What's your motivation.

on 4/8/06 12:47 pm - Baldwin, WI
Hello Everyone! I know different situations and choices have somehow brought us all to the same place. We have all had a WLS. Many people that have never been here would say this is the "easy way out". We all know that isn't the case. Sometimes it's all we can do to keep going. Having said that, I just wanted to ask everyone what their motivation is. Is it health, family, cosmetic, material, all of the above or none? For me, well. I'm one of those overweight people that doesn't have any OTHER health problems. Everything has always been within the normal range. I have a very mild case of sleep apnea but they took me off the CPAP before I even came home from the hospital. However, EVERYONE in my family has heart disease or diabetes. I'm surprised I managed to slip through. I've 2 small children that currently run circles around me. I'm still fairly active but I can't keep up. In short, my motivation is to live beyond 60 (so far, my mother is the only one in my family to make this goal. she's 60 now) and keep up with my children. But of course, there is my selfish motivation too. My husband and I had this house built almost 3 years ago. I had to do a lot of begging to get the master suite bathroom the way I wanted it. Complete with whirlpool tub. Unfortunately, I can't use the tub because if I put enough water in it to activate the jets, the tub will overflow when I get in it. Talk about pathetic. So, my goal is to come home from a hard day and climb in my tub without having to mop after. I think that's resonable enough. MsKeara
on 4/8/06 1:26 pm - Littlerock, CA
My motivations is my health, stamina and longevity. Until a little under a year ago my blood pressure was fine, but suddenly it started going up, then skyrocketed. Just since WLS it has already come down, I expect to be off BP meds soon. Diabetes also runs in my family for three generations on my mothers side now, so I am happy to have had my surgery before this inevitably happened to me. The stamina I need for my Grandchildren, I want to chase them around and run with them, not jus****ch! They're such a joy and I want to be a part of that, my weight was really holding me back and I'm looking forward to being able to move even better than I already am. While my family does tend to be long lived 90+ on average, I have watched my loved ones suffer from various debilitating issues due to weight and it's comorbidities, I'm hoping to use this tool to make my later years a little healthier and happier. And of course there is the benefit of feeling and looker better and having my self-esteem creep back up to normal again. There are definitely things I want to do but have allowed my weight to hold me back. Ingrid
on 4/8/06 1:59 pm - Inland Empire, CA
Hi, I like you, had no other serious health problems. I have some minor joint pain and when I hit my highest I was starting to get sleep apnea, but other than that I had remained relatively active. My motivation came from the fact that in the last 7 years my weight has only gone up, up, up! Each diet I went on left me fatter and fatter to the point where I mentally couldn't do it anymore. I knew realistically that the odds were that my weight would keep going up vs down and I had to take steps to try and make permanent positive changes. I was thin my whole life until I hit my late 20's and since then I've felt like I was living someone else's life, and it was only half a life. My motivation was to feel like ME again. I also have a daughter and like most of us I'm sure, she was a huge motivation for me. I want to be able to set a healthy example for her and I can't do that if I don't have control of my eating habits. I want her to grow up free of food and weight issues. And I want to be able to mother her and watch her grow without being hindered by my weight. And looking hot again isn't a bad perk either!
on 4/9/06 6:06 am - Ft Stewart, GA
I had a lot of modivators - I usally tell people I could do a lot of what I wanted with my guys (hubby and boys) but I wanted to keep beign able to - but a more in depth answer is that I wanted to look "normal" I did not want to be the biggest person in a room, at the park, at the pack meeting, at the whatever - I wanted my dh and boys to be proud of me!! I wanted to be able to buy cute sexy clothes that I liked that were fashionable and modest but looked GOOD!! I was doing 45 mins a day on my elipitcal and not losing wieght - now I am doing 30 plus curves a few times a week and shedding it. people are starting to notice that I am shrinking - thin woman are shocked to hear 43 pounds - they look like NO WAY - but to me that is who hoo we are almost 1/4 of the way down LOL my husband is military and when we get out we want to homestead - there is no way in 10 years at my current/past wieght I could ever ever keep up with the life style I want to live and enjoy my medical health has started in the last 2 yrs to go down hill and now it is better already and I want to BE A HEALTHY HAPPY PERSON - I have always been an upbeat happy person but I want to be a healthy one hope this makes sence - I typed it from my heart Danni 372/329/170goal
Stephanie Smiles
on 4/9/06 6:51 am - My Town, NH
My motivation is tied to my desire to live life more fully. There are so many things I could not do at my pre-op weight. I, too, did not have any comorbidities but I was on the "cusp" of several. My blood pressure was on the verge of being consistently high. I was borderline diabetic and my weight was only going up. I decided that at 35, it was time to do something and get control of my eating. I want to learn to play golf with my husband. I want to be able to advance in my career without my size holding me back. I want to spend more time outside and be more active. I just want to be a better me. I like myself, but I know I can be better. I've always felt like I could be more active if I just lost 100 pounds. From there, I could create a different lifestyle for myself. I've tried every diet in the world and felt that the 100 pound weight loss would never be a possiblity. One thing WLS did for me was give me hope. I don't expect to ever be a tiny woman. It's not in my genes. But I would like to be comfortable in my skin and able to live life to the fullest! Great question! Thanks for posting. - Stephanie
on 4/9/06 7:59 am - cookeville, TN
Top motivator====better health and longer life. I had been diagonosed with HI BP-- this past year....too- people all around me would tell me... "you dont have to do something so drastic".... your're not that heavy.....etc well........... I DID this for me.......... and of course for my family( so I could be around a lot longer) We have 6 kids... ranging from ages 20 down to 3.------- I want to lead a healthy...productive life.... and I want to live life to the fullest................ I want to feel better aboutmyself...toooooooooooo!
Darlene X
on 4/9/06 11:06 am - Maricopa, AZ
My motivation. I want a baby. I have PCOS and we have been trying 5 years, all those stupid fertility drugs etc.... I know losing the weight will help immensly. I know when I lose the weight I will be able to get pregnant.
on 4/18/06 12:21 am - Austin, TX
Same here I want a baby!! I went thru 5 years of infertility and we have adopted three wonderful kids ages (6, 5, 2) but I still want one more to complete our family!!!!!!!!!!
Shana M.
on 4/11/06 8:09 am - KY
I have PCOS too. Along with the infertility and insulin resistance that comes with it. My problem was when the Dr. told me that they needed to regulate my insulin with meds to keep me from gaining weight, but they couldn't get the meds to regulate the insulin because of my weight. The last straw was when I gained almost 20 pounds in a week and a hlaf because my insulin peeked even while on the meds! The hope is drop it fast and then when my weight is more regular I will be able to keep it regulated with meds. I too tried for years with fertility. We adopted my son from Russia September 2004. He will be 3 in June and I couldn't be happier. I take BC because we do not want to have any more children. He is my life. I wish you luck and hope you get the family you so desire. I know how it feels to have that vacancy and hope this brings you luck. SLM
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