The Yucks

on 4/12/06 4:21 am - Baldwin, WI
I knew this would happen, but I just didn't expect it to happen so soon. I'm tired of eating. Everytime I turn around I'm drinking this and measuring that. I haven't had more than 200 calories a day for the past 2 days because everything I'm dished up has gone right down the disposal . I just don't want it! I'm not even drinking water. I don't think there's anything wrong physically. I just don't "feel like it". Has this happened to any of you? I know I have to kick it and get back in the groove, but it's hard. It's not like a depression or anything. I'm happy and don't regret for on minute that I had my WLS. I just seem to be turned off by food at the moment. Does this make sense to anyone or am I going crazy after all?
Nadine O.
on 4/12/06 4:31 am - Baltimore, MD
You gotta get something in. Your body will go into starvation mode if you don't. You don't want that . My Dr. told me the most important thing to focus on for the first three months is my water intake (enough to prevent constipation) , protein (at least 50 grams), and my vitamins. I have days when I don't desire any food and I have days when I get severe hunger pains and light headed if I don't eat. Nadine O.
Darlene X
on 4/12/06 4:43 am - Maricopa, AZ
I feel the same way.... yesterday I didn't want to eat at all.... I forced it down my throat because I know I have to. You have to eat---- eventually this will go away and you will want to eat again, but for now you just HAVE to do it so you can stay alive... We are relearning.... Eat to live, not live to eat.
on 4/12/06 5:18 am - Pittsburgh, PA
I feel like that today. I'm not hungry and don't want to eat. I have because I know I need to, but honestly it was a chore and I had to force every bite. We talked about in another post stalling, this can come from not eating enough, not getting enough protein etc. I know it is hard at first to get everything in, but the water is a definate, you don't want to dehydrate. Do try to get some food into you, try to do a protein shake etc, but most of all get in water. It is not crazy not wanting food. It's strange, its a miracle perhaps, but not crazy. LOL Just not something we're used to. I hope you can find something that settles with you and you want to eat. Good luck.
Stephanie Smiles
on 4/12/06 6:56 am - My Town, NH
I especially have a hard time at night. I've started bribing myself in the evenings. For example, last night I told myself that if I would just eat 2 ounces of the chicken (instead of my usual 4 ounces) that I could have strawberries for the first time. It worked last night, but as I sit here waiting for the clock to chime 5:00 p.m. I know I don't want to eat. Nothing really seems appetizing at the moment. You're not crazy at all, but I would encourage you to try to drink your liquid. Do you flavor your water at all? Or maybe try the flavored bottled water. I know for a while after surgery, regular water tasted like metal in my mouth. Hang in there Ms. Keara. It will get better. Hugs, Stephanie
on 4/12/06 7:13 am - Inland Empire, CA
Hi Ms Keara, I have had days like that too. On those days I just force myself to substitue a protein drink for food in order to at least get my protein in. Or I will try a soft boiled egg, that goes down easy. Please force yourself to at least drink, we can't afford to get dehydrated! I'm sure it will get better for you, and just think, you're half way to your month mark and that leads to entirely new foods--hopefully more appetizing than blah cottage cheese etc. I hope it gets better for you.
on 4/12/06 8:02 am - Covington, LA
Keara We all took this drastic step to have surgery for our health. Also, we all get sick of the eating plans. You are in control of your future. Be strong and positive--bj
on 4/12/06 11:50 am - Littlerock, CA
I know exactly how you feel, I'm righ there with you. It is definitely a chore to get food down, everything seems to make my stomach a bit queasy. I know it's more psychological than anything. I am getting my liquids in, but even the protien is a bit of a chore for the last few days. We do the best we can every day.
Amy I.
on 4/12/06 9:51 pm - KS
Wow..... Could we be twins? everything right now is making me sic****xcep****er) I can't find a protien drink that I can tolorate. It's usally to sweet or something! I have lost 30# since surgery on the 20th, but feel blahh because I don't want to eat (forcing something down) and nothing tastes good or looks good! Therefore not enough protien going in! What are some protien drinks you have tried? Protica makes me sick.. and anything in it with fruit is not going to work! AmyI
on 4/12/06 11:46 pm - Baldwin, WI
Hi Amy! You are right, the sweet stuff just adds fuel to the fire. I've tried Isopure. The first one I had was okay but after that I'm also drinking the whey protein shakes (from powder). I think they actually taste the best but I don't care for thick shakes so it also makes me want to chuck. I tried mixing it with water instead of skim or soy milk and that was just plain nasty. It was like drinking cold Swiss Miss Cocoa. I've also tried cutting the Isopure with water. Didn't help. I'm banking on the Protica. I know I can choke that down regardless of what it taste like. Or at least that's what I hope. I'll have it for the first time today. I'm waiting for the UPS dude as I type this! Good luck to you. We have to find a way to make this work for us. If I hear of anything new (I'll be looking around today), I'll let you know! MsKeara
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