How was the weekend????

Darlene X
on 4/17/06 12:58 am - Maricopa, AZ
Hi Guys!!!!!!!!!! I didn't post any "What did ya eat today" posts over the weekend, too busy, and I don't play on the net much from home. I had a pretty good weekend, saturday was lazy! I went and got an awesome pedicure! We went out in the evening--- it was hard for me, because we wanted something to do, and there isnt much choice... and all I could think of was food, and restraunts.... thats what we would normally do. We did a litle shopping, I got a cute shirt for church Sunday. Then we had an expensive and gourmet dinner at Wendy's hahaha. We ordered 2 baked potatoes and a small chilli... grand total $3.21 and we wasted over half of it. I just had a teeny bit of chilli--- I dont like Wendy's chilli so much anymore... or so I found out--- and ate about 1/2 the inside of the potato. Before we both had WLS, we wouldnt have left Wendys under $14. After dinner we went to a local fun park type place (Mini golf, go carts, arcades etc)... we played arcade games, it was so much fun!!! After we met my Sister in law (Also has had WLS) and her husband and played board games till 1am. Sunday I was so cute!! hahaha. My outfit and toes and everything matched, we had church and then met for our family dinner. I cooked the ham (Everyone in the family loves my homemade honey baked ham) and also a green bean casserole. We met and the kids had an egg hunt outside. I didn't think it would bother me, but it did... watching the kids opening the plastic eggs full of jelly beans, mini M&M's etc.. Dinner went great! I ate a small amount of ham (Maybe 1/8 slice), some mashed potatoes (2 TBS or so) and some of my green bean casserole (Around 1 TBS). Everything went down and stayed down fine. I actually realized last night I finally got that "full" feeling.... we left before dessert, it was getting late anyway, and I didnt want to be around the Marie Calander pies LOL. In my sister in laws defense, she tried to get a SF pie, but they were completely sold out of all SF pies. All in all an excellent weekend!!!!!!!!! This morning I FINALLY broke my stall!!!!!!!!!!! Ive been stalled for about 2 weeks, and today I got on, and had dropped 2 more lbs, putting me into the 200's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY. Im now officially 299lbs, -39lbs since surgery. So how did everyonme else do this weekend and with easter????? Darlene 338/299/170
on 4/17/06 1:50 am - Pittsburgh, PA
Hi Darlene! WooHoo on breaking into the 200's! I know it's a great feeling. After posting note: Sorry this went LOOOOOOOOOOOOONG! warning! I had a good weekend. Saturday I had a bridal shower to go to. It was my husbands cousin. This is the last one of all the marriage aged kids. I guess I shouldnt call us all kids, I think the youngest is like 26, the oldest I guess being me at 43, on their side the one getting married now I believe she is 39. anyways... My husbands side of the family, as he calls them are "FooFoo". LOL He doesn't get into all the country club, who's who, tata stuff. I personally like it LOL but he doesn't. How we get along so well I don't know. I guess I'm in between, I can mix in pretty well anywhere. So the shower was at a country club, it was kind of fancy but not too extravagant. It was a very nice shower, but only discomforts with it, was the fact that I had WLS. We personally did not tell anyone on that side of the family I was having the sugery, just my husbands Dad. We didn't tell him not to tell anyone, so can't blame him on that. But he has told his sisters etc, and seems as though they told their children. So, first I felt a little uncomfortable thinking everyone would be checking me out. which wouldnt be too bad because I have lost about 60lbs total since Feb. and even if we werent to admit it, we wouldnt mind a little recognition. So I felt a bit on the spot. His one cousin who was there when I arrived has always been very nice to me and talked, she asked how I was feeling etc and said I looked really nice etc. Later his one Aunt and her two daughters arrived. Everyone said hello etc and then in some conversation I saw the one daughter lean in and whisper something to her mother (after I saw her check me out). So that made me uncomfortable #2. During brunch, which I couldn't eat what was served, (I did come prepared and brought a cheese stick) the Aunts were asking me questions about the surgery, what I could or couldnt eat etc. I didnt mind talking about it a little bit, but as we've seen others post, it seems to become the topic of conversation. You want to kind of scream ENOUGH ALREADY! Shee****here were about 8 of us seated at a table. Most of them were inquisitive and listening and made me feel fine, but two of his cousins you could just tell werent keen on the idea of the surgery, I could just see their reactions, facial expressions, body language etc, that they didnt approve of it or thought it was the "easy way out". But I don't see them often, just at family things like this. and this is the last of the weddings, so shouldnt be much more than maybe a baby shower to come in the future? They, the group of them at one point, were commenting to eachother (this was before eating and questions to me) about being careful what they eat, I