First-time Poster

on 4/15/06 3:07 pm - Anchorage, AK
Greetings everybody, I've been reading the March forum sporadically for a few months now ... finally got my login information straightened out so that I can start posting! A little about me - I'm 41, married, three young children. I had my surgery March 3rd and am down 38 lbs. While I'm happy with the weight loss, I'm overall feeling a bit down because it's been a rough six weeks! I was wondering if anyone would have any words of wisdom. My first post-op week was my best. I felt well and was able to eat a variety of things, not to mention that I was able to get in about 50 oz. of water and 50 g of protein a day. By week 2, I was feeling a lot of pain while eating. I kept in close contact with my surgeon's office and was told either that it was normal or that I was doing something wrong. By week 3, I could not keep any food or water down. We all suspected a stricture. The surgeon's office provided absolutely no support in getting a diagnosis. I had to go to the ER where they confirmed that, 18 days post-op, I had a stricture that was 100% closed. I was hospitalized for about 18 hours (all on our dime) while my husband and I waited for my surgeon to get a referral to a gastroenterologist to perform a dilation. I have been through 2 dilations now, the last one on March 30th. Since then, I have been having great difficulty with eating. Much, probably most, of what I eat comes back up. Some things go down surprisingly well one day, but don't stay down more than a few minutes the next. I know that I am not getting enough to drink. During my hospitalization, I was diagnosed with GERD and am on Nexium and Carafate. Still, whenever I eat or drink, I have to contend with significant pain and non-stop burping, in addition to the vomiting. I fear that my overall health is declining because I am so darned tired. I HATE eating or drinking anything because it is generally traumatic. Prior to surgery, I was told that vomiting and general misery were pretty common in the first three months. Boy, can I attest to that! I am starting to regret this decision, though ... it is hard not to let the everyday pain and discomfort get to me. Thanks for suffering through this post. I hope to check in every day, and thank you in advance for any insight or encouragement. CaroleB PS - As I am thoroughly disgusted with my surgeon's office for many reasons, I am trying to find support and answers outside of that sphere - just want to let all of you know that calling THEM for info generally gets me (and most of his other patients, apparently) nowhere. I am looking to all of my peers for some good info.
Tina K
on 4/15/06 3:19 pm - Central, NY
(((Hugs))) Carole. I'm so sorry you've had such a hard time with your recovery so far. Sounds like your surgeon's office needs a swift kick in the pants!!!! While not as severe as yours I've been having some vomiting problems as well and find that I'm not getting nearly enough protein in. Drinking is okay thankfully. Just hang in there hun, from everything I've read people who have had these problems do straighten out and are thankful for the changes. Keep posting for support and we'll do what we can. Hugs, Tina
Tisha C.
on 4/15/06 4:06 pm - Signal Hill, CA
Carole - I'm sorry to hear that you have been having issues post-op. I hope everything works out well for you and that you will be able to find a local support network for yourself. ~Tisha
Stephanie Smiles
on 4/15/06 11:09 pm - My Town, NH
Hi Carole. I'm glad you posted and introduced yourself. Oh my. Your journey does not sound like it's been fun at all! I'm so sorry you've had such difficulty. Is it possible to find another surgeons office to handle your aftercare? It seems as if your current surgeon doesn't offer you the kind of support you need. Are there any bariatric programs in your area that you could sort of "transfer" into? I wish I had some great wisdom to offer, but I can only offer support. Please keep trying to eat and drink even though it is traumatic. Are you able to handle any of the protein drinks at all? At least they would provide you with protein and some liquid. I send you good thoughts that things will calm down for you very soon. Please keep posting and let us know how you progress! - Stephanie
on 4/16/06 3:28 am - Cottage Grove, OR
Carole- Welcome to the March messageboards I'm sorry about what you have been going through. Reassure yourself that it can only get better from here on (I'm trying to be positive) We are here for you, to vent your frustrations, to get advice, for general support... **Hugs Carole** Rebecca M.
