Hello new to this board

on 4/12/06 12:48 am - Milwaukee, WI
Hi my name is Sherry I had surgery 3/23, I have been lurking around this board reading post to find out what everyone is eating, I want to tell you all that you are doing an awesome job. I lost 20 pounds in the first 12 days, but getting protein in my system and water and alllllll those vitiams is like pulling teeth. I know that surgery for me was a true blessing. I fought my insurance company for 2 years to have surgery, but was denied over and over and over again. I was fortunate to be put on my partner's insurance and was approved for surgery in 2 days. I just hate the smell of protien it taste like liquid steak to me, i just can't stomach it. I see my nutrisionist tommorrow I am soo embrassed to talk to her because I know I haven't been doing what I am suppose to. Sometimes I forget to chew and food gets stuck which hurt in my chest, which then scares my whole family. I just really need some help with this. Especially the protein. Thank you for listening
Darlene X
on 4/12/06 12:56 am - Maricopa, AZ
Hi there, and welcome! I can relate 100%, I can't stomach ANY protein drinks Ive tried, and believe me Ive tried a ton of them!!! I tried protein bars *gag*... and yeah the vitamins is hard for me too... DONT feel embaressed about being honest with your Nut, that is what they are there for!!! So many people struggle with the same things, if anything she will be able to help you! Be 100% honest when you see her. I haven't had the stuck food issue yet--- I would just suggest slowing down... it's not a race anymore to get in as much as possible. Eating fast was a thing for the former you. take it slow, make sure it's chewed really well before swallowing. Ive heard people suggesting you keep Papaya Enzyme on hand, and GNC also sells like a general enzyme you can take if things get stuck--- it helps break the food down faster. I'll let you know if I ever find a protein that works hahaha--- from my support group it seems around 3 months out they taste much better--- right now, our taste buds and sense of smell are all out of whack Darlene 338/301/170
on 4/12/06 1:07 am - cookeville, TN
WELCOME SWEETY!!! This board is a blessing.... and LOADs of help!!
on 4/12/06 2:18 am - CT
Welcome Sweety! I just discovered this board about a wk ago. I have found more support here than ANY support group I have attended.i'm 5 1/2 wks out and at 4 wks I couldn't tolerate protein water or anything! And then 1 day it passed. I actually spoke to my MD who said not to get too hung up on the protein. Good Luck, Toni
on 4/12/06 3:00 am - Inland Empire, CA
Hi Sherri, Welcome and good for you for fighting to have this done and not giving up! WTG. I hope you find a "system" that works for you. I had a hard time with protein too, it took about 3 weeks before I could get all my protein in. I found Champion shakes have the highest protein per serving, so I start every morning with one of those and it gets in about 40gm, so I can get the additional 20gms I need from the food I eat for the rest of the day and if I feel up to it, I add another smaller shake at the end of the day. Just keep trying till you find something that works for you. A lot of the websites have sampler packages that are helpful. Welcome to the board and continued success to you! Rebeka
on 4/12/06 3:15 am - Fort Bragg, NC
Man onh man do i hear yeah I could not stomach protein either...but this is what I have found works for me...skim milk 80z gives 8 gm...add either unflavored protein(21gm), or poweder milk(8gm) and carnation instant breakfast 8gms....it's a bit high in calories...but in 8 0z of milk you'll get at least 20gm of protein or as much as 33. Also I take the milk and unflavored protein and milk it in a blender with som fruit...for a 29gm shake. I don't know if this will help...but it has been my life saver. OH by the way congrats!!! and 20 in 12 woo hooo!!!
Nadine O.
on 4/12/06 4:15 am - Baltimore, MD
Welcome This is a great board . I bought a large container of vanilla flavored protein powder from Sams Club. I've only used about 2 scoops. When I made the smoothies they were 2 thick. I got one from the mall and I noticed the guy did'nt use any milk. I used soy milk when I made mine. I'm gonna try it without the soy milk to see if it makes a difference. Nadine O
on 4/12/06 5:14 am - Pittsburgh, PA
Hi Sherry, welcome to the group! Glad you joined in. We love all the shared info and comparisons. It's great to have people going through the same thing at the same time! Hope to see you here often.
Stephanie Smiles
on 4/12/06 6:42 am - My Town, NH
Hi Sherry. Welcome to the MARCHers! Protein is the bane of my existence as well. The smell is enough to make me so I drink mine with a straw so I don't have to smell it! I use Syntrax Nectar Fuzzy Navel mixed with Crystal Light Orange Sunrise. It's the only thing I can tolerate. Congratulations on your perserverence! Your nutritionist will be able to give you more ideas and hopefully the MARCHers can be of some help too. All the best, Stephanie
on 4/12/06 8:05 am - Covington, LA
Hi Sherry--Welcome to March. I know I hate the drinks too and thought I could get enough from food but am not quiet getting enough so back on one drink a day. Good luck to you Be strong and positive--bj
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