Ok, having my first mental problems with this.

on 4/14/06 11:00 am - Pittsburgh, PA
I know we all posted the other day about our stalling. Seems we are all pretty much on that same path with close surgery dates. But that and the fact that I feel I am eating too much is starting to get to me. The scale hasn't moved in a week. I told myself I wouldn't do this, but sure enough here I am worrying that this will be like all other diets, great at the go, weight just dropping off only to fail and by Summer have it all back on. The scales not moving and I feel like I'm gaining. I'm still in my smaller clothes, they fit fine, but I feel bloated and fat. Yes I know I am fat, will be fat for a long time, but you know what I mean. I havent had any probs with constipation etc, everythings been coming out ok on all ends, so shouldnt be any reason there. My husband tells me and I guess I agree that my body is catching up with the numbers. They just fell so fast so now the rest of me has to balance out to it? But I've been feeling like I"m eating too much. Which I know I'm not. I see what I write down, but I'm supposed to have a stomach the size of half my thumb, how the hell do I get a 1/2 cup of anything in there? How do people go to work with doing all this? I'm always having to eat, or drink, or not drink, or not eat, taking a vitamin here , taking one there. I'm full j ust doing that! I guess I'm just feeling yucky tonight because the scales arent moving and I was on a thrill ride watching it drop so fast, and now I feel like it's not going to move again and be real. It was like a dream that first two weeks, and it still doesnt seem real that I will ever get down to 200 let alone below. I havent been down to 260 since around 1995 or so. I'd just love to see that right now. Is anyone else feeling discouraged by their stall? Thinking as I mentioned earlier that this might be the end? That now you'll just gain the weight back like you did so many other times before? Ok, going to go read some posts and head to bed soon. Have a good night.
on 4/14/06 11:18 am - hampton, VA
Ruth Ann, I do feel the same way I have lost 30lbs and the scale hasn't moved in about 2 week I am still only eating an ounce of food 3x a day, walking 30 mins a day, drinking 48 oz liquid,70 grams of protein and getting all my vitamins. I don't think I am doing anything wrong. I was asking myself why did I bother? No diet has ever worked before. I feel very discourged too. I hope I didn't make a mistake doing this. Jenn
on 4/14/06 11:54 am - Allison, PA
Ruth Ann I know how you feel. I'm also going through the same issues. Lost 20 pounds the first two weeks, then nothing for three weeks. But this week I've lost about 8 pounds and feel better. I attend a local weekly support group meeting and my group says not to worry, that it will happen, maybe just not as fast as we want it to. Keep your chin up.
on 4/14/06 12:54 pm - Cottage Grove, OR
Ruth Ann- It is totally normal to feel this way. We all are having these thoughts on some days... We went through a LOT to get this surgery, and we have experienced failure so many times before, that we tend to go into negative thoughts when results aren't apparent. Are you getting at least 60-70 grams of protein each day? You said you are writing down what you eat, and that is good. You sound like you are doing everything you should be doing. I try not to weigh myself every day so that I won't get depressed if there isn't downward movement. Don't let those negative thoughts take control of you!! We didn't go through this for nothing! You WILL SEE RESULTS, you WILL LOSE the weight, you ARE losing inches!! Your husband is right, your body needs to catch up. As Dori the fish said in "Finding Nemo"... "Just keep swimming.. Just keep swimming.. swimming..." (except replace it with "Just keep sipping, Just keep breathing, sipping, breathing...") heheheh Sip sip sip! Rebecca M. 269/234/150
on 4/14/06 11:42 pm - Pittsburgh, PA
I don't think the past few days I've been getting enough protein. I was trying to get enough via food, but can't eat that much. I ran out of protein powder, ordered and it seems to have been delayed. I did decide yesterday that two days without add'l protein supplement was too long so did go to GNC and found a good one there. Bought a small package $10, so not too much add'l cost and have that to do now twice a day. Two x a day would give me 42 grams just there.. So I'll be back to getting enough. Thanks!
Katie M.
on 4/18/06 1:33 am - East Petersburg, PA
I was haing the same thing and decided that I'm just trying to do too much with food. Yesterday I went back to my good 'ole Carnation instant breakfasts with beneprotein in them and just did liquids. I had some soup for dinner. I feel so much better today. I was getting too excited about scrambled eggs, hummus, and ricotta cheese! (but with them I was full and didn't drink enough! ) And it is so hard to coordinate meals, drinking, vitamins, etc. I am tearing my hair out this week. I went back to work because I felt OK, but the routine is hard to get used to. I used to just run out the door for work, knowing that I could run through Burger King, or go to the vending carousel here at work. Now, I need to pack everything. I think we're just adjusting to the new us! Hope your days go smoothly! Hugs, Katie
Tisha C.
on 4/15/06 12:32 pm - Signal Hill, CA
Gosh, I'm SO glad I'm not the only one who feels this way. I told my husband that I have such a hard time with the "rules": Stop drinking 30 mins before and don't drink 30 mins after eating, Need 90oz protein a day, must only eat no more than 1/2-2/3C of food at each meal, sip don't gulp, etc etc etc. Toss in all of that the vitamins and what not. Ack!?@#($*$ As much as I didn't want to do it - I may need to make a schedule to check off for a couple of weeks. Just something visual to keep me on track. I sometimes forget to take my Prevacid or my calcium. Yikes. ~Tisha
on 4/15/06 1:43 pm - Houston, TX
I, too, know exactly how you feel. I lost so much weight the first couple of weeks, then it seemed like the scale just wouldn't move. I decided to weigh only twice a week - which is harder than it sounds becuase I want to weight everyday. I got on the scale this morning and I was down 4 more pounds. That felt really good. The other thing I keep reminding myself is that unlike other diets, I won't be gaining this weight back. That means the weight I've lost is gone forever. I can take a few days of slow weight loss when I remember it's gone for good!
on 4/16/06 5:30 am - Glendale, CA
You and I had surgery on the same exact date and I'm having the same exact thing. In fact, I gained 1-1/2 pounds this week. It happens. Just keep doing what you're dong - you KNOW that logically speaking you have to be losing fat. So, do not dispair. I was discouraged too, but one day the scale will begin going down again. Remember, that our bodies think we're starving and will horde the calories to keep you alive. Let it do its thing and keep doing what you're supposed to do. Big hug! Laura
Sheri D.
on 4/17/06 12:48 am - On the edge of, SD
Hi Ruth Ann - I went through exactly the same thing. I lost 30 lbs. the first 10 days. The next week, I gained a pound and then it just stood still. However, this last week, I have lost an additional 5 lbs. (I am 5 weeks out tomorrow). Just keep following the plan and your body will catch up again and the pounds will start coming off. It really hasn't been that long when I think about it. To have lost 35 lbs. in 5 weeks!!! I joined my local TOPS group 4 years ago and was only able to lose 30 lbs in that time (and then gained 11 of those 30 lbs back). Just remember, we aren't going to see the changes overnight, it is going to take a some time. Time also for us to get used to the changes in our own eating habits to last us a lifetime. Keep positive and keep doing what you are - it will work. Sheri
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