TMI Beware--- The BIG "C"

Darlene X
on 4/8/06 2:13 pm - Maricopa, AZ
Ok the following is way too much read at your own risk.... ------------------------------------------------ The BIG "C"-- Can we say CONSTIPATION?????? Anyone else having issues??? I have been fine up until now, I moved to pureeds/soft foods and BAM... tonight I was in the bathroom 45 minutes in some of the worst pain of my life. They talked in detail about constipation my last support group, the lots of protein we take in causes it.... but boy I really didnt think I would have an issue. OMG it hurt soooo bad, and for way too much TMI it made me bleed. I'd rather not take products, Id rather find some foods to help and keep it more natural. So anyone having issues? What do you do? Im gonna have my banana tomorrow, I sure hope the fiber in that helps.
Sandra S.
on 4/8/06 3:37 pm - Mountain Home, ID
Hi Darlene; I also had this problem; you would think with all the fluids we have to drink it wouldn't be a problem, but it is. My nutritionist suggested Benefiber if I had constipation problems. It's a little expensive, but it sure is worth it because it dissolves COMPLETELY in a glass of water and hardly has any aftertaste to speak of. You can also mix it in juice or your coffee or tea or sprinkle it in your foods, anything! Good luck! Sandra
on 4/8/06 11:11 pm - cookeville, TN
me too--- butt((HAHAH PUN INTENDED!) it's better now... my NUT.. said it was OK.. to drink prune juice(diluted) and that I could make this part ofm y nightly or morning routine....... I dont mind tha flavor.............. so... it works for me.
on 4/9/06 3:25 am - Inland Empire, CA
Hi Darlene, I'm so sorry I totally feel for you! Prior to surgery when I was low carbing this happened to me and I thought I was going to have to go to the hospital it was so bad! I've been eating refried beans lately (with a little Cholula hot sauce-yum!) and the fiber in that has helped me. Be careful with Bananas, I know with my baby they've told me to avoid them when she's constipated. I agree with Prune juice, you could also try finding some Pear juice, that works well also. I'm not opposed to downing some Milk of Magnesia every now and then b/c I now live in fear of a repeat episode! HTH GL!
on 4/9/06 5:49 am - Ft Stewart, GA
Hey girl I am with you!!!! that HURTS!! and for my own TMI I was so sore I could not use a tampon the next few days - ok here is my solution and it may wig your nut out so CHEW very very well. I eat 1/2 an ounce of almonds every single day - buy a bag in the baking section and use an 1/8 of a cup mesure and put them into snack bags - toss in purse - when driving eat one almond in about 4 bites chewing very very very well - till totally mush. eat them one at the time and it takes me literally most of the day but NO MORE OUCHIE BUNS (or other parts in the area either ) I also eat beans as often as I can - HIGH FIBER is the answer if you want to stay away from pills - just an FYI if you can tolorate the almonds they have few calories, more protien and more fiber than the beans :hugs: and hope it gets better ASAP Danni
on 4/9/06 6:01 am - Littlerock, CA
I had the same problem when on Atkins also. Since I have started eating the "soft" foods I am already noticing a difference, so I will probably be taking the advise I'm about to offer myself later today or perhaps tomorrow if things don't get "moving". I found this out by accident about a month before having my WLS, I felt like I might be coming down with a cold or the flu so I took "Emergen-C" a very high potency Vitamin C and mineral supplement. You just add a packet to water, hot or cold your choice. It will fizz for a minute or two, but just leave it for that amount of time and it will go completely flat. I like the raspberry flavor but there are about 4 - 5 others as well. I like this because unlike the chewable vitamin C it doesn't give me alot of gas but it does do the trick of unconstipating (is that a word?) me. Ingrid
Joanna C.
on 4/9/06 8:42 am - Miami, FL
Hi Darlene, I've suffered from constipation all my life. Post op it's been quite a challenge. The Taco Bell Pintos and Cheese work great for me, but I'm gettig tired of them already! I take MOM if I haven't gone to the bathroom in 3 days (the full dose with lots of water - like 20 ounces in 10 minutes or less) and I will gently clean out in about 2-4 hours. I also purchased Benefiber recently and it's too soon to tell if it will work for me. I add two tablespoons to my protein shake in the AM and then find the opportunity to add another tablespoon to crystal light or a cold coffee/milk drink that I make with skim milk and General Foods International Coffees S/F French Vanilla or S/F Swiss Mocha. It's totally tasteless and it blends completely. I don't think it disolves in hot drinks, though. It looks like it clumps with anything hot. I'm feeling much better since incorporating all three defenses. Good luck. BTW - my surgeon stated that I am not supposed to strain because it can cause a hernia at any of the incision sites or at the surgical sites and that would be very bad. Please be careful.
on 4/9/06 10:18 am - Brighton, MI
I've been doing ok - just a little "c" for me. Benefiber works great - I put it in my coffee in the am and it dissolves completely. I did notice that when I drank more water, it wasn't a problem so am trying to get back up to the 64 oz a day! My NP also suggests prune jiuce diluted and I've grabbed a couple of baby food prunes. Good luck
on 4/9/06 3:31 pm - CA
I am so glad someone brought this up. It has been almost 6 days and I am miserable. I was doing bananas with my shakes and the nutrionist told me that because of the glycemic index they would slow weight loss and they could contribute to constipation. I am going to try the benefiber. This board is awesome. Thanks
on 4/10/06 12:52 pm - CA
Hi Denise, Where in California? I have an online journal if you interested, it is listed in my profile. When you go to my online journal there is a link to my progress pictures and pictures before surgery, preop, after surgery and coming home. I will only update my "difference" pics monthly. I think a lot of people have fears, I was ready to leave the pre-op room and my husband said, "What will you feel like in the morning if you do?" The hair, I got invisible extensions put in and even if I lose my hair it will still be there!! Today was my first day back at work and people were tripping over the changes! My confidence hasn't been high for almost 2 years...I LOOOOVE IT!!!
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