week ago and have only lost 2.5 pounds in the last week! This is so not fair! I'm getting that feeling this isn't going to work for me and I'm going to have gone through all this to lose a whopping 42 pounds!! Is anyone else in this same boat? I'm getting desperate!! SLM
(deactivated member)
on 4/17/06 2:52 am - AZ
Hi Shana, I think we all have self-doubts at times. None of us would have had this surgery if we hadn't tried a million other ways to lose the weight. When I have my doubts I remind myself that I'm measuring/weighing all my food, I'm following the rules my surgeon/nut gave me, including getting enough fluids and protein in each day, so there is absolutely NO WAY I can fail since I'm doing everything right. Sometimes I have to remind myself of this several times a day so I don't panic! For me the scale started moving again. It's moving far slower than I would like it to, but it's moving in the right direction. I'm OK with being a slow loser as long as I'm a loser. So keep your chin up, keep following the rules and you will be a loser! Elizabeth
Darlene X
on 4/17/06 4:54 am - Maricopa, AZ
Unless you are back to eating THOUSANDS of calories a day there is NO way this will not work for you. Please be patient.... so many of us have just gone through a stall, or are still in it. Mine finally broke after over 2 weeks today and I went down 2lbs... Everyone is in the same boat... if you find yourself getting depressed over this then please get rid of your scale. Weigh once a month if you have to--- have someone hide it for you.... DONT let the scale determine your success... Darlene 338/299/170
on 4/17/06 5:40 am - WI
Hi Shana The scale will move soon try not to worry 42 lbs is great I had my surgery the day after you and have lost 30 lbs your body is just trying to adjust after losing so much at once just make sure your still eating and drinking what your supposed to and the scale will move soon. Good Luck Heather
on 4/17/06 5:48 am - clinton, MO
Im with you on getting discouraged I had surgery on the 23rd of march, I have only lost 14lbs since surgery. Im in my fourth week out now and it seems everyone else is further along then I am. I am having alot of problems getting in my protien maybe thats why im not loosing as fast as everyone else. I dunno but its hard to get on the scale and see nothing when i am eating so much less then i used to. Thanks for letting me know im not alone!!!! Stacy
Stephanie Smiles
on 4/17/06 5:51 am - My Town, NH
Shana, this is the most difficult part of this surgery for me. I had surgery a day after you did and have lost 22 pounds. 42 pounds is great! I seem to stall for a week and then lose a pound or so. It IS discouraging! But 2.5 pounds in a week is amazing! Pre-surgery, I couldn't have lost 22 pounds in five weeks. Or if I was able to lose it, it would pile back on just as quickly. There's no doubt about it...this process seems SLOW. But is it really that slow? 22 pounds in a month is actually pretty fast. And 42 pounds is excellent weightloss! Keep your chin up. We're all in that SLOW boat to skinnyville together and as long as we follow the rules, we'll get there when we get there. - Stephanie
on 4/17/06 6:13 am - Palmdale, CA
Stop worrying, you are weigh ahead of most of us!! I had my surgery on March 2nd and I have lost 30 lbs. Its coming off alot slower than I had thought it would but it is coming off!! Dont weigh so often, Im weighing once a week and even that can be discouraging at times. IT WILL HAPPEN
Nadine O.
on 4/17/06 6:43 am - Baltimore, MD
I had surgery the same day as you. I've only lost 25 lbs. Everybody is different. I don't plan to weigh myself until my next Dr. appt. I'm happy to be out of a size 26 and into a size 22 now. Be patient and don't stress yourself out. Nadine O.
Shana M.
on 4/17/06 7:16 am - KY
I'm sorry. I guess I was just fuming and should have held my tongue (or fingers). I know that I have lost more than some and less than others and it was insensitive of me to complain. I'm happy and grateful for every dropped pound and I know it will make a difference whether it's 2.5 or 5 pounds. I have a tendancy to set very high goals (sometimes unrealistic) for myself and fight to achieve them. I probably shouldn't be weighing myself every morning, but it's a hard habit to break. Thank you for your support and words of wisdom. I'm going to my support meeting tonight so hopefully I will feel better afterwards. Thank you! SLM
Barbara M.
on 4/17/06 10:21 am - St. Louis, MO
Let's try to get some perspective - you've lost 42 lbs. since March 6. That's terrific. I had a two week stall during weeks 3 and 4, and gained 2 lbs in week 6, all while following my surgeon's orders to a T. I finally had a drop so that I have lost 33 lbs. in 7 weeks. You are doing VERY well. You have lost an average of 7 lbs per week. You are not going to stop losing weight. Give your body a chance to adjust, for heaven's sake... hang in there - Barb
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