Favorite thing to eat right now?
This is a great thread! Thanks Stephanie for posting it.
I just finished with the pureed foods stage yesterday and today is my first day of "real" food, limited of course, and cut into tiny bites and chewed thoroughly. When I was on pureed food, tuna fish was by far my favorite. I also enjoyed sugar-free applesauce a lot. My first meal on the new phase of my diet was a Lean Cuisine Turkey Medallions and Mashed Potatoes dinner which I ate about a third of and loved it. I sure I'll get a little more creative over the next few days. And this thread has got me excited about eating good things - both tasty and good for me.
Cheryl, I'm starting my "real" food today! I'm not sure it will be much different than my "soft" food stages. I've eaten pretty much everything I wanted to try. Last night I made meatballs and marinara sauce. My husband enjoyed the pasta and I LOVED the meatballs. The sauce had quite a bit of sugar per serving which concerned me, but one serving was 1/2 cup and contained 10 grams of sugar. I think I was okay since I didn't even have 1/4 cup. I really only consumed the sauce that coated the meatballs. Regardless, they tasted soooo good.
Keep sharing those ideas for "good things that are good for us"!
- Stephanie

Well, I was just moved to pureed/blended foods today. So tonight, I went shopping for tuna, chicken, salmon, eggs, cottage cheese, some canned veggies and other stuff on my list of foods I can have. I was kinda scared to start eating...afraid of what my pouchie would think. So I had cottage cheese and tomato sauce for dinner...kind of like lasagna...or so I thought. It was gross. Definately not for me. Of course, I didn't like the cottage cheese by itself either. Before when I'd eat it, it was usually with a salad that had French dressing on it, so I always ate cottage cheese with french dressing. I wish I could find a sugar free low fat french dressing...Then I'd be in heaven. I think tomorrow I'm gonna try scrambled eggs with some cheese. Maybe that'll be harmless!
Hi Kim. I'm not a huge cottage cheese fan either. But I do like it in lasagna and also in jello. Maybe adding some ground beef or turkey would help the taste of the "lasagna"? I love scrambled eggs with cheese! If I had time every morning, I'd eat an egg with cheese for breakfast. Unfortunately, I can only do that on weekends.
Best of luck with your new food stage!