3rd Week / Want Tuna Salad

Tina K
on 4/15/06 12:44 pm - Central, NY
OMG My Space! It's like this generation's AOL. When I first got on the net anyone who was anyone (read: wanted to be cool) had AOL and a cool profile! My 14 year old son uses My Space. My kids don't have their own domains but they have their own email on the family domain. How old is your daughter? Tina
Tisha C.
on 4/15/06 12:50 pm - Signal Hill, CA
My daughter just turned 15. Yikes! She abused Myspace last school year (I caught her giving out my credit card number to some boy via the private messaging) and promptly deleted her profile. And then everytime I turned around there was ANOTHER one. So, we decided to let her have one again ONLY IF she keeps her homework up and that I get her password so that I can monitor it whenever I wanted. Seems to be a fair compromise so far. The other day, we went through her 300 "friends" and I made her tell me about each and every one and lo and behold - we got rid of almost 2/3's because she didn't know half the people. ~Tisha
Tina K
on 4/15/06 12:57 pm - Central, NY
Holy cow! My son will be 15 in December. A few months ago some strange things started happening - like phone calls from people we didn't know. Some kid we didn't know showed up at my father-in-law's house asking for him, saying that my son told him to meet him there. Yikes! We had a very long talk about what information was NOT supposed to be shared on the net and the weird stuff stopped. I don't have his password but he's got it saved on the computer so I will sign on every once in awhile just to check what he's got up there. At various times he has had his age at 18 or 21. Yikes again! 300 "friends"?? I'm 33 and I don't know that many people! Teens are tough! Girls more so than boys I think so. My only daughter is only 10 (11 next month) and my other son is 11 (12 in July). Hubby and I already have plans to lock daughter in her room when she turns 13 and keep her there until we marry her off to a man of our choice at 27. When I tell her she can't date until she's married she gets all wound up! LOL Tina
Tisha C.
on 4/15/06 1:16 pm - Signal Hill, CA
Teens are WAY tough. I told my daughter that I would never never wish for anyone to be a teenage girl. Poor thing. I'm 33 and have 3...my oldest is 15, my youngest daughter will be 13 in August and my son will be 8 this month. They mature so fast! I was looking at my 15 year old the other day and I was like "omg, you don't look 15 right now - go put on a disney sweater or something!" Her pics are on my profile. She's a hoot! ~Tisha
Tina K
on 4/15/06 1:57 pm - Central, NY
LMAO about the Disney sweater! I hated being a teenaged girl! Couldn't wait to grow up so I was an idiot and got married to hubby #1 when I was 20. Grew up and divorced at 25. LOL I just finished reading your profile. Too cute! I used to use a lot of graphics from Blue Moon! We've got quite a bit in common. I was 4 pounds heavier than you on the day of my surgery, we're the same height and I swear we have the almost the same closet doors in our homes! I choose to stand in front of my ugly closet doors cause I thought it would be neat to see me shrink between the knobs. LOL I also see geek echoes in pre op photo montage! Used to use Photoshop but when I got the new laptop (yeah!) I lost Photoshop so I just got Paint Shop Pro and I'm still learning. I wonder just how narrow these replies can get? One word per line? Tina
Tisha C.
on 4/15/06 2:53 pm - Signal Hill, CA
hah. I couldn't wait to grow up, either, so I got married at 18 to hubby #1. Figured out my boo-boo right around age 22 or 23. Met hubby #2 in '97 and married in 2000. That is too funny about you standing in front of the doors because I stood there for the SAME reasons. I thought it would be neat to then layer my pics after a few months and see how much more of the closet doors you can see and how little I was in the doorframe. hah I just installed Paint Shop Pro the other day because I couldn't find my photoshop cd. lol Let's see how narrow this one gets! ~Tisha
Tina K
on 4/15/06 3:03 pm - Central, NY
I met hubby #2 in 1998 and married in 2000. September 2nd. How about you? LOL We met online if you can believe it. A bit before it was "cool" to meet people from online. While I can't make graphics I do make buttons for web sites and I love the button making thingy with PSP. You can center text which is cool for me because no matter how hard I try I can't center things. Now, if I could figure out how to do a morphing thing I'd morph my before and afters once I'm skinny! Er...healthy! Tina
Tisha C.
on 4/15/06 3:10 pm - Signal Hill, CA
We married April 8th in 2000...woke up one day and said "screw it" and ran off to Vegas for our wedding bliss. lol We met online, too. =)
Tina K
on 4/15/06 3:14 pm - Central, NY
Ah Vegas! The other side of the country for me. We married in my parent's backyard and had a BBQ after. The beer and wine flowed like water and my Father was master of his domain while manning the grill. That's when he fell in love with my husband! LOL Okay - what else might we have in common. Um, I write fiction. I'm a hell of a cook (or was pre op, we'll have to see what I can do post op but I made a chicken chili tonight that was pretty good - according to the kids) and I really hate to clean. Tina
Tisha C.
on 4/15/06 3:50 pm - Signal Hill, CA
heh...I don't write fiction but I've always loved writing. I have a friend that I email every single day and it's all just my musings and what have you and he keeps trying to convince me to write if only for entertaining myself. I do love to cook, however pre-op I became quite lazy about it...actually, post-op I'm not too thrilled about it, either. Still trying to adjust to things and so far the kids have had some killer peanut butter and jelly sanwhiches! ~Tisha Oh, and I hate to clean, too. :sigh:
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