on 4/16/06 5:20 am - Littlerock, CA
Hi Carole, while I can sympathize I can't empathize, I havn't thrown up yet although it seemed to be close a few times. I'm so sorry your Surgeon's office is not supportive, they should know better, I'm sure they didn't mind taking your money for the procedure, that money includes post op time too! Shame on them! I'm not sure what type of foods you meant by "able to eat a variety of things" but I know my surgeon had me on a very strick, liquid only diet for the first 2 weeks. Now whenever I feel a little overwhelmed with the food I'll go back on the liquids again for a day and it really seems to help. I'm sure that makes no difference if you can't even hold down water though! sheesh! As suggested by another above, if your surgeon is not giving you the post-op support you need perhaps you can find a better one for aftercare, maybe the gastroenterologist who dialated your stricture is available if you liked him/her? My thoughts will be with you and I hope the rest of your journey goes smoother. BTW WELCOME to the Marchers '06 Ingrid
Juju B
on 4/16/06 7:45 am - Bowdoin, ME
I have been on a very stirct food diet; I was on pureed foods and after a month I have been able to eat soft foods. My problem has been the protein; the shakes make me vomit. I have tried many different ones; just keep trying, I know it has been a hard road but in the end it will be all worth it. I would call the hospital were you had your surgery and ask them if there is a local support group; we have one twice a month and it is great.
on 4/16/06 5:08 pm - Anchorage, AK
Ladies, thank you for all the support! It is so kind of you to take the time to offer words of encouragement. I had a reasonably good day today (aside from the fact that I threw out my lower back - is there no end to the pain??) I managed not to throw up! Everything stayed down. I look forward to more days like today. Just wanted to follow up on a couple of your replies. I am sticking with my surgeon's office until I complete my 90-day post-op appointment. With good luck and God's grace, I can go back to my PCP after that. As far as support groups ... my surgeon's office has one that meets about once a week. It's a long (30 mile) drive for me and I'm usually either in the midst of dinners/baths with the kids or it's at midday, and I simply don't want to bring my two toddlers (one is WILD) along. I have gotten little from those I've attended, and am looking more to the forums for support than anywhere else. The doctors around here are dead set against taking on patients (post op) on whom they have not performed surgery. Seeing another bariatric surgeon is pretty much out of the question. Thanks for the suggestions, though .... just reading your posts (and those of the main board) make me realize that those with "textbook recoveries" are few and far between. Each of you is a wealth of info. I look forward to getting to know you better! Carole
Katie M.
on 4/18/06 2:06 am - East Petersburg, PA
Dear Carole, My heart goes out to you when you mentioned not wanting to take the kids to a support group and being in the middle of dinner and baths. It certainly adds an extra dimension of "hardness" when you put little kids into the mix. I have a three year old and seven year old boys and they are little bundles of energy who need Mommy to be back up to speed. I've been running myself too hard lately (between Easter and the kids and a new puppy) and not drinking enough and felt dizzy.Yesterday, I took a blanket out in the yard and lay down and let the kids and dog play around me while I rested (I should have been scrubbing the toilets, they haven't been scrubbed since before my surgery!) But I figured "If Momma ain't happy, ain't nobody happy! It's sounds like you had quite a rough time. I hope it gets better quickly for you! Welcome to the March boards, there are a lot of nice encouraging folks here! Hugs, Katie
on 4/18/06 4:18 am - Orange Park, FL
Hi Carole, I had my surgery March 14th and am having the same problems you are. ANYTHING I eat seems to sit in my throat and I have to throw it up. I burp after every mouthful and at times my stomach feels like the pouch is going to burst. It is the most uncomfortable feeling in the world. I don't think I am doing well in getting my protein in as it makes me sick to my stomach. The only think that seems to be okay is ice cold water or at times Crystal Lite. The pain and discomfort can be unbearable and I find myself depressed alot. I am trying to make the best of this though and will find out if I have a stricture next week at my appointment. I will keep you in my prayers and hope that we both can find a workable solution to our problem. I don't want to be bulemic, on top of everything else. I share your pain....God will get us through it!!! God Bless Terri
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