guess they (who may I mention are all average to thin size) imho, with exception to one, are all trying to lose some weight. So the first part of the shower was uncomfortable. I was so glad when it was time for all attention to go to the bride to be as she opened her gifts. Whew that was over!! We were near my parents house so stopped there shortly before heading home. I was, or have been in a mood lately. I just don't know what to do with myself. I want to do stuff, but then I don't want to. Make sense? I know I dont just want to sit around, but I think its sort of what you said. Old habits, plans for the night out always included going out to dinner somewhere. Well that is kind of useless now, when it would be such a waste of money. So I was like lets go to the movies, 5 mins later, nah, i dont want to do that. Then we drove past the ball park and there was going to be a game that night. So I told my husband lets go to the game. He love baseball so was all for it. I was too, until we got home to drop off some stuff before heading there. By that time I was like I dont know if I really want to go. LOL I have to be driving him crazy. LOL So we didnt go. I had wanted to just go out, maybe to a bar/club or something. I sort of miss that from my younger days / single days some times. I've only been married about 2-1/2 years, and before meeting my husband I was out alot with friends on the weekend. I didnt sit home or just go to dinner and a movie. So I was in the mood for that, but again the thougt was, well I cant drink anything bu****er, and cant eat any of the food, it might not be that much fun, So we just stayed home which was nice. I did get all my deviled eggs done for Sunday and did my colored eggs. Sorry this is so long, but we are talking about the whole weekend. LOL Easter Sunday was nice. We did try having breakfast out. Went to Eat'n Park. I ordered an egg beater omelette and toast. I ate a couple bites of the egg, that was pretty much it, so a waste after all. Afterwards Dave says lets go for a walk get some fresh air. It was beautiful! So we went to a nearby trail. There were tons of people out walking, biking etc. I didnt think Sunday Easter morn, there would be, but there were. So we ended up doing about a 2-1/2 mile walk. Dinner was at my brothers. Everyone brought something. I had a little lamb, nibble of roast beef and ham. 1/2 deviled egg and some broccli/cauliflower in cheese. Got some beautiful flowers from my other brother who I dont see often enough. So it was a nice dinner. We didnt stay long, had some things to do to get ready for the week, so headed home early and just relaxed. Congrats again on breaking 200 Darlene, that is fantastic! Hope your stall breaking starts the rest of us off also who've been stuck at the same weight! I know our bodies have to catch up. But I'm ready to move on!! Have a great day!
on 4/17/06 3:13 am - Littlerock, CA
My weekend went well, I got all my exercise in. I visited my daughter and grandsons Sunday and had fun. I just brought some string cheese and ate that instead of relying on something I could eat there. However, as I live at 3,000 feet and my daughter lives at about 500, my poor sinuses are inflammed this morning. I'm in quite a bit of pain. I'm fighting with myself about taking some benedryl or some pain meds. To make matters worse it's REALLY windy outside and I don't want to make my sinus any worse by taking a walk out there. Perhaps I'll get on my stair climber today. Ingrid
on 4/17/06 6:34 am - WI
Hi CONGRADULATIONS DARLENE!!!!! Under 300 is a great feeling keep up the great work. I had a good weekend to celebrate with my husbands familiy we all went out to Red Lobster on Saturday and I had 1 shrimp scampi, 1 breaded shrimp, and 2 grilled garlic shrimp I was in heaven and I confess I broke a little bite sized piece of their yummy garlic biscuit off and ate it, it practically melted in my mouth. Jerrys aunt asked me if I wanted to have a few of her carrots and I almost laughed at her because I didnt want to waste any of my pouch space on anything but the shrimp. On Sunday we went to see my side of the family they all said I was looking great which made me feel so confident. they didnt know about the surgery before but they do now and they all seemed very happy for me my one aunt admitted that she was jealous. I ate some turkey and mashed potatoes with a little gravy. Watching the kids eating all the chocolate was sooo not fun, watching everyone eat dessert was even worse. But the worse part was everyone kept giving Lucas candy to take home, Jerry and I dont let him eat candy except on Easter and Holloween so he was on such a sugar high I was just happy he didnt throw up. Hope Everyone had fun this weekend Heather BMI FINALLY UNDER 40 316/239/140
Stephanie Smiles
on 4/17/06 10:08 am - My Town, NH
Hello all. My weekend was nice and quiet. I did go out to eat for the first time since surgery on Saturday night. I had baked scallops and haddock and did quite well with it. I ate a bite or two of broccoli and a bite of baked potato to go with my five scallops and couple of ounces of fi**** was nice to be out and know that I would be okay. Also, the scale moved again! Yay! - Stephanie
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